Thursday, 26 November 2009

November 26, 2009

Don't Forget Your Roots This Thanksgiving
I literally owe my life to a gentleman named Christopher Jones. Does the name strike a bell with you? Christopher Jones was the captain of the Mayflower. He was not a relative, but one of his passengers was. I don't know how many great-great-greats there would be in front of the name "grandfather," but my ancestor is Elder William Brewster who came to America on the Mayflower.........
by Marilyn Barnewall

UN Resolution 242
Dr. Zalman Shoval, former Israel ambassador to the US, who currently heads the Prime Minister’s forum of US-Israel Relations, perpetuates an old and widespread error in his Jerusalem Post article of November 19, 2009. He refers to UN Security Council Resolution 242, which, he says, “is the only agreed basis for all the agreements and initiatives to bring about a settlement of the conflict between Israel and its neighbors, including the Palestinians.......
by Professor Paul Eidelberg

Muslims in 21st Century America: Harsh Treatment of Muslim Women
Islam also mandates an ancient ritual called ‘female genital mutilation’. This custom, performed on their young girls, cuts and mutilates the vital sexual being out of the woman, usually before age nine. The butchery proves painful with no anesthetic and devastating for a lifetime for the woman! In some cases, the child dies from infections from the procedure carried on with crude instruments such as glass or razor blades. After the operation, she cannot enjoy any intimate fulfillment for the rest of her life......
by Frosty Wooldridge