Be It Known to You, O King
You slave-lovers can try to justify this (illegitimate) federal government’s “right” and “authority” to enter into such agreements (as well as all of the other myriad of unconstitutional actions forced upon us) with other nations all you want. I, along with millions of other Americans, will never accept your barbaric, brute-beast concepts of politics, where your conclusions of government power and citizen submission equate to a king-peasant relationship or worse. You can postulate all you want about the.........
by Attorney Timothy Baldwin, JD
Count Your Blessings
There is a silver lining in the Obama presidency. I thank God it has sounded the alarm causing the spirit of Americans to engage in the banquet of patriotism. As Americans, our time has come to show the same vigilance our founding fathers exhibited. Our time to exercise our constitutional rights. Our time to demand the preservation of liberty........
by William Owens
The Idolatry of Celebrity Worship
It is human nature for people to trust the familiar more than the strange; and marketers know this all too well. Consequently, many of us will instinctively treat the advice a celebrity gives as the counsel of an astute, discerning and well-informed friend – especially if they’ve played a memorable role, hosted a top-rated show, held an influential office or position, written a.....
by Paul Proctor
Not even Houdini could escape the two party system
There are two important rules the voters must remember if they want to avoid the type of government they have in Washington today. First: the guy with the massive war chest is always owned by the money barons. Don't vote for him or her—ever. Whether you are a Democrat, a Republican or an independent; or whether you a liberal, a moderate or a conservative, that candidate's agenda is already carved in stone by the bankers, industrialists and barons of business who bought him......
by Jon Christian Ryter