Monday, 9 November 2009

 More ballistics BS
Ok, let's get this out of the way.
Fort Hood - tragic.
Now let's look at some reality.
ONE guy shooting a hand gun killed
HOW many people - and on a military
base? Ae you serious?
And the one shooter is now in a coma?
And, as of now at least, there's no
surveillance camera footage?
And he's a Muslim who also happens
to be a serviceman with a mental
disorder involving gunplay who did
it with privately owned weapons?
This thing could not have been scripted or
casted better if Hollywood had produced it.
Let's see:
1. Private gun ownership demonized - check
2. Muslims demonized - check
3. Military personnel demonized - check
4. Base dwelling troops at home terrorized
by a fellow American - check
5. Yet another chance to distract the public - check
If this really happened the way it's been spun,
there have to be a lot of social engineers
high fiving each other at their good luck.
And what about the logic of the gunman?
He was afraid of being deployed to a combat he created one at home so he
could be killed sooner? I realize the man
was "crazy" but come on.
(I wonder what prescribed medically-endorsed
pharmaceutical substance(s) he was one. We'll
never know because it would violate his privacy.
Score another one for Big Pharma.)
13 killed and 30 wounded by one man with
two pistols.
Nearly a 50% kill rate.
Ever fired a handgun? Ever tried aiming
and firing two at a time? Under pressure?
Ever reload a handgun under pressure?
There were people shooting at him. That's
a little pressure.
We're talking about yet *another* superhuman
performance by a "lone gunman" who is
conveniently not conscious to tell the tale.
Caliber doesn't matter and the bogus
non-fact that these were "automatic"
pistols is bull**** as well.
Meanwhile, we're being drowned in
flags, memorials and interviews with
the victims' families - and a total
absence of any information that makes
"But the government would never
do such a thing to its own troops!"
Uh, excuse me. It's putting thousands
of them through a meat grinder in
a pointless, unwinnable charade of
a war as we speak - in two countries,
while gearing up for two more (Iran
and Pakistan.)
Do you think the dead and wounded
from overseas are any less dead and
wounded victims from Fort Hood?
Assume the gunman was crazy. What
does that make the Bush-Bama regime?
Here's a news report about *another*
mass shooting by a lone gunman with two
pistols that sneaked its way onto the air
before it was pulled off and never replayed.
Reality please, just a little reality.
- Brasscheck
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