Question Time 5th November
Tonight's event will be from Reading and the panel will be the Welsh Secretary Peter Hain MP, the Shadow Environment Secretary Nick Herbert MP, the former Metropolitan Police commissioner "Sir" Ian Blair, the former MEP and perma-tanned Robert Kilroy-Silk. The final "eh? who?" slot is taken up by a Natalie Haynes. Please join us as usual at 10:30pm with David Vance back in the Big Chair here!
Thursday, 5 November 2009
As usual we will be shadowing Question Time with our very own Biased-BBC live-chat session tonight. Christopher Kelly has stirred the MPs expenses pot once more, David Cameron's "cast iron guarantee" will surely come up, and of course this may be one of the last ever editions of Question Time - McDoom is about half way through his Fifty Days To Save The World.
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Britannia Radio