Saturday, November 21, 2009
Islamonazi Iran Again Vows to Hit Tel Aviv
Iran has again vowed to hit Tel Aviv, having already threatened to "burn" the city--Israel's commercial and cultural capital and main population center--if the Islamist nation comes under attack over its nuclear program. Click here for the story.
The turbaned tyranny is begging for a bombing--a nuclear bombing. Israel's first duty is to protect its citizens. Iran and its Lebanese proxy, Hitlerian Hezbollah, boast that they have amassed enough missiles to end Israel's existence. The countdown to conflict has begun.
Barack Obama's appeasement of Islamonazi Iran has made another war in the Middle East inevitable, just as Neville Chamberlain's appeasement of Nazi Germany made World War II inevitable. Worse than Chamberlain, who sincerely believed he was preserving the peace in Europe, but made the mistake of misreading Hitler's intentions, believing he would be satisfied with limited territorial concessions, Obama has actually sought to align with Islamist Iran--and Islamism in general--in a craven attempt to strike a Grand Bargain for the pacification of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Israel is not--and will not allow itself to become--another Czechoslovakia. The Islamonazis are playing with nuclear fire.Islamist Conspiracy or Lone Islamist Terrorist?
The American traitor U.S. Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan is an Islamist terrorist. That much was known within hours of his attack on his unarmed comrades at Fort Hood. There is growing evidence that he did not act alone. Click here for the story, which an Islamist-appeasing administration and adoring, liberal media outlets are bent on suppressing or spinning.
They will make every effort possible to cover up the Islamist connections to the slaughter, which highlights the Islamist fifth column threat to U.S. national security and the nation's vulnerability, more than eight years after 9/11, to Mumbai-style swarming attacks by domestic and alien Islamist terrorists.A Conservative Jew Responds to 5 Liberal Lies
Liberal Lie #1: Islam is peaceful and beautiful.
Response: Islam is an inherently intolerant and warlike religion that has become synonymous with its most militant elements--for good reason. Organized Islam is essentially dominated by Islamists and Islamist apologists and sympathizers. Islamists are clerical fascists who seek global dominance through the imposition of Islamic law across the planet.
Liberal Lie #2: Bush overreacted to 9/11.
Response: President George W. Bush actually under-reacted to the worst-ever attacks on American soil. He should have used any and all available weapons to obliterate the Taliban and Al Qaeda, setting an example for generations to come of the fate that lies in store for those who dare to commit atrocities against the United States. Additionally, Bush should have revoked the visas of all aliens from Muslim countries, and captured, detained, interrogated and imprisoned or deported the estimated 100,000 visa over-stayers from these barbaric places.
Liberal Lie #3: American support for Israel is the root cause of the conflict.
Response: The root cause is Islam--and Islamism, a political ideology that has overtaken the religion. The United States could stop supporting Israel; it could disappear tomorrow (God forbid), and the Islamists would still hate and hope to conquer the U.S. (and Europe) through terrorism, immigration, and conversion.
Liberal Lie #4: Israeli "settlements" in the "West Bank" are another root cause of conflict.
Response: Appeasement and accommodation of Palestinian Arab/Islamist opposition to Israel's very existence is the root cause of conflict. Radical Palestinian Arabs and their Islamist allies aim to destroy Israel, will not rest until they are victorious or crushed. The thriving Israeli towns and villages in the disputed territories of Judea and Samaria, west of the Jordan River, which Israel captured during the defensive war of June 1967 (the Six-Day War), are a source of tension, because they signal Jewish determination to retain sovereignty over liberated parts of the Land of Israel, but by no means a root cause of a more than century-old struggle by the Jewish people for political independence in its historic homeland (which in modern times included both sides of the Jordan River until the British, in 1921, prohibited Jewish settlement in 77% of Palestine--i.e. the entire East Bank--to create Transjordan, which, in 1946, became the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan, and, three years later, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan--a country, commonly called Jordan, that is now at peace with Israel). An Israel limited (God forbid) to the greater Tel Aviv area would still be a target for radical Palestinian Arabs and their Islamist allies; they oppose any sort of independent Jewish State, no matter how small. Its existence threatens them theologically and ideologically.
Liberal Lie #5: Diplomacy and dialogue are always good things and therefore always worth pursuing.
Response: Dialogue and diplomacy are means, not ends. In some cases, engaging in dialogue and diplomacy with enemies can be counterproductive, self-defeating, and even suicidal. The lesson of the Munich Pact, for example, is that a totalitarian country that is pursuing an imperialist foreign policy--meaning, a policy that aims to overthrow the status quo and change its power relationships, regionally and globally--cannot be successfully engaged (appeased). Misreading such a country's intentions can be a fatal error, as the world learned in the case of the British/French failure to preserve the peace in Europe by appeasing Nazi Germany. Instead of preventing war, appeasement made it inevitable--on Germany's terms.
U.S. President Barack Obama has not only appeased Islamist Iran; he has tried to align with it and with Islamism in general, seemingly seeing himself as the de facto president of "the Muslim world," in competition with Osama Bin Laden, leader of Al Qaeda, the only Islamist organization, apparently, which is still beyond the pale of U.S. engagement. As a result of Obama's perfidious policies, Iran is another year closer to acquiring atomic arms and ballistic missiles capable of destroying Israel, driving the U.S. from the Middle East--before bringing it to its knees through an indirect and deniable atomic attack--and dominating and intimidating Europe as it steadily Islamizes.On the Inconvenient Climategate Scandal
Times and Time Try to Spin Obama China Trip
Click here and here.
Truth be told, Obama's China trip was worse than a failure. Again, the U.S. President put personal/national prestige on the line without careful planing and preparation. As a result, Chinese leaders more than ever see Obama as a weak amateur heading a dying (but still dangerous) hegemon.
Contrary to the drivel from Obama-worshiping pundits and correspondents such as Candy Crowley of CNN, successful summitry is all about preparation. Successful summits are staged and orchestrated. They aren't improvised. Too much is at stake. Emissaries are supposed to do the hard work and heavy lifting ahead of bringing their leaders together. The Chinese know this; Cable TV/Internet-addicted Americans used to know it.
In short, there is a difference between community organizing and political campaigning on the one hand and international diplomacy on the other. The world is not Chicago, a fact Obama may be just beginning to face.Friday, November 20, 2009
Legal Scholar Says Obama Comments Help KSM
Only 49% of Americans Approve of Obama
Obama Birth Issue Won't Go Away
Settled Science: Earth Has Not Warmed in 10 Years
Publisher Jane Friedman Focusing on E-Books
You can't keep a good woman down.
The positively brilliant and indomitable Jane Friedman--America's most accomplished publisher--is back in action with an e-book venture. Click here for the story.
Her stroke of genius: a unique mix of backlist titles, new books, and online marketing.
Exclusive: China Confidential has learned that Friedman--who was among the first publishing executives to recognize the importance of audio books--is interested in innovative integration of video and text.On Nidal Hasan's Ominous Islam
Patriotic Christian Woman Could Get Prison Time for Allegedly Pulling at Barbaric Muslim Head Scarf After Fort Hood Massacre by Muslim Major
Self-Hating, Left-Wing/Liberal Jews Sickened by Sarah Palin's Steadfast Support for Jewish State
Muslim President Turns on US Jews
Muslims Murder Moscow Priest
America's Appeaser-in-Chief Treating 9/11 Terrorists Like Common Criminals or Rapists
Left and Right Agree: Geithner Must Go
Obama looks more like a one-termer--another Carter--every day.Central Bankers Biggest Gold Buyers
Guns Keep Ships Safe from Muslim Pirates
Experience disproves another suicidally stupid Left/liberal idea. Click here for the must-read editorial.
The Islamist-leaning, left-wing Obama administration has done nothing--zero--to put an end to the scourge of Muslim piracy.Hacked Emails Expose Climate Change Fraudsters
A manmade fraud--the idea that carbon dioxide is pollution--exposed by hacked emails. Click here for the story.
It is only a matter of time before Al Gore is universally condemned as a charlatan--and worse. Unlike a simple snake oil salesman, who hurt nobody or perhaps a few people, the former Vice President, who parlayed a slide show into an Academy Award and a Nobel Peace Prize, has hurt humanity, starting with his own countrymen, by seeking to choke the energy supply on which our civilization depends.Appeasement Backfires: World Powers Meet on Iran
Obama's election, as China Confidential had predicted, assured Iran of at least an additional year to acquire atomic arms.Thursday, November 19, 2009
'Narrative' is Key for Post-Post 9/11 Media
Self-hating American media are developing a metanarrative for the Islamist mega-attacks....China, Russia Reject New Iran Sanctions
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Obama Defends Iran Engagement Policy
CNN carried the news conference live. It will be interesting to see if the unity remarks are reported by the mainstream media.9/11 Trial Increases Threat to New York
IBD editorializes on "Bombs and Circuses in New York" as follows:Terrorism: "Live from New York," the trials of the 9/11 conspirators will be a media freak show that paints a giant bull's-eye on the Big Apple. Worse, it will provide al-Qaida with national secrets.
Why have the president and his attorney general decided to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and a handful of other 9/11 schemers in a courthouse a short walk from Ground Zero?
Don't joke that "if they can make it there, they can make it anywhere!" National Review's Andrew McCarthy, who led the prosecution against the 1993 World Trade Center terrorists, reminds us that Khalid and his co-terrorists could exploit the Constitution's Sixth Amendment right to self-representation.
America could then be faced with this choice: Let the terrorists serve as their own lawyers and be allowed reams of national security material — or deny them that right and risk the case being thrown out on Sixth Amendment grounds.
McCarthy warns that Khalid and the others "can and will demand discovery of mountains of government intelligence. They will demand disclosures about investigative tactics; the methods and sources by which intelligence has been obtained; the witnesses from the intelligence community, the military, and law enforcement who interrogated witnesses, conducted searches, secretly intercepted enemy communications, and employed other investigative techniques."
Without being represented by counsel sworn not to reveal national security secrets, these murderers will pass on all that information to al-Qaida, as happened in the 1993 Trade Center trial.
Had the president simply allowed a military trial to proceed, on the other hand, McCarthy points out that "these war criminals would be well on their way to the execution of death sentences."
Bringing Khalid to New York for trial will also make the city "the focus of mischief in the form of murder," former Attorney General Michael Mukasey warned last week.
Even someone as far to the left as New York Gov. David Paterson knows this, and he is understandably incensed. Paterson blasted the president this week, saying "this is not a decision that I would have made." He added that "having those terrorists so close to the attack is gonna be an encumbrance on all New Yorkers."
"Encumbrance" may end up being an understatement. As University of Missouri constitutional law professor Kris Kobach has pointed out, "During the trial, every building in Manhattan becomes a target for the jihadists."
That will still be the case if Governor's Island is chosen as the trial venue, as some suggest. Kobach also notes that, with defense-lawyer maneuvers that would be prohibited in a military tribunal, "the trial will take many years to complete. Indeed it may not even start for five years or more."
China Confidential analysts add that it is important to recall that nuclear terrorism experts have for years warned that there is at least a 20% chance that a nuclear device will be detonated in an American city over the next two decades. Bringing Al Qaeda war criminals to New York for civilian trials would seem to increase the chances of such an attack. More likely, arguably, is a Mumbai-style swarming attack on soft targets in the city, including schools, hospitals, churches and synagogues. The threat to the Jewish community--the world's largest outside Israel--is especially serious.
Islamist terrorists are not likely to attack the area surrounding the lower Manhattan courthouse. They are not likely to attempt a Western movie-style attack to free the Al Qaeda mass murderers. More likely, the Islamists will attack other neighborhoods and boroughs--e.g. midtown Manhattan, the upper East and West sides, Brooklyn, etc. There aren't enough police to protect all these areas.
The downgrading of the war against Islamist terror to a law enforcement problem is downright obscene and insane.US Dithers as Defiant Iran Rejects UN Deal
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Bibi Sends Symbolic Message to Islamonazi Iran
On Obama's 'Awkward Summit'
Islamist Appeasing Obama Administration Incensed by Israeli Plan to Build Apartments in Jerusalem, Capital of Ancient and Modern Jewish State
Reuters reports:Israel triggered a fresh rift with Washington over settlement building on Tuesday by approving the building of 900 homes for Jews on West Bank land it occupied in a 1967 war and annexed to its Jerusalem municipality.
The Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth said U.S. President Barack Obama's envoy, George Mitchell, had asked an aide to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, at a meeting in London on Monday, to block the proposed construction at the settlement of Gilo.
But a government planning commission approved the addition of 900 housing units at Gilo, where 40,000 Israelis already live.
The Israeli decision drew an unusually sharply worded rebuke from the White House, which said it was "dismayed" and accused Israel of undermining Obama's efforts to resume peace talks with Palestinians stalled since December.
Continue here.How High Will Gold Go? Peru Miners Have a Theory
Top-drawer Peruvian gold miners have a new theory about the rise of gold.
The precious metal's price per ounce will seesaw between the $1,000 range and $1,200 for about two years, these experts predict, with no guarantee of a $1,000 floor, because it will take two years for the widely anticipated inflation to kick in worldwide.
After that, the sky is the limit, they tell China Confidential.
The Peruvians expect gold to climb all the way to $4,000 an ounce in 2012.
That is the good news, in their view.
The bad news? Production and exploration costs will also soar. So supplies will remain tight or tighten ... which could further affect the price of gold. Or not affect it ... assuming inflation and economic chaos are the key drivers.Obama Fails to Impress or Persuade China
Saturday, 21 November 2009
A wonderfully talented writer-reporter gets it right--here.
The President and the Attorney General could be inadvertently helping the 9/11 war criminals' civilian court case. Click here for the expert analysis.
The latest Gallup poll is striking. Click here for the story.
The Obama birth certificate/eligibility issue won't go away, as an encounter, captured in the video below, shows.
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 10:34 PM links to this post
Click here for the must-read IBD editorial.
Click here for a truly brilliant essay by a real expert on the Islamist menace.
Defending America is now a hate crime. Click here for the sickening story.
Jewish Communists, cowards, left-wingers and liberals and their Israel-hating friends in the mainstream media are sickened by Sarah Palin's steadfast support for the Jewish State. Click below for her newsworthy comments.
posted by Confidential Reporter @ 9:07 PM links to this post
America's first Muslim-born President (according to Islamic law) has cut the White House Hanukkah party down to size, so to speak, to send a signal to pro-Israel Jews. Click herefor the story.
A courageous Russian priest has been gunned down by masked Muslim terrorists, as reported here.
The appeaser-in-chief has ended the war against radical Islam. War criminals are going to be treated like common criminals or rapists. Click here for the analysis, a confirmation of China Confidential reporting and analysis.
Liberals and conservatives agree: Obama's Treasury Secretary must resign. Click here.
The world's central bankers are the biggest gold buyers, as reported here.
Obama's appeasement of Islamist Iran--and Islamism in general--has backfired horribly. Click here for the story.
IBD nails it--again--here.
Click here for the story. China Confidential has all along predicted it would come to this. There is no diplomatic solution....
This report does not quote the President in detail. He defended his engagement (appeasement policy) on the grounds that it has led to "unity" in the international community with regard to Iran (even though the policy has thus far given Iran nearly an additional year to advance toward acquisition of atomic arms).
Obama's dumbbell diplomats dither as defiant Iran rejects the flawed UN-brokered uranium export deal ... and plays for time ... to acquire atomic arms. Click here for news of yet another setback for Obama's potentially catastrophic appeasement policy.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin ('Bibi") Netanyahu staged a photo opportunity to send a message to nuclear-arming, Islamonazi Iran: Israel can strike Iran with nuclear missiles. Click here for the story.
The China trip was a total flop. Click here for the analysis.
Click here for the story. Even the pro-Obama Times can't put a good face on the fact that the the trip was a total flop. China's leaders have the upper hand--and know it.
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