Social Science Is Dead Blacksmiths, Barbers and Dentists Pan Am 103: what really happened?
For the average patient everything became less affordable. And now we have the stimulus package. Chambers of Commerce all over the country and the world are in on the action. While conservatives are howling about Acorn receiving stimulus funds, few look to the Chamber of Commerce that was a most important active promoter of stimulus legislation and a big beneficiary.Social meddlers like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce have a tremendous advantage over We the People because........
by Erica Carle
Typically, finding a clinic that offers safe amalgam removal is more difficult and you may have to travel some distance. Be thorough when finding a proper clinic – removing mercury fillings improperly can be more dangerous than leaving them in your mouth. The clinic must offer a complete detoxification program before and after the procedure. And many precautions should be in place to avoid mercury from accumulating in the air........
by Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND
Even after over twenty years the enigma of the Lockerbie Disaster haunts the planet. The disaster has claimed many victims after the event too. The families of the 270 killed still have not got closure as the truth of what happened to the plane is still hidden. Governments of all political colors both sides of the Atlantic seem to be unwilling to let the public in on what they know and have known for decades. Many ask why this silence? Others seek closure in accepting the script as per Kamp Zeist and the compensation paid by Libya, not because it accepted any guilt, but rather to get back into the money club......
by Stewart Nicol
Saturday, 28 November 2009
November 28, 2009
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Britannia Radio