Sunday, 29 November 2009

Message from British Film Director CHRIS EVERARD:

Michael Moore, Chris Everard, Danny Schechter, Bill Maloney & Robert Greenwald on THE ENIGMA CHANNEL


This week, CHRIS EVERARD reports on the Satanic Occult Symbolism of COLOGNE CATHEDRAL in Germany, Danny Schechter is interviewed in New York about his film WEAPONS OF MASS DECEPTION, and BILL MALONEY investigates Child Sex and Child Abuse allegations in Jersey... An investigation which reveals links to Freemasonry, Satanists and Celebrities...

The latest TV Shows being broadcast on THE ENIGMA CHANNEL will enlighten you about subjects which are ignored by the mainstream media and typically banned from forums and video sharing web sites...

PLUS! Later this week...
Interview with ROBERT GREENWALD – the director of OUTFOXED!
The Global Media Strategy being followed by many media companies is to FIRE any member of staff who does not tow the line and broadcast words and mannerisms which are ‘on message’.

A Special Interview with CHARLOTTE GERSON in our series of TV shows about CANCER THERAPIES.

You can subscribe to THE ENIGMA CHANNEL for just £19.99 per year:

We make on average 40 – 60 new TV shows per month. You’ll never say “...there’s nothing to watch!” ever again!

I welcome your comments and suggestions for new TV shows – and of course list opt–outs: You may email me at anytime – I read and reply to all emails – however, I get 12,000 emails a week so please be patient!

I sincerely hope our new TV shows help to elucidate all of you on facts which have hitherto been suppressed by the mainstream media.

Kind regards and thank you for supporting my research,
The Enigma Channel