Sunday, 1 November 2009

Britain's Lord Monckton Warns Glenn Beck about Dangers of Climate Change Treaty - Video 10/30/09

Here is video from Glenn Beck's show today where he focused on the bizarre plans by President Obama to sign onto the Climate Change Treaty in Copenhagen at a world conference to be held December 7-18. Beck had former U.S. Ambassador John Bolton and Britain's Lord Monckton, a Climate Change expert, and a former adviser to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

Monckton warns that signing the treaty will begin the process of giving up U.S. Sovereignty to a world body that will have the power to impact U.S. financial markets and the greater U.S. Economy. He said it currently contains the power for the body to levy a 2% tax on nations and to impose penalties for C02 emissions.

Bolton thinks the treaty is dangerous, but is not prepared to go as far as Monckton yet. But he said it does have the potential to do great damage. Even if Obama signs it, it would require a two-thirds vote of the U.S. Senate to ratify the treaty and make us bound to the terms. Fascinating discussion.





More as it becomes available . . .