Parents to be Fined if They Take Their Children Out of Sex Lessons 'Parents will face fines if they remove 15-year-old children from sex education lessons as they become part of the national curriculum for the first time. Lessons in relationships and sex will begin at five, with prescribed content for each age group. Parents will still be able to withdraw children on moral and religious grounds, but this right – which currently extends until students are 19 – will be lost at 15. Mothers and fathers risk being fined and prosecuted under anti-truancy laws.' Dissecting the Masonic Front 'Common Purpose' 'The Masonic front group “Common Purpose” is a registered charity that charges thousands of pounds for communitarian matrix training courses in neurolinguistics, Delphi, Consensus Creation, Cognitive Dissonance, and other forms of psychological control. It’s main initiation course is called Matrix. Its mantras and rites are based on Rockefeller-Tavistock [inventor of "Israel"] methodologies based on the work of John Rawlings Rees and the World Federation for Mental Health.' The Money That Is Sold Abroad Is You Stunning Research Shows High Potential for DNA Damage From Nanoparticles 'Tiny metal particles have been shown to cause changes to DNA across a cellular barrier - without having to cross it. The nanometre and micrometre scale particles resulted in an increase of damage to DNA across the barrier via a never-before-seen cell signal process.Reporting in Nature Nanotechnology, the researchers say the mechanism could be both a risk and an opportunity.' Mother Trailed by Policeman and Warned by Council for Telling Off Son at Checkout 'A mother who reprimanded her children at a supermarket was secretly followed by an off-duty policeman and interrogated by fellow officers who reported her to social services. The 34-year-old, who has had no previous problems with the police, was horrified when she was visited at home by two uniformed officers six weeks after the incident. They said she had been seen by the off-duty officer who had trailed the family to their house – a 15-minute walk away – to get their address.'
Sunday, 8 November 2009
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Britannia Radio