Read on. From Wahhabi Islam to the Muslim Brotherhood 1902-1928 1902 Birth of Saudi Arabia Revival of Wahhabi Islam For Political Gain 1902. Ibn Saud, local tribesman of Arabian Peninsula, captures Ryad and proclaims himself regional leader. In order to gain acceptance and loyalty from the local Bedouin tribes, Ibn Saud revives the practice of Wahhabi Islam and institutes strict Islamic Law over the land. Wahhabi indoctrination centers (Ikhwan, meaning brotherhoods) appear throughout Saudi Arabia[i]. Wahhabi Islam The Soul of Today’s Islamic Jihad Mosques Only… Wahhabism[ii] is a radical form of Islam, founded by Mohammad Ibn Abdul Al-Wahhab in the 18th century, which claims that: any teachings added to Islam after the tenth century are false. It envisions an Islamic empire led by holy men, with no other law than strict puritan Islamic law. This is why they are referred to as ‘Islamic fundamentalists’. It opposes the concept of nationalism and borders as being un-Islamic. It justifies violent means to rid the Muslim world against the non-Islamic element[iii] . Wahhabism eventually developed a very strong anti-American and anti-Western message. It is generally rejected by the vast majority of the Muslim world. 1920. The Mutawa, Wahhabi religious police, operates rule of terror in Saudi towns. Churches, synagogues and any non-Islamic temple of worship are banned from Saudi Arabia (still effective in 2002). The Wahhabi movement grows and becomes increasingly radical. Saudi Oil admittedly The Bank of Today’s Islamic Jihad 1920. Saudi Arabia discovers its enormous oil reserve and starts to do business with the non-Islamic Western countries, America in particular. Saudi oil becomes central to fueling industrial revolution. The Saud family becomes immensely rich overnight. It continues to play the Wahhabi card for regional support. 1927 Muslim Brotherhood Carries Flame of Wahhabi Jihad Wahhabi extremists revolt against Saudi regime because of dealings with West. Rebellion is crushed. Extremists relocate in Egypt. Thoughts of Jihad against the West and America become central to the movement. Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt becomes home to Wahhabi Extremism [iv] . 1928 Muslim Brotherhood Founded Muslim Brotherhood established in Egypt by Hassan El Banna [v] . Mother organization for today’s Egyptian Jihad Islami and Hamas. Muslim Brotherhood is built on Wahhabi foundations [vi] . 1928 Amin Al-Husseini Lead Member of Muslim Brotherhood Muslims Only… Amin Al-Husseini becomes prominent member of Muslim Brotherhood. He sees the Wahhabi concept of Islamic Jihad as a key tool to rally pan-Islamic support to further his agenda of Pan-Islamic take-over. The Muslim Brotherhood now under Husseini’s influence, becomes the main vector of hatred against the West and the Jews: the Arab World, which includes Palestine, must be free of any non-Islamic faith. Therefore, Jews and Christians have no claim to any part of theMiddle East or of the Arab World. Muslim Brotherhood unites with Hitler’s Third Reich 1933-2002 1933 Hitler rises to power After humiliation of WWI, Germany votes overwhelmingly in favor of Hitler’s Fascist regime. Hitler and Muslim Brotherhood Find Common Ground Hitler’s vision of ethnic cleansing of non-Aryans becomes appealing to the Wahhabis of the Muslim Brotherhood [vii] . The West and the Jews is the common enemy. Muslim Brotherhood acquires Hitler’s methods of genocide to rid the Arab world of its non-Muslims. Nazi Parties Appear Throughout Arab World[viii] Young Egypt. Led by Muslim Brotherhood member Abdul Gamal Nasser (future Egyptian President). Young Egypt’s political slogan “One Folk, One Party, One Leader” is a direct translation from German of Nazi slogan. Social Nationalist Party in Syria [ix] . Led by Anton Saada (known as the Syrian Fuhrer) 1939-1945 Husseini calls Nazi Muslim Troops “Cream of Islam” Amin Al-Husseini spends WWII in Germany at Hitler’s side. He establishes Muslim Nazi troops and becomes heavily involved in the genocide of Jews, Gypsies and Serbs. (See Husseini section). Husseini calls Nazi Muslim troops “the Cream of Islam”. 1944 Amin al Husseini Co-Founder and President of Arab League Amin Al-Husseini is one of the primary founders and the inspiration of Arab League. Goal is to reinforce Wahhabi vision of Pan-Islamic unity. Founding countries are: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen. Husseini, still in Germany, is appointed to President in Absentia of Fourth Higher Committee of Arab League. 1945 Amin Al-Husseini Leader of Muslim Brotherhood Mid-1940. Amin Al-Husseini is appointed leader of Muslim Brotherhood inJerusalem. He becomes number one active importer of Nazi methodology to theMiddle East. Husseini flees to Egypt. He is wanted by Yugoslavia for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity perpetrated during WWII. 1949-1952 ODESSA Network Nazis Join Muslim Brotherhood ODESSA network. Egypt, home of Muslim Brotherhood, and Syria incorporate thousands of Nazi experts into Egyptian and Syrian army, government and propaganda service. Vatican heavily involved in providing travel visas for Nazi officers. Amin Al-Husseini providing safe haven to ex-Nazis in Arab lands. He is the main connection with Francois Genoud, Swiss banker of Third Reich, who finances theODESSA network with money stolen from murdered European Jews. Francois Genoud Hitler’s Swiss Banker Finds A New Employer After World War II, Amin Al-Husseini was visited multiple times in Beirut by Hitler’s Swiss banker, Francois Genoud. Genoud finances the ODESSA network. He sponsors Arab Nationalism with Nazi money. In Cairo and Tangiers, Genoud sets up import-export company called Arabo-Afrika, which is a cover to disseminate anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli propaganda. Genoud sets up Swiss bank accounts for North African liberation armies of Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. In partnership with Syria, he sets up Arab Commercial Bank in Geneva. In 1962, he becomes Director of Arab People’s Bank in Algeria. [x] Over Ten Million Human Beings Murdered in half a century 1947 UN Partition of Palestine United Nations General Assembly votes in favor of partition of Palestine into a Jewish and a Palestinian state. Amongst supporting countries were Egypt, Iran, Iraq Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen and Turkey. 1948 Yasser Arafat Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian-born Yasser Arafat becomes member of the Muslim Brotherhood. He works directly under Amin Al-Husseini since age 17. Arafat is placed in charge of terrorist group “The Holy Strugglers” responsible for disrupting the peace inPalestine. Arab League Implements Wahhabi/Nazi Agenda “Murder the Jews!” Arab League declares all wars against the Jewish state. 1948 Israel War of Independence. Husseini, President of Arab League: “I declare a Holy War, My Muslim Brothers! Murder the Jews!” 1956 Suez Canal War. 1967 Six Day War. 1973 Ramadan/Yom Kippur. 1974-1975 Saudi Oil Embargo Saudi Arabia leads oil embargo. Oil Producing Arab countries impose oil embargo on countries that supported Israel during 1973 War. The price of oil doubles with enormous financial repercussions on the West. 1987 Hamas founded (Muslim Brotherhood) Offspring of Muslim Brotherhood [xii] : Hamas group founded in Gaza, Palestine. Spiritual founder Wahhabi Sheikh Ahmed Yassin Hamas is financed by Saudi Oil Sheikh Yassin: Head of Hamas 1987-1993 Hamas instigates First Intifada First Intifada (uprising against Israel) in Palestine. Two thousand four hundred (2,400) Palestinians killed. Of these, eight hundred (800) killed by Yasser Arafat’s Fatah group for being “traitors” or “informants”. Intifada financed by Saudi Oil. 2000-2002 Yasser Arafat instigates Second Intifada Let The Children Do The Killing… Second Palestinian Intifada (uprising against Israel). Lead by Yasser Arafat’s various militia groups (Fatah, Tanzim, Al Aksa Brigade, Force 17). Overt financial support from Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. 1,500 Palestinians killed to date. Palestinian children sent as human suicide bombers to do the fighting. One third of Israeli victims are children and the elderly. 1949-1952 Odessa Project Deliberate Nazification of Arab World The ODESSA network: Amin Al-Husseini oversees Wahhabi/Nazi union. Thousands of Nazis seek and are given refuge in South America and the Arab world[xiii] . Egypt and Syria are major recipients of Nazi brainpower. Arab League (Amin Al Husseini) 1950 Road To War… Resolution 312 1. Severance of relations with any Arab state, which engages in any contact with Israel. 2. Member states are prohibited from making unilateral peace with Israel. 1952 Egypt Bastion of Wahhabism and Muslim Brotherhood Muslim Brotherhood and Young Egypt (Nazi party) overthrow British Mandate in Egypt and put Gamal Abdul Nasser in power. Mentored by their Nazi colleagues, total dictatorship instantly imposed. All political parties are abolished. Nasser repatriates and works closely with thousands of Nazis imported via the ODESSA network. 1955 Fedayeen Terrorism Squads Nasser, President of Egypt creates Fedayeen (Arab terrorist squads) to infiltrate and attack relentlessly Israel. Will later merge with Yasser Arafat to form the Palestinian Liberation Organization. 1952-1970 Egypt crumbles. Brotherhood Outlawed. Egyptian economy crumbles under Nasser regime. Nasser’s socialist reforms fail. Muslim Brotherhood turns against Nasser because of his attempts to reform Egyptian society. Nasser outlaws Muslim Brotherhood in 1954. 1970-1981 President Sadat: Threatens Muslim Brotherhood Mohammed Anwar al Sadat becomes Egyptian President. Rebuilds Egyptian economy with strong focus on tourism. Egypt becomes a leading Arab nation once again. Open-door policy and freedom of expression is perceived as a threat by Muslim Brotherhood. 1978 Camp David Peace Accord Sadat recognizes statehood of Israel, leading to Camp David Accords. This draws the wrath of Muslim Brotherhood, of which he had been a member. Sadat receives International Nobel Peace Prize. 1978 Jihad Islami Group Founded: “No Peace” First offspring of Muslim Brotherhood: Jihad Islami group founded in Egypt, in response to Camp David Agreement. More radical and violent than Muslim Brotherhood. Led by Dr Ayman Al-Zawahiri [xiv] , student and protégé of Hassan al-Turabi [xv](Sudanese genocide). Spiritual Leader: Wahhabi Sheikh Umar Abd-al Rahman. Goal of group: Restore Islamic Wahhabi dictatorship in Egypt [xvi] . 1979 Arab League “No Peace” Egypt government of Sadat suspended from Arab League of Camp David Accord. Suspension from 1979-1989. 1981 Muslim Brotherhood Assassinates Nobel Peace Laureate October. Assassination of Egyptian President Muhammad Anwar al Sadat by Jihad Islami, because he had signed Peace Agreement with neighbor Israel. 1981- today President Mubarak Restores Order Hosni Mubarak, Sadat’s Vice President, becomes Egyptian President. He declares war against Muslim Brotherhood and severely damages Brotherhood’s infrastructure. 1995-2002 Brotherhood against government Jihad Islami attempts to assassinate President Mubarak [xvii] . Attempt failed. To this day, Muslim Brotherhood actively trying to destabilize Egypt’s secular government and replace it with an Islamic dictatorship. Afghani/Pakistani Jihad 1979 Afghan War The rise of Osama Bin Laden American CIA establishes geo-political alliance with Wahhabi Muslim Brotherhood and Egyptian Jihad Islami to counter the non-Islamic Soviet Communist onslaught in Afghanistan as well as the Shiite Islamic Revolution in Iran. A Sunni (Wahhabi-based) Jihad is put into effect. Thousands of Wahhabi indoctrination centers (‘Ikhwans’ meaning ‘Brotherhoods’) appear throughout Pakistan and Afghanistan. Saudi Arabia sponsors schools, propaganda and indoctrination centers. Saudi-born Osama Bin Laden is CIA-appointed connection with Mujahedeen (Holy Warriors.) Bin Laden is the head CIA man during the Afghan War. Additional radical Wahhabi militias set-up. All financed by Saudi Arabia. 1988 Afghan War ends. Osama Bin Laden Rejects America. (Muslim Brotherhood) [xviii] . Osama Bin Laden rejects and disassociates himself from CIA and strengthens his ties with Al-Zahawiri of Jihad Islami (Muslim Brotherhood) [xix] . Empowered by defeat of Soviet Union, Bin Laden turns the Afghani Jihad against the West and becomes its foremost leader. He creates the Al Qaeda, a strongly anti-Western network of ex-Mujahedeen. Al Qaeda means ‘the Base’. Jihad is heavily sponsored by Saudi Oil. 1989-1996 Sudan: School of Genocide Osama Bin Laden, founder of Al Qaeda, leaves Afghanistan for Saudi Arabia. Then continues on to Khartoum, Sudan. He works with Al Zahawiri and Hassan Al-Bashir of Muslim Brotherhood. Sudanese Jihad under Al-Bashir will claim over four million lives. In 1996, Bin Laden is repatriated to Afghanistan. 1994 Taliban “God’s Students” Taliban regime is founded by Sheikh Omar in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Goal is to implement strict Islamic law over Afghan people, under the guidelines of Wahhabi Islam. Civil war breaks out between the ruling Northern Alliance and the Taliban regime. Taliban call themselves “God’s Students”. 1996 Bin Laden Returns with Sudanese Education Al Qaeda Headquarters Bin Laden returns to Afghanistan from Sudan with lessons of genocide (see Sudanese Jihad). He joins the Taliban regime and becomes central to the regime, which offers him protection. Bin Laden uses Taliban stronghold to further strengthen and expand Al Qaeda’s international network and Jihad against the West. 1996 Taliban Rule Afghanistan Reign of Terror New regime recognized only by Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and UAR September 1996. Taliban army captures Kabul, Afghan capital. Taliban regime overthrows government of Burhan-Ul Din Rabani and establishes Islamic dictatorship. Taliban military heavily supplied by Pakistani army and likely financed by Saudi dollars. United Nations condemns Taliban regime for its repressive measures on women’s rights and its ongoing violations of human rights. Taliban regime is only recognized by Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and United Arab Republic. 1999 US Sanctions United States imposes economic and political sanctions against Taliban regime in response to ongoing human rights violations against Afghan people. September 11th Suicide Bombing 2001 September 11th, 2001. Al Qaeda strikes at the heart of America. Thirty five hundred civilians perish under sword of Jihad. Bin Laden denies involvement but praises terrorist act. Fifteen of nineteen terrorists were from Saudi Arabia. Osama Bin Laden States Allegiance to Ottoman Empire In the Mufti’s Footsteps… In his post-September 11th declaration to the world (October 7th 2001), Osama Bin Laden openly states his allegiance to the Ottoman Empire and its notion of Islamic take-over, thus drawing a direct connection with Amin Al-Husseini. He states that his Jihad is in retaliation for ‘80 years of disgrace and humiliation’, which marks the humiliating defeat of the Ottoman Islamic Empire at the hands of the French and British. It also marks the 80thanniversary of the Fatwa that Amin Al-Husseini declared against the British in 1921. 2001-today America Declares War on Terrorism US troops join local Northern Alliance in attack on Taliban regime. Taliban regime is defeated. Osama Bin Laden goes into hiding. Hamid Karzai leads attempts at reforming Afghan society and leadership. 1982 Hizbollah Founded “Children of God” Imad Mughniyeh Super-Terrorist Hizbollah. Shiite Islamic group founded. Aka Islamic Jihad, Jihad Islami. Radical Shi’ite Muslim group, backed by and based in Iran. They call themselves “Children of God”. Created at time when Iranian Islamic Revolution actively exporting itself. Directed from Iranian embassy in Damascus, Syria. Imad Mughniyeh assumes central position in movement. Prior to joining Hizbollah, Mughniyeh was active in Lebanon War and is thought to have been a member of Arafat’s Force 17, where he received most of his training in terrorism. 1983-84 US Embassy Destroyed 240 Americans Die Hizbollah send suicide truck on US embassy and Marine barracks in Beirut [xx] , Lebanon. Two hundred and forty (240) American marines and diplomats die in attack. Imad Mughniyeh masterminds the attack. Yasser Arafat Attacks America [xxi] First World Trade Center Attack [xxii] First Attack on World Trade Center in New York. Six civilians die. One thousand wounded. Operation headed by Yasser Arafat’s PLO and backed by Iraqi government. Arafat wanted as criminal against humanity in New York justice system. Masterminded by Ramzi Youssef and Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman (now serving a life sentence). Youssef was quoted to say that his wish was to have killed 250,000 American civilians. 1998 International Islamic Front for Jihad Against the United States and Israel Osama Bin Laden (Al Qaeda) joins Al Zahawiri of Jihad Islami (Muslim Brotherhood) to create the organization International Islamic Front for Jihad Against the United States and Israel. It becomes a virtue to kill any American. It preaches that all ‘true Muslims’ should be involved in a daily armed struggle to rid the world of its non-Islamic element. War is waged on the Jews and the West. 9.11. America Under Attack Second World Trade Center Attack Saudi Terrorists 2001. September 11th. Suicide bombing launched against America. Four commercial airliners used as suicide bombs. World Trade Center destroyed. Pentagon also attacked. Fourth plane fails to hit target. Osama Bin Laden [xxiii] denies involvement but praises act. Imad Mughniyeh (Hizbollah) also suspected of masterminding attack. 3500 American civilians murdered under ‘sword of Jihad’. 15 of 19 suicide bombers are from Saudi Arabia. 2001 America Declares War on Terrorism President Bush declares war on terrorism. US troops join Afghan Northern Alliance in toppling Taliban Regime. ‘Any nation harboring or sponsoring terrorism will come under attack.’ 2002 Saudi Propaganda In America Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah launches multi-million dollar advertising campaign in the United States of America to divert American public opinion away from Saudi Arabia’s involvement in world terrorism. 1980’s Arab Supremacists Slave Traders Nomidic Arab tribes called the Janjaweed (in Sudanese province of Darfur since 12th century from Arabian Peninsula) form an alliance with a group of powerful Arab North Sudanese merchants called the Jellaba. The Jellaba runs an extensive slavery ring of non-Arab Africans and exploits the Sudanese soil for its raw materials. The Arab Janjaweed and Jellaba consider themselves racially and ethnically superior to the Africans of Sudan, justifying their involvement in the slave-trade of black Africans. 1985-2003 1989-2003 Muslim Brotherhood In Power 1989 Osama in Sudan Osama Bin Laden, founder of Al Qaeda, leaves Afghanistan for Saudi Arabia. Then continues on to Khartoum, Sudan. He works with Al Zahawiri and Al-Bashir of Muslim Brotherhood. 1989 Two Million Christians murdered. (Muslim Brotherhood) Millions More Are Starved by Jihad Forces Muslim Brotherhood stages pro-Islamic coup in Sudan under ideological leadership of Hassan al-Turabi [xxiv] . Democracy ended [xxv] . Thirteen devastating years of famine and civil war follow. Sudanese Jihad militia (the Janjaweed) prevents abundant food supplies from reaching starving Sudanese population. Millions of Sudanese die from disease and malnutrition. Hassan al-Bashir [xxvi] of Muslim Brotherhood leads the devastation. Two million (2,000,000) Christian Sudanese murdered by Hassan al-Bashir’s Wahhabi Jihad (Holy War) since 1989. [xxvii] Jihad is heavily sponsored by Saudi Oil. 1996 Al Qaeda From Sudan to Afghanistan to the World… 2003 Unrest in the Land Today Muslim Brotherhood: More Genocide Early 2003. The Sudanese Africans rise up to protest decades of looting and racial injustice by pro-Arab government of Al Bashir (Muslim Brotherhood). Two groups take arms against the Arab regime in power: the Sudanese Liberation Army and the Justice and Equality Movement. Al Bashir openly recruits Janjaweed militia as a counter-insurgency force against the Africans. He authorizes entire villages to be depopulated and burned. Ethnic-based murder, rape, looting of livestock and food are rampant. Non-Arab schools are destroyed. Fifty thousand already killed with no end in sight. Humanitarian crisis creates 1.5 million flee their homes afraid for the lives. Massive refugee problem results in famine and disease. Al Bashir government denies responsibility despite overwhelming evidence. Al Bashir refuses international assistance to defend the Africans in Darfur from ongoing genocide. Situation remains critical today. Hundreds of thousands of African lives threatened either by Al Bashir’s Janjaweed or by the famine and disease that have resulted from his racially motivated genocide. (human rights watch) 1991 Algerians Choose Democracy December. Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) is removed from Algeria’s democratic arena after winning Algerian election. The Islamic Salvation Front supported the Wahhabi vision of establishing strict Islamic law and ridding Algeria of its democratic arena. 1993-2002 Wahhabis Strike Back! (Muslim Brotherhood) In retaliation more than a quarter million Algerian Muslims are slaughtered under the sword of Jihad. Armed Algerian Group (GIA) [xxviii] declares Holy War Jihad on the Secular Algerian government. Jihad is Saudi and Iran sponsored and continues to this day. GIA came from the group Takfir wal Hijra, which is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. [xxix] One thousand (1000) schools burned down, two hundred (200) teachers murdered, as well as countless intellectuals, politicians and secular figureheads. Gruesome scenes: victims have throat slit, or are beheaded. Children are bashed to death. 2002 Fight Goes On To this very day, Algerians are being murdered [xxx] and villages are being pillaged by followers of Husseini in the Algerian Jihad movement. Algeria’s secular government is engaged in a daily war against Islamic Fundamentalist threat. 1993-2002 Abu Sayyaf (Muslim Brotherhood) Abu Sayyaf group creates unrest in Southern Philipines. Many Abu Sayaf members are ex-Mujahedeen. Philipino population is 3% Muslim and 97% Christians. Close ties with Al Qaeda and Ramzi Youssef (responsible for first World Trade Center attack.) Financed by Saudi and Iranian Oil. Group becomes notorious through high profile kidnapping and assassinations. 2002 Philipino Government Fights Back US troops are sent to the Philipines to assist local military in fighting Jihad. Guerilla warfare ongoing in Southern Philipines. Founding Member of Arab League 1944 Saudi Arabia is one of founding nations of Arab League in 1944. Amin Al-Husseini plays a central role in the creation of Arab League. It becomes Amin Al-Husseini’s main vector in declaring a relentless state of war against Israel. Goal is to reinforce Wahhabi vision of Pan-Islamic unity. Founding countries are: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen. Husseini is appointed to President in Absentia of Fourth Higher Committee of Arab League. 1974-1975 Saudi Oil Is Power OPEC Embargo. Oil Producing Arab countries impose oil embargo on countries that supported Israel during 1973 War. Embargo is led by Saudi Arabia. The price of oil doubles with enormous financial repercussions on the West. Sponsorind Husseini’s ideology. Dissemination of Wahhabi anti-Americanism financed and orchestrated by Saudi Arabia. Although Wahhabis are a very small fraction of Muslims in America, 95% of mosques in the United States in 2002 receive Wahhabi subsidies from Saudi Arabia. All above-mentioned Jihad movements suspected of receiving Saudi dollars. A new leader Crown Prince Abdullah Oil Saudi Weapon Mid-1990’s Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia replaces ailing King Fahd as head of state. Prince Abdullah develops closer ties with regional archenemy Iran. Saudi Arabia and Iran are the two oil-producing giants of the planet. 1999 Saudi Arabia strikes deals with Iran to cut oil production in campaign to hurt American economy. The price of the oil barrel rises by 350%. Situation is remedied through active American diplomacy. Fifteen of Nineteen suicide bombers, involved in September 11th’s attack on America, were from Saudi Arabia. Osama Bin Laden [xxxii] is from a prominent Saudi family. Saudi Royal family denies any connection to terrorists and officially condemns terrorism. Saudi Arabia in favor of Palestinian Children Suicide Bombers [xxxiii] 2001. Saudi Telethon raises millions of dollars to support families of Palestinian Suicide Bombers. Saudi Ambassador in England publishes own poem that celebrates the slaughter of Jewish women and children by Palestinian Suicide Bombers. No apology felt necessary. 2002 Saddam Hussein Saudi Friend or Foe? Crown Prince Abdullah denies US government permission to use US military presence in Saudi Arabia as base to launch attack on Saddam Hussein. Sufi Islam Chechnya 1300-1700 A little Background... Chechen population becomes increasingly Islamic between 1300 and 1700, as the Muslim Ottoman Empire expands. Most practice Sufi Islam. The Caucasian Wars In 1791, the ruthless expansion of the Russian Empire reachesChechnya. The Russians seek complete surrender of the local Sufi tribes. Czar Nicholas I initiates a rule of terror. In 1859, Chechen leader Imam Shamil (1797-1871) surrenders marking the loss of Chechen independence. 19th century Genocide Massive deportation of Chechnya’s by Russia ensues. One million deported from their homes in Northern Caucasus. Ninety percent (90%) are killed by violence, disease or famine in Russian campaign of ethnic cleansing. 1917 Czarist Russia falls. The communist revolution sweeps the country and the Soviet Union is born. North Caucasian Republic is founded. It includes Dagestan andChechnya. It is originally supported by Communist revolutionaries. Russian Federation takes-over the Northern Caucasus. The territory is split into Dagestan and the Ingush-Chechen Soviet Republic. The Russians send Kossack troops to subdue the Chechens, who never fully surrender. Many hide in the mountains living as herdsman in abject poverty. 1944-1957 Ethnic Cleansing Continues… Feb. 1944. Communist Russia under Stalin launches more attacks against Chechens accusing them of closeness with the German Nazis. Stalin calls them ‘a suspicious people’. Elimination of Ingush-Chechen Republic. Mass deportations of Chechens to the province of Kazhakstan take place. One and a half (1.5) million deported in cattle cars. Over 30% die. Stalin bans Chechen alphabet, local Sufi Mullahs and leaders are executed and the practice of Sufi Islam is strictly prohibited. 1953 Soviet leader Khrushchev launches campaign of Russification, importing Russian families to take-over Chechen flat-lands. 1988 Meanwhile… The Rise of International Jihad Afghanistan War (1978-1988) sees defeat of USSR and regional rise of CIA- and Saudi-sponsored Islamic Fundamentalism, led by Osama Bin Laden. Eventually, Bin Laden rejects and disassociates himself from CIA and strengthens his ties with Muslim Brotherhood. 1988. He creates Al Qaeda (the ‘Base’) and declares an international holy war, ‘Jihad’ against West and all ‘enemies of Islam’. The Fall of the Soviet Union In light of economic slump and corruption throughout the USSR, Russian leader Gorbachev tries to reform the USSR towards a decentralized market-oriented economy. He initiates campaign of ‘glasnost’ (openness) and ‘perestroika’ (rebuilding). 1989 The Berlin wall falls. By 1991, the Soviet Union collapses. Fourteen soviet republics break off the communist block. East European countries take their independence. Chechnya follows suite. Independence The Chechen National Congress is formed and led by Jokhar Dudayev(picture), Chechen national hero and Kazhakstan holocaust survivor. Ingush-Chechnya declares its independence as a sovereign republic. 1991-1994 Independent Chechnya Isolated Chechen President Jokhar Dudayev sets up a democracy with freedom of religion and expression. Not a single nation worldwide recognizes new Chechnyan state, including the entire Arab and Muslim world. Russia’s new president Yeltsin cuts all economic ties with new nation which collapses economically. 1994-1996 First Chechen War 1994 Yeltsin declares war on Chechnya. President Dudayev is killed in 1996. By 1996 Russian army is defeated and war ends with Khazaviurt Accordwhich leaves issue of Chechen independence unsettled. Next door… Bin Laden’s Jihad International Network September 1996. Taliban army captures Kabul, Afghan capital and sets up Islamic dictatorship. Bin Laden returns to Afghanistan from Sudan with lessons of genocide. He joins the Taliban regime, which offers him protection. Bin Laden strengthens and expands Al Qaeda’s international network from Afghanistan. He rekindles connections with jihad mercenaries from Chechnya,Dagestan, Xinjiang of China, the Southern Philipines, North Africa and the Middle East. Chechnya Easy Prey New Alliances Fundamentalist Part of Wahhabi Empire Vs Secular ChechenRepublic 1996 War-torn Chechnya becomes increasingly radicalized by Wahhabi Muslim Brotherhood and Bin Laden. “One Muslim nation on the Caucassus” From Afghanistan, Bin Laden provides weapons, funds and training. Wahhabi indoctrination schools spring up. Muslim Brotherhood front is led by Al Kattab (Saudi born commander and close associate of Bin Laden) and Shamil Basayev (Chechen radical). An alliance is born. Its goal is to destabilize new ChechenRepublic. Wahhabi radical Shamil Basayev competes with mainstream Chechen leader, Aslan Maskhadov in free elections. Chechen Fundamentalist vs Chechen Nationalist 1997 “No” To Muslim Brotherhood Chechnya holds free elections. Maskhadov beats Muslim Brotherhood’s Basayev (59% to 23%) and becomes new Chechen president. Freedom of expression and religion are instituted. President Aslan Maskhadov openly condemns radical Islam and Jihad terrorism and seeks closer ties with the West. Violence ensues… Violence erupts between Muslim Brotherhood and elected Chechen government. President Maskhadov appeals to Russia and world for help against Wahhabi take-over, without success. Basayev and the Muslim Brotherhood are forced out and find refuge in neighboring Dagestan. 1999 Turning Point… Shamil Basayev and two thousand (2000) Muslim Brotherhood radicals attack Russia from neighbouring Dagestan claiming to be Chechen rebels. The deceitful strategy works and Russian army retaliates by attacking the new Chechen Republic instead of the Muslim Brotherhood perpetrators. ***** ***** President Putin Muslim Brotherhood Gains Ground Two Different Ideologies… Fundamentalist On Dec.31, 1999, Yeltsin resigns. Putin is elected Russian President, based on his victory over Chechnya. Defeated and desperate, Chechnya becomes increasingly radicalized by Muslim Brotherhood, which continues to provide weapons, funds and training, calling for an international Jihad. Basayev forms the “United Front of Caucasian Mujahideen” under the Wahhabi flag. Under pressure by radicalized Chechen rebels, Maskhadov introduces Sharia (Islamic rule) into Chechen political arena. Abuse of Chechen population by Russian army continues. The goal of the Muslim Brotherhood is against Chechen national sovereignty and in favor of including Chechnya in a broader Islamic fundamentalist empire headed by Al Qaeda and ruled by Wahhabi ideology. Most Chechens disagree. Wahhabi Radicals Take-Over [i] History of Saudi Arabia and Wahhabism. Wahhabi Islam is the state religion in today’s Saudi Arabia. All other forms of religion are strictly banned. Link: [i] What is Wahhabism? Link:, [iii] Wahhabism justifies violent means to rid themselves of the non-Islamic element amongst them. Link: [iv] Muslim Brotherhood and Wahhabism are at the root of Amin Al-Husseini’s Jihad against the West. Link:, [v] Hassan El Banna and his ideology in the Muslim Brotherhood. Link: [vi] Muslim Brotherhood is the main vector for Wahhabism and the Jihad against non-Muslims that lead to September 11, 2001. Link:, [vii] Muslim Brotherhood at the root of today’s hatred against the West. Muslim Brotherhood as main vector for Nazism in the Arab world. Link:, [viii] Arab Nazi parties guarantee growth of fascism in Middle East. Link: French site: [ix] Syrian Nazi Party flag. Link:}ssnp.html [x] Francois Genoud, Swiss Banker of Hitler’s Third Reich, becomes main financier of Jihad ideology and close associate of Amin Al-Husseini. Link: [xii] Hamas is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Link: Ideology and connection to Amin Al-Husseini. Link: [xiii] Odessa network. Nazi find safe-haven in Arab lands. Link: [xiv] Al Zawahiri is the main connection between Osama Bin Laden and the Muslim Brotherhood. Link: [xv] The Muslim Brotherhood and the genocide of the Sudanese genocide. Link: [xvi] Muslim Brotherhood at war with secular Egyptian government. Link: [xvii] Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Attempted assassination of President Mubarak. Link:, [xviii] Root of the Al Qaeda: Wahhabi Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood. Link: , [xix] Wahhabism is at the root of Osama Bin Laden’s Jihad. Link: [xx] Hizbollah attack on US marines in Lebanon. Link: [xxi] Yasser Arafat vows to destroy America. Link: [xxii] First attack on the World Trade Center in 1993. Link: [xxiii] Bin Laden, Muslim Brotherhood and the September 11th attack on New York. Link: [xxiv] Hassan Al-Turabi: the connection between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Sudanese genocide. The root of Osama Bin Laden’s Jihadi education. Link: [xxv] Pro-Islamic coup in Sudan puts end to democracy. Muslim Brotherhood in charge. Link:, [xxvi] Hassan Al-Bashir student of Al-Turabi. Active Islamic element in Sudanese Genocide. Link:, [xxvii] Sudanese Genocide. Link:, [xxviii] Algerian Armed Islamic group. Attempted genocide of the Algerian people. Link:,, [xxix] GIA at the root of the Algerian genocide and offspring of the Muslim Brotherhood. Link: [xxx] Islamic take-over in Algeria and the massacres of Muslims in the name of Jihad. Link:, [xxxi] Saudi Arabia at the heart of Islamic terrorism and Jihad against the West. Link: [xxxii] Who is Osama Bin Laden? Connection with the CIA and the Wahhabi Muslim Brotherhood. Link: [xxxiii] Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries officially fund Intifada. Arab League acts as intermediary. Link: THE HISTORY OF THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD IS THE KEY TO UNDERSTANDING TODAY’S ISLAMIC WAR AGAINST THE WEST
Syrian Social Nationalist Party FlagArab League and Muslim Brotherhood :
Voice of Amin Al-Husseini into the 20th and 21st Century
1945-2002Legacy of Death and Hate
Palestinian Jihad
Hamas supporters Egyptian Jihad
Amin Al Husseini with Abdel Nasser (President of Egypt) Birth of Al Qaeda
From the Muslim Brotherhood to Osama Bin Laden
American Jihad
Sudanese Jihad
Terrible drought hits Sudan resulting in severe famine. Janjaweed Arab militias (15% of Darfur population) relentlessly attack farms and villages of Sudanese Africans, depriving them of water and provisions. Pillaging, raping and killing are common. Africans are treated as second-class citizens.
2004 Refugee camp
Algerian Jihad
South Philipino Jihad
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia Today
Chechen Jihad
1791- 1859
Short lived…
Chechen flag
Nationalist Basayev vs Maskhadov
Second Chechen War
In effect, Muslim Brotherhood forces cause Second Chechen War, which results in defeat of young democracy.
Yeltsin claims a ‘great victory’ on Nov. 19, 1999. Vladimir Putin is his Prime Minister at the time and is hailed as a national hero.
Al Qaeda-style
Ex-President Maskhadov denies any involvement of his Chechen rebels and says that Basayev should be brought to trial for the Beslan atrocities.
Putin accuses both Basayev and Maskhadov and places 10 million dollar bounty on their heads.
More Russian troops are sent to oppress Chechen civilians and rebels.
Caught between Putin’s army and Basayev’s Wahhabi radicals, Chechen hopes for national independence and sovereignty are fading.
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Muslim Brotherhood led by Al Bashir take over government by force. He works closely with Osama Bin Laden. Persecution of non-Arab Sudanese by Janjaweed militia worsens under Al Bashir, and increasingly takes on the tone of racially motivated ethnic cleansing.
Bin Laden leaves Sudan under US pressure on Sudanese government. He returns to Pakistan and is transferred back to Afghanistan under the direct supervision of General Pervez Musharraf, then high ranking military figure. Osama Bin Laden gathers all the remaining Mujahedeen (‘Holy Islamic Warriors’) from the Afghan War. He finds refuge with the oppressive Taliban regime and rekindles connections with jihad mercenaries from Chechnya, Dagestan, Xinjiang of China, the Southern Philipines, North Africa and the Middle East. International Jihad takes shape.
A quarter million murders and counting.
9/11 and the Saudi Connection
Al Kattab
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Britannia Radio