Wednesday, 4 November 2009


Moore on Marr


Charles Moore here expertly casts his eye over Andrew Marr's BBC series The Making of Modern Britain. It pretty much sums up almost all that is wrong with the BBC today. In a nutshell, Marr ludicrously condemns anything to do with the political right and praises unreseverdly the forces of "progress" - especially the trade unions. It's goodies versus baddies and we know who the villains are in Marr's universe.



Hi all. Just to say I have returned from my break over in the States and am pleased to report I have not caught any BBC output for the past 10 days! Instead, I tuned in to watch the excellent Fox News for some fair and balanced news - putting all points of view. My thanks to all my fellow writers for stepping in here during my absence - I will return tomorrow when the jetlag has worn off! Thanks also to all who have emailed me during my absence, I will respond in due course.

Jo Abbess - Comedy Genius

Eco-warrior Jo Abbess, occasional editor of Roger Harrabin articles, is now focusing her attention on another BBC environment correspondent. I would quote some snippets but you really have to read the whole thing to get the full hilarious impact of her authoritarian pomposity.

The question is - will Richard Black follow Harrabin and do as Jo demands?

Update. It seems like a lot of effort considering Black is pretty much on her side anyway.

Ethical Comparison Drawn

The BBC's Ethical Man attends a FreedomWorks meeting:

In the US state of Virginia the talk is of revolution. In the basement of a restaurant in Richmond we met 100 or so American patriots -ordinary people who claim to be the vanguard of a great new movement, a movement for American liberty.
"Lower taxes, less government, more freedom", is their rallying cry…

Their call to arms focuses on two issues: healthcare reform and - you guessed it - President Barack Obama's plan for a cap and trade system to regulate greenhouse gas emissions…

Most of the people I spoke at the Richmond meeting did not believe climate change is something they need worry about…
Bastards! They're no better than the murderous defenders of slavery:
As the meeting broke up one man took me aside to say he was not persuaded by the arguments he had heard.
"You are in a state that fought for the freedom to keep people in slavery," Phil told me.
Indeed, Patrick Henry, who demanded liberty or death as he helped launch the revolt against British tyranny, subsequently worked to defend the slave trade as an attorney.
Phil told me the story of Gabriel, a slave who, 24 years after the Declaration of Independence, attempted to lead a rebellion against the slave owners here in Richmond Virginia…
Gabriel was hanged just a couple of blocks away from the cellar where the FreedomWorks meeting was held.
"Freedom means different things to different people," Phil said as he left the meeting.
They even held their meeting "just a couple of blocks away" from where a slave was hanged! The comparisons are spooky, aren't they?

Coming soon - Ethical Man visits the Holocaust Museum in Washington and writes some nonsense about "deniers".


This was regarded as so important that it was on the BBC News website front page

A man has been told he can take his employer to tribunal on the grounds he was unfairly dismissed because of his views on climate change.

Tim Nicholson, 42, of Oxford, was made redundant in 2008 by Grainger Plc in Didcot, as head of sustainability. 
He said his beliefs had contributed to his dismissal and in March a judge ruled he could use employment equality laws to claim it was unfair. 
But the firm appealed against this as it believed his views were political. 

After the hearing on Monday, Mr Nicholson said he was delighted by the judgement for himself and other people who may feel they are discriminated against because of their views on climate change. 
His solicitor, Shah Qureshi, said: "Essentially what the judgment says is that a belief in man-made climate change and the alleged resulting moral imperative is capable of being a philosophical belief and is therefore protected by the 2003 religion or belief regulations."

Naturally the BBC is delighted. For years they have been shilling for the likes of Monbiot and Gore, pushing man made global warming as a political message and doing their best to ignore or demean anyone who questioned the theory. With judges veering towards the classification of the theory as a “belief” it could mean that critics could be identified as “climate change deniers”. From that it would only be a short step to the creation of denial as an offence against the “believers” and – hey presto – more money for Carter-Ruck and Schillings.

Stay tuned for the man made global warming message to become even more fervent as the true believers do their best to ratchet it up to messianic levels. Doubters will be demonised as servants of the great beast Anthropogenor (I’m not making that up – you’ve seen the end of days doomsday prediction that cost £6 million of your money) and cast out into the darkness –or, more likely sacked, fined or jailed.

Normally, of course, the BBC’s heart usually bleeds for people punished by the courts – but there are certain crimes that strike at everything the BBC holds dear so don’t hold your breath for any Newsnight features pimping sympathy for climate change deniers being hit by the full force of m’learned friends.....