Refugees 'better qualified' claim YOU PAY £24M TO POLISH KIDS The Neather Brouhaha: A Correction Taxpayers give £20m benefits to Polish children - even if they have never stepped foot in Britain Britain pays child benefit for more than 50,000 children living abroad DANGER ALERT AS SEX FIEND FLEES 1,300 CHILDREN AT IMMIGRANT CENTRES Bogus student checks 'don't work' UK RETURNS IRAQI ON ASSAULT CHARGES The new pragmatist? Voters 'against' Blair for EU role The slow-motion New Labour putsch that swept our nation away Moving the retirement age goalposts SARKOZY DEFENDS FRENCH IDENTITY AS BLAIR LOOMS OVER EU UK detained 1,300 child migrants Labours secret scheme to build multicultural Britain What does the Serbian wife think of her husband... BNP's biggest donor?A selection of recent media reports
Refugees living in Wales are more highly qualified than people born in the country, a new report has claimed. The Centre for Migration Policy Research at Swansea University found at least a quarter of refugees had a degree gained in their own...
BBC News (02-Nov-2009)
BRIT taxpayers are forking out £24million a year in benefits for children living in POLAND, shock figures have revealed. Campaigners have demanded an end to the handouts, which can be claimed by Poles and other migrant workers for their kids under EU...
Daily Star (02-Nov-2009)
So I was wrong. It was a mistake to suggest that the alleged Neather Plot - that is, the conspiracy to "swamp" Britain with Labour-voting imigrants - was the kind of cockamamie scheme that could only be the work of over-excited junior clever chaps at the Home...
The Spectator (01-Nov-2009)
British taxpayers are funding child benefit payments for more than 50,000 children of migrant workers - even though they remain living in their own...
Daily Mail (01-Nov-2009)
British taxpayers are funding child benefit payments for 37,900 children who live in Poland, Treasury figures show.
The Sunday Telegraph (01-Nov-2009)
Police were last night hunting a convicted rapist who escaped from immigration officials while being served with a deportation order. Sex fiend Imtiaz Hussain, 44, fled the Pakistan High Commission in central London and ran off into the...
The People (01-Nov-2009)
More than 1,300 children were detained at three immigration removal centres in the UK during a 15-month period, figures have...
Daily Express (01-Nov-2009)
Donal MacIntyre show, BBC Radio 5 live Immigration officers have warned bosses that new rules designed to stop bogus students entering the UK are not working, the BBC has...
BBC News (01-Nov-2009)
An Iraqi immigrant accused of running down his daughter because she was becoming too Westernised has been returned to Arizona to face aggravated assault charges after being denied entry to the...
UK Express (01-Nov-2009)
France's minority communities are depressed about Sarkozy's intentions, but they may end up better represented than...
Guardian Unlimited - Comment is Free (01-Nov-2009)
Voters are strongly opposed to either Tony Blair or David Miliband taking up top Brussels jobs to be created under the Lisbon Treaty, according to a... (01-Nov-2009)
Once again, one of the biggest stories of the week has been widely ignored by the official political reporters, who are not interested in politics. This is the disclosure, by a New Labour apparatchik, Andrew Neather, of the real purpose of his partys immigration policy.
Daily Mail (01-Nov-2009)
By Frank Field Published: 26 October, 2009 Frank Field MP for Birkenhead The last projected figures on population growth before the election have just been...
Pensions Week (01-Nov-2009)
THERE is a lot of intense activity going on in the European Union at the moment. The usual demands that we send more money are par for the course (they are now demanding an extra £5million from us every day) but the bare-knuckle fighting for jobs that don t even exist yet is...
Daily Express (01-Nov-2009)
More than 1,300 children were held at UK immigration removal centres during a 15-month period, the government says. The figures were revealed in a letter from Immigration Minister Phil Woolas to Pete Wishart MP, the Scottish National Party home affairs...
BBC News (01-Nov-2009)
Can the recent success of the British National party be explained by the misguided immigration policy of the government? That was the killer question from the floor during the notorious episode of Question Time 10 days...
Times Online (01-Nov-2009)
His family's power and influence may have waned since the days when they owned great swathes of England, and a castle and country estates were named in their...
Daily Mail (31-Oct-2009)
Monday, 2 November 2009
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Britannia Radio