Saturday, 7 November 2009

November 7, 2009

The Largest IRS Refund in US History
The IRS and Kersting did not get along. For the better part of three decades the IRS challenged and chased Kersting and his investors and in fact, when Kersting died they continued to go after his assets. Kersting had fought each and every controversy with the IRS. It was a fight that had him litigate his cases all over the United States. Kersting had numerous published decisions in various circuit courts and in Tax Court. Sadly for Kersting and his investors, every single recorded case that he fought with the IRS.........
by Edward Snook

Do Christians Have a Right to Self Defense , Part 1
Does a modern Christian have a right to self defense? With every right there is a correlative responsibility. The ancient right to bear arms has been described in antiquity as the obligation to bear arms in defense of your community. In those ancient times if you would not arm yourself to defend your community you were often shunned if not run out of town all together. .......
by Brother Gregory Williams

Teaching Children To Use Drugs
It should have been no surprise to anyone when drug education courses served only to arouse curiosity and promote experimentation on the part of children exposed to them. You don't discuss a subject day-in and day-out if you want children to stop thinking about it. To this day if I try to explain the danger of drug education courses to those who are lamenting the "drug problem," the majority will respond with nothing but a dumb smile. Then they will anxiously try to change the subject........
by Erica Carle

National Health Care: Resurrecting the Welfare State
Feminists have exercised nearly unfettered control of Congress’s social policy philosophy since the creation of the Great Society. That arrangement, designed to help a few women in trouble, evolved into an industry executing the feminist goal of destroying marriage. The ever-escalating demands to entitle non-marriage and out-of-wedlock procreation never end. Welfare state expansions have eviscerated the function of marriage. Marriage naturally guarantees.....
by David Usher

Communism never went away
We have been battling the same old nightmare that continues to morph into cause after cause and shape after shape. Many of you thought we had beat Communism when Ronald Reagan said “Gentlemen tear down that wall” and Communist Russia disbanded. Sadly, it oozed into other bodies. A lot of you don’t know it but the rope is already tightening around your little necks. Even worse, many of you support your own strangulation because you have bought the enemy’s.....
by Laurie Roth