If true, a revealed systematic fraud of this magnitude will surely not only bury AGW once and for all but, as Philip Stott anxiously observes, this ultimately inevitable outcome may well bring all of science into disrepute as a result. The web is alight with excitement over the hacked data. A word of caution, however – although the CRU’s director Philip Jones has confirmed that the material is genuine, with so much of... Given the paucity of the arguments, it would be tempting to dismiss the whole thing as unimportant. Would that we could. The documentary has already provoked a torrent of abuse against British Jews... If this sort of language takes hold, a bad situation in Britain may be about to get a whole lot worse. Jewish leadership organizations have long feared accusations of divided loyalty between Britain and Israel and, ironically given the charges now being made against them, are frequently criticized in their own communities for failing to be sufficiently robust in Israel's defense. The risk is that some may now be panicked into silence. Non-Jews who call for aSaturday, 21st November 2009
The smoking iceberg?
Data that has been hacked from the Hadley Centre’s Climatic Research Unit at East Anglia University – one of the principal academic centres behind anthropogenic global warming theory – appears to reveal an international conspiracy of scientific experts to distort, falsify or suppress evidence in order to exaggerate man-made global warming, and also to vilify AGW sceptics in order to rubbish and bury their own evidence.Friday, 20th November 2009
A voice of decency protests
Robin Shepherd’s op-ed on that Dispatches in the Wall Street Journal is a cracker. Having dwelt upon the absurdity and sloppiness of its case, he concludes nevertheless:
Saturday, 21 November 2009
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Britannia Radio