=========================== Shabbat Shalom!! =============== WINSTON MID EAST ANALYSIS & COMMENTARY November 25, 2009 Email: winston@winstonglobal.org Please disseminate & re-post. If you publish, send us a copy. Many of our articles appear on www.freeman.org & JewishIndy.com Outgoing mail is virus-checked. SEND BIBI TO FREEZE IN SIBERIA FOR HIS PROPOSED 10 MONTH SETTLEMENT FREEZE by Emanuel A. Winston, Freeman Center Middle East Analyst & Commentator Clearly, Israel’s Prime Minister Binyamin (Bibi) Netanyahu has been in secret negotiations with the Arabist U.S. State Department and the Obama Regime to surrender Israel’s sovereignty to foreign interests. Moreover, we can expect Bibi’s policy of his announced 10 month settlement freeze to be a deliberate ploy to place an introductory, seemingly limited freeze on settlements to get the people accustomed to the freeze and then, unilaterally extend the freeze to a more permanent basis. The solution to this wholly corrupt, weak and egregious act of abandonment is to start preparing to once again vote Netanyahu out of power and to send Ehud Barak with him into the political wilderness. Regrettably, Bibi has extended his reputation of being untrustworthy and, like Peres, Rabin, Barak, Sharon and Olmert, he is demonstrating that he is perfectly willing to work in secret with foreign nations as a Quisling who is willing to subvert his own nation and her people - again. I wish I was wrong. It has been reported (below) that eleven of the Security Cabinet voted to accept the freeze. Shas abstained (y boycotting the meeting and vote) and only the true patriot Uzi Landau voted against it. Defense Minister General (Ret.) Ehud Barak voted for surrendering Israel’s sovereignty by "freezing settlements". Barak was always a proponent of abandoning the Land, as he has so many times, (confirmed in the following Jerusalem Post article.) In 1994, he supervised, as Chief of Staff, the first army withdrawal from the territories surrounding Jericho and the Gaza Strip ("Gaza and Jericho first") following the Oslo declaration. During his inaugural speech as Prime Minister to the Knesset 1999, he explained that his peace policy was based on Syria and the Palestinians and improved relations with Egypt and Jordan. Concerning Syria, he intended to reach a negotiated peace based on UN resolution 242 and 338, retroceding (a new word for abandoning, surrendering) the Golan in exchange for full recognition and normalized relations. Concerning the Palestinian issue, Barak remained uncompromising on Jerusalem but declared himself ready to accept a Palestinian state if it is demilitarized. At last, concerning Lebanon, Ehud Barak promised to withdraw the Israeli troops from the "South Lebanon security zone" by the middle of 2000. This he did in May 2000. Barak established his yellow streak when he ran the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) out of the South Lebanon Security Zone in the middle of the night, abandoning his South Lebanon Allies, tanks, pallets of military supplies - all of which were expropriated by the Terrorist organization of Hezb’Allah. When Barak was Prime Minister he offered the godfather of modern Terrorism, Yassir Arafat, 97% of all the Jewish Land liberated in 1967, including Jerusalem as its "shared capital" of another State of Palestine. Thanks G-d, Arafat refused. How in the world do we Jews breed such inept, stupid leaders who seem willing to commit national suicide? COMMENTARY BY EMANUEL A. WINSTON ### ‘LET US MAKE PEACE’ SAYS PM IN ANNOUNCING 10 MONTH SETTLEMENT FREEZE (and make elephants fly) jpost.com staff, Khaled Abu Toameh & AP, JERUSALEM POST 11/25/09 Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced a ten-month settlement freeze at a Jerusalem press conference on Wednesday evening (today) after the security cabinet approved the plan, and called on the Palestinians to make peace with Israel. He said the move was a "far-reaching and painful step," designed to "encourage resumption of peace talks with our Palestinian neighbors." "We authorize it from a deep desire to move forward toward peace," he said, adding that Israel hoped it would lead to "meaningful negotiations" toward a "historic peace agreement" with the Palestinians. Concerning Jerusalem, the prime minister said his position was "well known," that "we won't put any restrictions on building in our sovereign capital." "Israel's government has made an important step toward peace today," Netanyahu said. "Let us make peace together." Eleven security cabinet members voted in favor of the settlement freeze with only Infrastructures Minister Uzi Landau opposing it. The plan, which applies only to the West Bank and does not include Jewish neighborhoods in east Jerusalem, will now go to the full cabinet on Sunday for final approval. [WINSTON: IF the past is any indicator of Netanyahu following Sharon’s perfidy, Bibi will fire those voting against - or start a new Left Wing Party - like when Sharon created Kadima.] The freeze applies only to new construction, meaning housing already underway will continue. Also, Netanyahu said, only new homes are included. "We will not halt existing construction and we will continue to build synagogues, schools, kindergartens and public buildings essential for normal life" in the settlements, he said. Shas members of the security cabinet boycotted Wednesday's meeting, with Interior Minister Eli Yishai explaining that the party "will never agree to a freeze on settlement construction, even for one day." Yishai went on to say that a freeze on settlement construction would "not strengthen anything, and will be perceived as a sign of weakness." Defense Minister Ehud Barak said at the start of the meeting that "the freeze on West Bank settlement construction is a responsible and reasonable decision." Furthermore, said Barak, the aim of the freeze would be to keep the window open for a renewal of negotiations with the Palestinians. "Israel is powerful and has a strong deterrent capability, but time is not necessarily on our side," continued the defense minister. "It is imperative to move towards a two state solution. There are no alternatives." [WINSTON: There are feasible alternatives: Fire Barak and vote Bibi out of power.] Barak said that he hoped that the Yesha leadership, which is undoubtedly patriotic, responsible, and serious, would "understand the need for this decision at this time." Barak went on to say that the security cabinet's decision was based on an understanding with the United States pertaining to renewed negotiations. [WINSTON: As I recall, the Oslo Accords were called "patriotic" - as was the Gaza evacuation of 10,000 Jewish men, women and children from Gush Katif/Gaza - destroying 21 communities, their homes, farms, industries, businesses, schools, synagogues and even their cemeteries. Now, it appears that Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem are on the patriotic chopping block - requiring the eviction of as many as 500,000 Jews. First you freeze their growth. Do Jews evict Jews? Why?] Barak concluded his remarks by saying that the continued security and military superiority of Israel would be key factors in the decision. The Palestinian Authority strongly rejected Netanyahu's plan and reiterated its refusal to return to the negotiating table with Israel. Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said there was nothing new in Netanyahu's announcement, pointing to the 3,000 new housing units under construction in the West Bank. "This is not a moratorium. Unfortunately, we hoped he would commit to a real settlement freeze so we can resume negotiations and he had a choice between settlements and peace and he chose settlements." Nabil Abu Rudaineh, a spokesman for PA President Mahmoud Abbas, announced that the Palestinians rejected the plan because it did not include Jerusalem. [WINSTON: A non-people with a non-capital wants legitimacy as if they always existed in history - instead of migrating into the Land of Israel because the Jews made her bloom. Now they want what we Jews built!] "For the Palestinians and Arabs, Jerusalem is a red line that can't be crossed," Abu Rudaineh said. "We can't accept any settlement construction freeze that does not include Jerusalem." Abu Rudaineh said that the Palestinians would resume peace talks with Israel only after Israel freezes construction work in the West Bank and east Jerusalem. Both Erekat and Abu Rudaineh are accompanying Abbas on a tour of a number of Latin American countries, including Brazil, Argentine and Chile. This article can also be read at http://www.jpost.com /servlet/Satellite?cid=1259010981876&pagename=JPArticle%2FShowFull Copyright 1995- 2009 The Jerusalem Post - http://www.jpost.com/ |