A great deal of legislation and the removal of our freedoms have come about, because we are told we are at war with TERRORISM, yet you know whether we have a warning or not, dead is dead with or without a warning. We look at all those killed by the IRA, yet those that ran that organization have been welcomed into 10 Downing Street the one place the IRA tried to blow up. They even tried to kill Her Majesty's Government, that may well have been treason. Our way of life, our very "Britishness" has been destroyed -for now- by our own Politicians, eagerly and willingly, but not with the consent of the people, but actually going against the known wishes of the people. This is why the EU will fail at least, in this Country. We won a full scale war with just one Parliament in the 1940's all be it with the help of one mighty friend-yet America did not Govern us even if they had wanted to, and if they did, there was a real politician in power then that actually wanted to govern what was a Country well worth fighting for. Now take a real long look at what you lot have done to it. It took us years to pay off that financial debt to America, but how long is it going to take to pay off the debt we are in at the moment, and that is without all the debt this Country owes in PPP/PFI.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
its too late its too late..... 37 years actually.
Come the next general election
I have always in the past, foolishly voted for the Conservatives. Why? Because I believed the promises until we all saw what you were all 'in parliament' for. THE MONEY. It took ages for us all to understand that ALL THREE MAJOR POLITICAL PARTIES WANTED TO REMAIN IN THE EUROPEAN UNION. You see Mr Cameron, we did not realize that you all wanted paying for a job you could no longer do. It is strictly contrary to our own Constitution to allow foreigners to govern this Country. While ordinary people were not only losing their jobs, they were losing their homes too and all the time most MP's were "taking advantage" of the vast expenses they were able to claim, and particularly sickening was what we have come to learn as, "House flipping".
Just how much longer Mr CAMERON do you expect the people to continue paying their taxes to a British Government that cannot govern? For a full 'compliment' in the two Houses of Parliament and all 12 EU Regions as well as the Billions paid out as contributions to the European Union the vast majority of people in this country do not want to remain in? The extra money the EU costs us on most of the legislation it brings in? We simply cannot afford to continue paying over this money. Add up all the extra costs for these regions, The Scottish Parliament building and all the staff employed there plus the day to day running costs The People in Government there and then add on the Welsh Assembly, London, Northern Ireland Parliament and then the other eight REGIONS, plus of course the new Supreme Court. Can we afford to keep paying all that money? The short answer is "NO"..
A great deal of legislation and the removal of our freedoms have come about, because we are told we are at war with TERRORISM, yet you know whether we have a warning or not, dead is dead with or without a warning. We look at all those killed by the IRA, yet those that ran that organization have been welcomed into 10 Downing Street the one place the IRA tried to blow up. They even tried to kill Her Majesty's Government, that may well have been treason. Our way of life, our very "Britishness" has been destroyed -for now- by our own Politicians, eagerly and willingly, but not with the consent of the people, but actually going against the known wishes of the people. This is why the EU will fail at least, in this Country. We won a full scale war with just one Parliament in the 1940's all be it with the help of one mighty friend-yet America did not Govern us even if they had wanted to, and if they did, there was a real politician in power then that actually wanted to govern what was a Country well worth fighting for. Now take a real long look at what you lot have done to it. It took us years to pay off that financial debt to America, but how long is it going to take to pay off the debt we are in at the moment, and that is without all the debt this Country owes in PPP/PFI.
A great deal of legislation and the removal of our freedoms have come about, because we are told we are at war with TERRORISM, yet you know whether we have a warning or not, dead is dead with or without a warning. We look at all those killed by the IRA, yet those that ran that organization have been welcomed into 10 Downing Street the one place the IRA tried to blow up. They even tried to kill Her Majesty's Government, that may well have been treason. Our way of life, our very "Britishness" has been destroyed -for now- by our own Politicians, eagerly and willingly, but not with the consent of the people, but actually going against the known wishes of the people. This is why the EU will fail at least, in this Country. We won a full scale war with just one Parliament in the 1940's all be it with the help of one mighty friend-yet America did not Govern us even if they had wanted to, and if they did, there was a real politician in power then that actually wanted to govern what was a Country well worth fighting for. Now take a real long look at what you lot have done to it. It took us years to pay off that financial debt to America, but how long is it going to take to pay off the debt we are in at the moment, and that is without all the debt this Country owes in PPP/PFI.
I am sorry, I cannot vote for your Party any longer. I, like many more people want out of the EU and will work towards that end. Anne Palmer.
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