Thursday, 26 November 2009
I give below the comments on the Home page of this blog on the ‘ClimateGate” scandal in the last day and a half. The comment section on this page is where readers are asked to “Please use this thread to highlight other interesting news and commentary”
I think it a scandal that the media generally has decided that it is impolitic (ie their proprietors wouldn’t like it) that they should dwell on the underhand, lis and twisted figures and evasions that determine the country’s attitude to what is now clearly the Great Global Warming Scandal. These bogus figures are going to cost us billions and billions of pounds, which - may I remind you - we haven’t gpot.
I want this influential blog to defy its masters and give the story but it looks like I am going to need some help. If you agree with my last posting below could you please ask for a full subject posting on the subject so that it be aired and commented on by other readers.
The link is
nb - These are all the comments so far - NOBODY has - unusually - disagreed with me but there’s been silence - equally unusually - from the editors.
Extracts from COMMENTS ON
christina Speight said...
The media generally had a field day yesterday (but generally hid it on p94) on a subject that this blog has completely ignored - namely the absolute proof that all the figures underpinning the fake 'science' of man-made global warming have been deliberately fiddled, manipulated and invented and how a certain professor Jones of East Anglia University has been the central figure in this.
At last the Great Global Warming Scam is proved to be based on cooking the books, fiddling their figures . And npw they are protesting at the fact it’s got out - “Methinks they do protest too much”
Even the Guardian’s pet “warmist” is rattled - -
“It's no use pretending this isn't a major blow. The emails extracted by a hacker from the climatic research unit at the University of East Anglia could scarcely be more damaging. I am now convinced that they are genuine, and I'm dismayed and deeply shaken by them. Yes, the messages were obtained illegally. Yes, all of us say things in emails that would be excruciating if made public. Yes, some of the comments have been taken out of context. But there are some messages that require no spin to make them look bad. There appears to be evidence here of attempts to prevent scientific data from being released, and even to destroy material that was subject to a freedom of information request. Worse still, some of the emails suggest efforts to prevent the publication of work by climate sceptics, or to keep it out of a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. I believe that the head of the unit, Phil Jones, should now resign. Some of the data discussed in the emails should be re-analysed.
--George Monbiot, The Guardian, 24 November 2009
That’s astonishing.
And it's not a storm in a teacup even the Wall St Journal (24/11) is incandescent with rage!
I nearly missed it myself. It's interesting this - NEITHER of my 'trigger' sites (Politics Home and Conservative Home) which usually warn me of stories of political overtones picked this up. It seems that there's too much of political networking and money involved in the whole business to derail this bandwagon. . How's that for a conspiracy of silence ?
I don't suppose the totally bogus science now proven will stop the party's leaders from their gadarene rush to hug a few more wind farms costing us billions.
25 November 2009 at 10:20
bill said in reply to christina Speight...
Despite its many virtues, this site IMO too often appears to avoid / underplay / delay coverage of things which seem of elemental importance to traditional as oppose to timid Tories.
25 November 2009 at 11:31
SuperBlue said in reply to christina Speight...
We still haven't had a thread about the Angus Reid poll yet, which is equally surprising and remiss.
25 November 2009 at 12:03
Ken Stevens said in reply to christina Speight...
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something if his salary depends on his not understanding it"
--- Upton Sinclair
... in this instance the salaries paid by the University of East Anglia ?
25 November 2009 at 12:41
christina Speight said...
Yesterday I put here a plea for Conservative Home to give space to a highly topical and contentious subject which has now become known as ClimateGate after the disclosures that the data which underlies all predictions and claims has been fiddled, cooked and falsified. It has been featured in the Mail , on Newsnight, Channel 4, and Wall St Journal in a big way. It has been tucked away in other papers and given no editorial treatment. All of this emanating from 15,000 e-mails leaked from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at East Anglia University.
The story includes the 'nobbling' of the press and I hope this does not include this blog too.
Billions are to be spent on this falsified science so its relevance is extreme when the fiscal squeeze hits us. We can't afford waste of this scale.
Could we know why it is being ignored pleased?
26 November 2009 at 10:27
SuperBlue said in reply to christina Speight...
We need a thread on the Myth of Global Warming - and on the Angus Reid poll.
26 November 2009 at 11:46
Marion said in reply to christina Speight...
I've never before commented on this board before but frequently read it and am in complete agreement with Christina - the CRU scandal is HUGE and totally undermines the AGW claims. The 'science' has been found to be fatally flawed with temperatures manipulated to give the desired 'hockey stick' result - this has serious implications for Copenhagen and the Conservative Party should be clamouring to have a totaly independent investigation BEFORE the Copenhagen conference. There is far too much at stake for millions of British taxpayers to let this matter rest. The silence is deafening.
Claims from Phil Jones at the centre of the scandal that other temperature data sets are totally independent and give very similar results have been extremely misleading - read the attached from a scientist who resigned in disgust at the political manipulation in the IPCC.
The Conservative Party needs to address this issue as a matter of URGENCY or lose all credibility.
26 November 2009 at 11:57
Patsy Sergeant said in reply to Marion...
And can all this go hand-in-hand with a resolution to DISCONTINUE the campaign to cover England with wind turbines (before it is too late!). This campaign was well-lobbyied, probably splashing out lots of dosh, but it is well-known (statistically) that they just do NOT produce the amount of power to justify their intrusion on the landscape!
26 November 2009 at 13:22
Dave B said...
The Register has a short interview with Nigel Lawson.
26 November 2009 at 11:52
Dontmakemelaugh:Pop70million&Rising said...
I agree with Christina, above: there is a cover-up on investigating the activities of the CRU, which, should be paramount.
In the meantime boys and girls the politicians, Dave, Tim Yeo and Brown, will be taxing you for a discredited science. You will be supporting the likes of Al Gore (recently said to have acquired a new property, but guess where – right by the sea) and grants for scientists that manipulate.
But be of good cheer because this
is guaranteed to make you laugh. It is a lovely musical tribute to Dr Mann of hockey stick fame. It is called ‘Hide the decline and I reproduce courtesy of City
Enjoy. I hope it is featured in C/Home video section - I don’t suppose it will. Down at the ‘Newt PH they are loving it. It should be top of the pops for Christmas.
But now for the serious stuff: hands up all of you, including Dave and Brown that have read the Copenhagen Global Warming Treaty? I thought so – nobody. Whoops!
Ken Clarke has got his hand up. He must have though I asked who had not read it.
It is of 180 pages long - I was able to read some of it before my eyes glazed over.
Lord Monckton former adviser to Maggie, scientist, scam debunker and scourge of AGW (Al Gore Wind), whom he calls a liar, has read all of it (poor sod): he must be congratulated on his stamina. This is what he says about it in his latest video (two hours long) in his public address in Minnesota (not word for word). He states that it has the ring of an imposed world communist government for the redistribution of wealth – your money and taxes - to third world countries (Brown and the EU favour redistribution); we will lose much of our freedom and be under more control; an economic disaster. He warns the American public of letting Obama sign the treaty.
Having read some it I agree with the assessment of Lord Monckton. He describes the warmist doom mongers as akin to a set of traffic lights: Green, Yellow then all Red (Red Toryism ring a bell?)
Yesterday, the EUReferendum blog quoted that a NZ scientist showed how the temperature of NZ had risen in the shape of the dreaded hockey stick in recent years – guess where he formulated his science – yep! The good ole CRU. Meanwhile back in NZ scientists did there own investigation and found that the temperatures, apart from yearly fluctuations, had remained constant for 100 years – but guess who the NZ Government choose to believe.
It will be the scandal of scandals if the CRU is not investigated by proper scientists.
More later. The Copenhagen treaty document
26 November 2009 at 11:56
Derek Buxton said...
"Judgement from Cameron", apart from leadership judgement is just one of the things he lacks. But then, never having had a proper job where judgement was required how would he? When, in private industry good judgement is the difference between success and failure.
So when are the AGW lies to be exposed and where is his judgement in this matter, billions of pounds are at stake based on fraud. We have not got pennies, never mind billions of pounds. Realism please.
26 November 2009 at 12:42
christina Speight said...
It was yesterday that I belatedly raised the subject of ClimateGate and the totally discredited CRU in the University of East Anglia.
Not a peep in response from our editors despite considerable backing here.
Please Tim or Jonathan do not leave this unanswered or we'll have to assume that you and the party are all part of the conspiracy to hush it up.
26 November 2009 at 13:23
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Britannia Radio