• UN scientists turn on each other: UN Scientist Declares Climategate colleagues Mann, Jones and Rahmstorf ’should be barred from the IPCC process’ — They are ‘not credible any more’ Dubai Woes May Escalate to ‘Major Sovereign Default,’ BofA Says The non-military Bureau of Labor Statistics uses the military term “civilians” to refer to Americans ClimateGate For Dummies At Least The ClimateGate Scientists Didn’t Admit Going to Church Climategate: The Whitewash Begins Bernanke Says Limiting Fed Independence Would ‘Impair’ Economy
Lord Monckton: End The UN
Alex welcomes Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, a British politician, business consultant, policy adviser, writer, columnist, and inventor. Monckton has been at the forefront of criticizing the CRU emails and the fraudulent climate change scam.
• Climategate spells end to the false science of climate change
• UEA Climate Scientist: “possible that…I.P.C.C. has run its course”
• More on the NIWA New Zealand data adjustment story
• Momentum grows for Copenhagen climate deal
Dubai’s debt woes may worsen to become a “major sovereign default” that roils developing nations and cuts off capital flows to emerging markets, Bank of America Corp. said.
If the majority of Americans are outsiders to their government, according to the terminology implied by definition of the Bureau’s classification system, then what does that say about the form of American government today?
“Almost all the camping grounds within 100 miles of Los Angeles are now filled with people living in them.”
When the bottom fell out of the business with the foreclosure crisis, she lost her own house and ended up living on the streets in a city with more homeless than any other in America. She was sexually assaulted, harassed by the police and in despair.
On Thursday 19th November 2009 news began to circulate that hacked documents and communications from the University of East Anglia’s Hadley Climate Research Unit (aka CRU) had been published to the internet. Here follows a compendium of articles and videos on what was quickly dubbed as “ClimateGate”.
• Police Get “Pre-emptive” Arrest Powers Ahead Of Copenhagen
The silence of the ‘pro-science’ blogsphere on the ClimateGate scandal is remarkable.
It seems the AGW establishment has launched an urgent damage limitation exercise in order to whitewash the Climategate scandal in time for Copenhagen.
• Vice Chairman Of IPCC Endorses Supermarket’s Green Policies After £25 Million Donation
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said removing the central bank from bank supervision and tampering with its political independence would “seriously impair” economic stability in the U.S.
• Jim Rogers: Gold Price to Double in Coming Months
• DuBubble DuBurst
• US stocks dive on Dubai financial problems
Saturday, 28 November 2009
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Britannia Radio