Friday, 13 November 2009

Population Reduction: Globalist Endgame Begins?

'On October 30th,”2009 editors of local papers in Kyiv, Ukraine received a flood of phone calls from citizens reporting low flying aircraft spraying an unknown aerosolized substance over L’viv, Ternopil and other cities. On October 27th”the Ukrainian media broke the story that on October 26th”in Ternopil an unknown flu had killed seven people , and that over the past few days about 6 thousand people had sought out medical attention in regards to flu like symptoms.

From this first report through to the 9th of November over 1 million people inside the Ukraine people have contracted some form of flu like illness. This is almost double the number of ‘confirmed’ H1N1 cases worldwide in all other countries. There have also been over 155 deaths reported due to influenza during this time. This outbreak is unprecedented yet it has received  minimal coverage in the western media. It just seemed to get lost amidst all of the swine flu coverage, and written off as just more cases of H1N1 before any lab samples had been processed. In the Ukrainian and Russian media however the outbreak has been treated more seriously and has been referred to as ‘pneumonic plague’.'


Vaccine Victims Blamed For National Emergency

'The publication of "Why you can't get swine-flu vaccine" in Rupert Murdoch's New York Post (Nov. 3, 2009) by Robert Goldberg, Vice President of the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest, proves how human intelligence has devolved since Salem's victims were blamed to popularize status quo psychopathology, social injustice, and mass murder otherwise called institutionalized genocide. 
According to Goldberg, partnered with Peter Pitts, mainstream media's health pundits for consumer protection, the H1N1 National Emergency declared by Barack Obama is due to fringe lunatics who think mercury is harmful when injected by vaccines; not "vaccine shortages".'


Cops Force Boy to Take Flu Shot


'It took the strength of two sheriff's deputies to keep a middle schooler still enough to receive a shot of the swine flu, or H1N1, vaccine at a recent clinic.

During a regular Wheeling-Ohio County Health Board meeting Tuesday, health department Administrator Howard Gamble told board members about the student's attempt to flee Wheeling Middle School during a vaccination clinic held there last Friday.'