Sunday, 29 November 2009

November 29, 2009

Obamazilla is America's True Nemesis, Not Fellow Patriots
Back in April, an upset California patriot emailed me after their successful tea party. His local organizers were gung-ho about fighting the battle on the national level. My emailer had a fire in his belly to fight locally. I advised my patriot brother to follow his passion. Our incredible movement was sparked by the passion of one man, Rick Santelli. What began with passion can only be sustained by passion, everyone doing what they feel passionate about doing.........
by Lloyd Marcus

Obama’s Birth or America’s Rebirth?
Let us assume for the moment that it became revealed that Barak Obama was not a natural born citizen of the United States, proving that he was ineligible to be President of the United States. Ok, now what? Would Obama be removed from office? Perhaps. Then what? Joseph Biden would be our next President. Ok, then what? Would the United States be freer? Would the States and the people.......
by Attorney Timothy Baldwin, JD

From Truth to Mysticism - By Global Design
It illustrates the Soviet double-speak used to confuse, transform, and then unify a compliant mass of contented slaves. And now, seventy years after its publication, Orwellian double-speak is spreading this confusion faster than ever. In this upside-down world, wrong seems right, good is called evil, and lies are simply the new convenient truths. Since feelings count more than facts, illusion reigns, oppression spreads, Jihad is justified, and the Bible is banned!.....
by Berit Kjos

An Inconvenient Truth
The brouhaha over the recent epiphany regarding junk science and climate change duplicity is a big deal. Science is ‘supposed’ to be all about facts, evidence and proof. The scientific method that kids are taught at an early age is explained as “A method of discovering knowledge about the natural world based in making falsifiable predictions (hypotheses), testing them empirically, and developing peer-reviewed theories that best explain the known data.” It is not ‘supposed’ to be.....
by Geoff Metcalf