Friday, 20 November 2009

More things which may have been overlooked - - -

UKIP MEP in anti-fraud inquiry over European Parliamentary expenses
The Sunday Times reported that UKIP MEP for the West Midlands Mike Nattrass is being investigated by the EU's anti-fraud watchdog regarding his expenses. The article noted that the inquiry is into whether Denis Brookes, one of his former aides, was paid through public funds while he was working as a regional organiser for UKIP, and forms part of a wider investigation into UKIP's finances. The EU does not allow taxpayers' money to be used to pay party officials.


Additionally, it was also reported that Nattrass was using a company of which he was a shareholding partner as the "paying agent" for all his assistants' salaries provided by the EU. MEPs must not act as their own paying agents, the role can only be performed by "third parties".

[Another one?  Getting a habit! -cs]

Harriet Harman prosecuted over driving with mobile
She faces prosecution for allegedly driving without due care and attention and driving while using a mobile phone.
[HaHa!   I wonder if she was responsible for the Labour broadcast claiming getting votes for women?  In fact a Liberal pm = Lloyd George -  gave it to women aged 30+ in 1918 and a Tory - Stanley Baldwin - who reduced the age to 21+ in 1928 -cs]    (BBC 19/11/09)

Paul Goodman MP on the debate on the Queen’s Speech
 "If only two Labour backbenchers can be bothered to turn up to defend their own Government's programme - as happened today - what does that say about their faith in it - and the current state of the Commons?"

Number of Labour backbenchers present after opening speeches: one (Sheerman)
Number of Labour backbenchers present for much of the debate: nil.
Number of Labour Cabinet members present after opening speeches: nil. (Andy Burham, who was replying to the debate, didn't get to his place until after 15.30.  His opposite number, Andrew Lansley was in place more or less throughout.)
Number of Labour Cabinet members present for closing speeches: one (Burnham, who had to be present to reply.  Michael Gove, who opened for us, returned in time for both Burnham's and Lansley's closing speeches.  Ed Balls, who opened for the Government, returned ten minutes late.)
(Conservative Home 19.11/09 

MPs + Peers to face prosecution over Expenses - 
Labour - 6  Other parties Nil     (Telegraph   19/11/09) 

Simon Hoggart sketches the Queen's Speech debate on education
"A handful of Labour MPs turned up on the day after the Queen's speech. And most of them could scarcely be bothered to stand up and ask a question. Nobody believes in this thing. It's not worth the parchment it's written on... Michael Gove, the Tory education spokesman, may have been watching I'm A Celebrity … because suddenly he accused Ed Balls, of being "the Katie Price, the Jordan of the government. All he is interested in is being on the front pages, so he has massively inflated what he has to offer!" Oooh, missus!" - (Simon Hoggart in The Guardian 20/11/09)

EU appointments
Lorraine Mullally of Open Europe also appeared on BBC News last night, pointing out that Catherine Ashton neatly fits the unaccountable role of EU Foreign Minister, given that she has never been elected  [to anything -cs] in her life, and said that the new appointments will increase, not reduce confusion around the rest of the world about who is supposed to speak for Europe.


The Guardian reports that analysts said the happiest man in Brussels was probably Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, since the appointment of two relatively obscure figures represented a minimal threat to his authority.     (‘Open Europe’ press bulletin 20/11/09)

The new President of the EU Council
Le Figaro quotes Van Rompuy saying "All human beings must choose between the absurd and the mysterious.  Me, I choose mystery.[He may choose that but his appointment is absurd! -cs] 