Wednesday 11 November 2009

November 11, 2009

NWV would like to introduce our newest contributing writer Mr. William Owens. Here is his firs article.

The DNA of America v. an Obama Ideology
The DNA of America has, is, and always will, face off against this contrary ideology simply because it is in its nature to do so. The origins of liberty and freedom did not start with man, but with God. When one attempts to dethrone God, he or she is no longer fighting against man or policy, rather an evil agenda. Anyone who opposes the Creator’s gifts of liberty and freedom should revisit the halls of history where he or she will discover that, even though there were seasons that appeared to look as though socialistic ideals triumphed, those seasons only........
by William Owens, Jr.

Our Kazzaab Government
When Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan headed for the 7-Eleven near the base at Fort Hood, Texas for his morning coffee he looked like a Muslim cleric in his Islamic linen jubba. It was Thursday, Nov. 5, 2009. In his mind, this was gong to be Hasan's last day on Earth. He planned to meet Allah that day, bringing with him the souls of as many infidels he could carry on that journey........
by Jon Christian Ryter

Read it Before It's Banned by the US Government, Part 31
While a magnificent amount of material has been published in recent years involving the Mayan date 2012, until this book, the world at large has been unaware of the connection between this year and the Great Seal regarding the arrival of Apollo/Osiris/Nimrod and the final World Order.....
by Thomas Horn

Enemy Among Us
American’s tragic flaw is our unbridled fairness. That inherent fairness has been corrupted by the cancer of political correctness to the point we put our selves at risk rather than create even the perception of prejudice. Sometime after the VOLAR (all Volunteer) Army, the military veered from the “yes sir, yes sir three bags full” blind adherence to all orders to the concept of refusing “unlawful orders” and that was ostensibly a good thing. However, the uniformed.....
by Geoff Metcalf