Taxpayer funds family's £1,600-a-week rent Swiss voters back ban on minarets BNP leader Nick Griffin to attend Copenhagen summit for EU Swiss voters 'back ban on building of minarets' Desperate foreign students seek charity LABOUR HAS CONDEMNED CHILDREN TO MEDIOCRITY Baroness Scotland's maid facing immigration trial tells peer: See you in court Home truthsA selection of recent media reports
A FAMILY of former asylum seekers is living in a £1.8m central London home at a cost to the taxpayer of £1,600 a week, despite a pledge by ministers to crack down on housing benefit payments.
Timesonline (29-Nov-2009)
Switzerland voted to ban the construction of new minarets on Sunday, a surprise result certain to embarrass the neutral government and which the justice minister said could affect Swiss exports and...
Yahoo Uk And Ireland News (29-Nov-2009)
Nick Griffin has won a publicity coup by securing a place to represent the European Parliament at the Copenhagen climate summit but will have no influence on the negotiations, MEPs said...
Times Online (29-Nov-2009)
Swiss voters appear to have defied their Government and churches today and approved a national ban on the construction of minarets. Early results showed that 57 per cent of voters had backed the proposal, ensuring international embarrassment for Switzerland and a possible backlash in the Muslim...
Times Online (29-Nov-2009)
Hundreds of destitute Indian students have finished another free lunch at a Sikh temple in Southall, west London. It's not the dream of England they were...
BBC Health (29-Nov-2009)
THE schools watchdog Ofsted issued a damning annual report this week, stating that one in three schools is failing to provide adequate teaching. More than two million children are being taught in schools that just aren t good enough, with many pupils leaving school at 16 lacking basic skills in reading,...
Daily Express (29-Nov-2009)
Attorney General Baroness Scotland could be ordered to appear in court if her former housekeeper stands trial on fraud and immigration offences next...
Daily Mail (29-Nov-2009)
WE are in a deep recession. Public services struggle to manage. A generation of young people is desperate for jobs. Yet Labour STILL won't get a grip on immigration.
Online Sun (28-Nov-2009)
Monday, 30 November 2009
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Britannia Radio