Saturday, 28 November 2009

A little review of history and what unintended consequences can bring to

diminish the United States.

* NOVEMBER 23, 2009,

The Carter Ricochet Effect 
Jimmy Carter's presidency offers a lesson in how the purest intentions can
lead to the most disastrous results.


An idealistic president takes office promising an era of American moral
renewal at home and abroad. The effort includes a focus on diplomacy and
peace-making, an aversion to the use of force, the selling out of old
allies. The result is that within a couple of years the U.S. is more
suspected, detested and enfeebled than ever.

No, we're not talking about Barack Obama. But since the current
administration took office offering roughly the same prescriptions as Jimmy
Carter did, it's worth recalling how that worked out.

How it worked out became inescapably apparent 30 years ago this month. On
Nov. 20, 1979, Sunni religious fanatics led by a dark-eyed charismatic Saudi
named Juhayman bin Seif al Uteybi seized Mecca's Grand Mosque, Islam's
holiest site. After a two week siege distinguished mainly by its
incompetence, Saudi forces were able to recapture the mosque at a cost of
several hundred lives.

By any objective account-the very best of which was offered by Wall Street
Journal reporter Yaroslav Trofimov in his 2007 book "The Siege of Mecca"-the
battle at the Grand Mosque was a purely Sunni affair pitting a
fundamentalist Islamic regime against ultra-fundamentalist renegades. 

Yet throughout the Muslim world, the Carter administration was viewed as the
main culprit. U.S. diplomatic missions in Bangladesh, India, Turkey and
Libya were assaulted; in Pakistan, the embassy was burned to the ground. How
could that happen to a country whose president was so intent on making his
policies as inoffensive as possible?

Happy days no more: Jimmy Carter and the Shah of Iran.

The answer was, precisely, that Mr. Carter had set out to make America as
inoffensive as possible. Two weeks before Juhayman seized the Grand Mosque,
Iranian radicals seized the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, taking 66 Americans

They did so after Mr. Carter had refused to bail out the Shah, as
the Eisenhower administration had in 1953, and after Andrew Young, Mr.
Carter's U.N. ambassador, had described the Ayatollah Khomeini as "somewhat
of a saint."

They also did so after Mr. Carter had scored his one diplomatic coup by
brokering a peace deal between Egypt and Israel. 

Today, the consensus view of the Obama administration is that solving the 
Israeli-Palestinian conflict would ease tensions throughout the region. 

But worthy though it was in its own right, peace between Egypt and Israel was also 
a fillip for Sunni and Shiite radicals alike from Tehran to Damascus to Beirut to Gaza.

Whatever else the Middle East has been since the signing of the Camp David Accords,
it has not been a more peaceful place.

Nor has it been any less inclined to hate the U.S., no matter whether the
president is a peace-loving Democrat or a war-mongering Republican.

"Everywhere, there was the same explanation," Mr. Trofimov writes in his
account of the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad. "American
institutions, declared a student leader in Lahore, had to be burned down
because 'the Holy Kaaba had been occupied by Americans and the Jews.'"

On the other hand, among Muslims inclined to favor the U.S., the Carter
administration's instincts for knee-jerk conciliation and panicky
withdrawals only had the effect of alienating them from their ostensible

Coming as it did so soon after Khomeini's rise to power and the
revolutionary fervors which it unleashed, the siege of Mecca carried the
real risk of undermining pro-American regimes throughout the region. 

Yet American embassies were repeatedly instructed not to use their Marines to
defend against intruders, as well as to pull their personnel from the

"The move didn't go unnoticed among Muslim radicals," notes Mr. Trofimov. "A
chain of events unleashed by the takeover in Mecca had put America on the
run from the lands of Islam. 

America's foes drew a conclusion that Osama bin
Laden would often repeat: when hit hard, America flees, 'dragging its tail
in failure, defeat, and ruin, caring for nothing.'" 

It is no accident, too, that the Soviet Union chose to invade Afghanistan the following month,
as it observed a vacillating president who would not defend what previously were
thought to be inviolable U.S. strategic interests.

Today, President Obama likes to bemoan the "mess" he inherited overseas, the
finger pointed squarely at President Bush. 

But the real mess he inherited comes straight out of 1979, the serial debacles of which define American challenges in the Middle East just as surely as the triumphs of 1989 define
our opportunities in Europe. 

True, the furies that were unleashed that year in Mecca, Tehran and elsewhere in the Muslim world were not of America's making. 

But absence of guilt is no excuse for innocence of policy.

Pretty soon, Mr. Obama will have his own Meccas and Tehrans to deal with,
perhaps in Jerusalem and Cairo. 

He would do well to cast a backward glance at the tenure of his fellow Nobel peace laureate, 
as an object lesson in how even the purest of motives can lead to the most disastrous results.