It is not to be believed - less than 70 years after Hitler perpetrated his Final Solution on the harassed and humiliated Jewish people - that the world today is prepared to accept another holocaust of these same people, this time governed not by the Nazi spirit and all its brazen anti-Semitism, but by the fanatical ISLAMIC spirit with its sworn and perpetual anti-Zionist hatred. And the free Western world, as in former days like Chamberlain in Munich, is seeking to to talk with the brutal leaders and dictators who, like Hitler in 'Mein Kampf,' make no secret of their avowed aim: to do away with what is left of this nation: Israel. Just how serious the situation is was highlighted by The Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick: The Palestinians and the Iranians have formidable diplomatic resources at their disposal. Both the Palestinians and Iran can expect to receive the support of automatic majorities at the UN for everything they do. And today most international diplomacy is conducted under the aegis of the UN or its affiliated bodies. Understanding their strength, the Palestinians and the Iranians use the UN and its affiliated organs to advance their most important goals. In the Palestinians' case, UN-based diplomacy is used to delegitimize Israel. In the Iranian case, UN-based diplomacy is used to facilitate the mullocracy's acquisition of nuclear weapons. Over the past week, both the Palestinians and the Iranians enjoyed strategic victories in their diplomatic campaigns. Under the Obama administration, the US is charting a diplomatic course that places it directly in the anti-Israel camp. Indeed, while the US voted against the UNHRC's resolution against Israel last week, it made no significant effort to convince other countries to follow suit and had no problem with Britain's and France's decision not to cast a vote despite the dangerous precedent the Goldstone Report and the UNHRC's resolution set for US forces fighting terrorist foes in Iraq, Afghanistan and throughout the world. Worse still, the US has refused to announce whether it will use its Security Council veto to block a referral of Israel's military and political leaders to the International Criminal Court. (Caroline B. Glick, Waging diplomatic war, October 23, 2009) We see tiny Israel - with a population half the size of a world city like Tokyo or New York - surrounded by fierce enmity on all sides: The Hizbollah in the north, fully rearmed with even more dangerous weapons than before; Syria with its deadly dangerous VX gas-tipped Scud missiles along the north-eastern border; Jordan, a weak link - always ready to pressure Israel in order to be seen as faithful to the ISLAMIC camp; behind Jordan and Syria Iran, which will soon pose a nuclear threat to Israel; to the south, Hamas in Gaza, a vassal terrorist state armed by Ahmadinejad. In the second circle: Europe, Russia and China, always willing to pressure or criticize Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East. And now Obama, the first U.S. president who seems more interested in mending America's relationship with the world of ISLAM than in staying faithful to the United States' long term commitment to the real security and destiny of Israel. There Israel stands - alone among the nations of today. Who will come to her help? Yes, the Almighty God is on Israel's side. But even God, during the long walk of His own people here on earth, has used and required channels, His servants - Moses, Joshua, Caleb, Gideon, Mordecai, Esther, the patriarchs, the prophets and His faithful ones among the Gentiles - to fulfill His Word and Destiny for them. Will you become one of those channels to comfort, stand by and help this deeply forsaken, maligned and mortally endangered people and nation? Will you come to the fore and, like a soldier, take your place armed with those weapons that the Lord, in His wisdom and strength, has provided for this task. As David says: "Blessed be the Lord my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle." (Psalm 144:1) Please stand with us as we stand with Israel. Use the promotional DVD about the ICZC, and any other means to rally your friends and fellow believers. Keep us informed about your progress, and where you need our help. May God really bless you as He promises, again and again, that those who pray and work for the good of His people will find favor in their own lives from our heavenly Father. So be blessed! Repeatedly, then, concerned compassionate Christians ask what they can do for an Israel that stands so alone. This is precisely why the ICZC exists and wants to be a channel - also in the future as a multipurpose center - to locate and train Christians all over the world into becoming a fighting force for this beleaguered people. Here, therefore again, is a description of this vision: International Christian Zionist Center About us We at the International Christian Zionist Center believe that the day will come when, to their own detriment and judgment, all nations will finally turn against the small nation of Israel that has been gathered back in its own land after centuries of dispersion. This the Bible clearly foresees. When this happens - according to the same Bible - there will be a movement among the nations as, ignited by God's Holy Spirit, a deep love for the Jewish people will grow in the hearts of many Gentile believers. Indeed, this - it is already happening. Like the Moabite Gentile, Ruth, these Christians will be gripped by the desire to tie their future destiny to that of the people of Israel, whatever the cost. They will say from the heart: "Your God, O Israel, is our God, and your people will from henceforth be our people." (See Ruth 1:16) As Zechariah foresees, this will be a worldwide movement, incorporating true Gentile believers from every nation who want to cast their lot with the people of Israel: In those days, ten men from every language of the nations shall grasp the sleeve of a Jewish man, saying "Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you." (Zech 8:23) It would appear, from the reading of this verse, that the ratio of this phenomenon will be ten to one, so that in the end, when all nations have forsaken or turned against Israel, ten times as many Gentile friends as there are Jews in Israel will come to her aid. This would then be anywhere between 60 and 100 million believers, if we are to anticipate the steady growth of Israel's population in these coming years. It is these Gentile believers who will need to take the place of what today are the last few Israel-supporting nations, which are even now finally succumbing to the pressures of the world not to side for what is good for Israel. And these believers need to be instructed and trained to be, not just intercessors for Israel, but people who - as described in the verses above - will go all the way with Israel, in deed and in truth. The prophet Daniel announced that there will be a time when those who know their God will be strong and do mighty exploits in His name. Our vision is that, by acting in Israel as a mother center, or facilitating agency, we can help equip and position this Gentile believers' movement to effectively strengthen Israel. When the last nation finally succumbs to the global pressure we, with God's help, will need to step into the enormous gap that will face Israel, and in loving care and support literally take the Jewish nation on our shoulders as prophesied in Isaiah 60:1-12 To accomplish this, we propose to build a multi-facetted center that will serve to meet the needs of the worldwide Christian community wishing to fully identify with the people of Israel in these last days. The Center will incorporate the following facilities: 1. The hosting of an Ezekiel Temple model - by way of being instrumental in 'the Restitution of all things.' 2. An auditorium and prayer rooms - as meeting places for worship, praise, teaching and prayer. 3. A trade center and showroom of Israeli products - providing the opportunity to support Israel economically through investments and in the importing of Israeli products. 4. A media department - providing faithful and honest reporting. 5. A Feast of Tabernacles department. 6. An exhibition hall - documenting the course of Jewish history from Abraham through Israel's glorious future as it is set to unfold in the coming days. 7. A prophetic and strategic forum - that will look out for Israel's best interests. 8. The ICZC Offices and Residential Quarters - For the administration of the vision. 9. An international restaurant - Where we will meet to taste some of the nations' favourite dishes. For those able to grasp this vision and run with it, make your donations in transfers to the ICZC's Israel bank account, or mail checks made out to "International Christian Zionist Center" to: Address: ICZC P.O. Box 49063 91490 Jerusalem, ISRAEL Telephone: +972.(0)2. 997 8808 Fax: +972 (0)2 997 1659 Email Address: Web-site: Israel Bank: ICZC-USA Account No 409-086193 at the First International Bank, 10 Hillel Street, Branch 012, Jerusalem 94581, Israel Swift code (= BIC): FIRBILIT XXX IBAN Number: IL71 0310 1200 0000 0086 193 Tax deductible contributions in the USA can be made by sending checks made out to the "International Christian Zionist Center" to ICZC-USA, PO Box 680787, Franklin, TN 37068, USA. In closing I would ask that you use Emanuel Nahum's powerful new DVD about this center that is now available as a wonderful tool to make people part of this project. If you do not yet have a copy -e-mail us for one you can use to stir your family and friends. |
To support this work, please make your checks payable to the International Christian Zionist Center - USA and mail them to our address below, or you can make a cash transfer to the ICZC-USA bank account in Israel: |