Russia's Muslim Strategy - foreign policy,
Islam is “Russia’s fate.”
This was the prediction made a few years ago by Aleksei Malashenko, one of Russia’s leading (and most reliable) experts on Islam. This may be an exaggeration, but perhaps not by much.
Demography is...
Links between the Taliban and al Qaeda have grown stronger,
The current state of the Taliban
Kaustav Chakrabarti: Mr. Rahimullah Yousufzai, you have been following different armed movements in the region, particularly the Taliban, for several decades now. What do you think about the Taliban?
Obama to announce Afghan troop increase within days,
On Monday night, Barack Obama held his ninth and possibly last “war council”, discussing strategy changes in the Afghan war and a US troop increase with his top advisors. Obama is coming close to a decision on a “surge” of up to 40,000...
Border zones and insecurity in the Americas,
Border zones are incubators of criminal instability and violence. Weak state presence and the lucrative drugs trade is combining to challenge state sovereignty in acute ways. Consider Mexico, where the northern frontier with the US and southern...
Where is Scotland going? Foreign lands and forgotten places,
Scottish politics often seem like a foreign land to the Westminster cognoscenti, its political class and media. Where is Scottish politics and where is it going? After all the talk of the popularity of the SNP and Alex Salmond and problems of...
Peter Mandelson wants to turn off your internet,
Peter Mandelson's plans to finally stop the scourge of file-sharing are wrong-headed, dangerous and dangerously far reaching, but they also expose a fundamental disconnect with how the internet is changing business. Guy Aitchison and Thomas...
Public service guarantees,
It is only to be expected that comment on the government’s conversion in its new legislative programme to public service guarantees in the health service and schools, and a statutory commitment to relieving child poverty, should reflect the...
Graham Allen says it as it is,
Graham Allen MP has tried harder, with more patience and less thanks, to get Labour to embrace genuine democratic reform than perhaps any other member of his Party, not to speak of his fellow MPs. Now, as yet another Committee reports on how the...