Tuesday, 10 November 2009

 single currency blues


The EU is trying to cover up for its sins by making a scapegoat of Greece. I don't usually agree with Greece but on this occasion Greece is right. It was France and Germany that insisted on the single currency implying a single exchange rate and a single interest rate. Yet they who were the first to brush aside their own rules. And now they are ganging up on one of Europe's smallest economies to prove that they are serious about the rules. Good job.

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Brussels to rebuke Greece over budget deficit

By Tony Barber in Brussels

Published: November 10 2009 08:47 | Last updated: November 10 2009 12:00

Greece will be rebuked on Wednesday for doing too little to cut itsbudget deficit as impatience spreads across the European Union with thechaotic state of the Greek public finances.

The European Commission will distinguish Greece from other deficitoffenders – notably, France, Spain and the UK – by declaring that theauthorities in Athens have failed to comply with recommendations torestore fiscal order.

The reprimand is one of the strongest tools available to theCommission, which acts as the guardian of the EU's fiscal rulebook,known as the stability and growth pact. The ultimate punishment is theimposition of financial sanctions on a member state, a step the EU hasnever taken.

All 27 EU countries except Bulgaria are expected to have budgetdeficits next year in excess of 3 per cent of gross domestic product,the limit under EU rules for normal times.

But Greece annoyed several of its fellow eurozone members as well asthe Commission by concealing the true condition of its public financesuntil last month, when a new socialist government came to power andblamed the mess on its conservative predecessor.

The Commission first recommended in March that Greece should bedeclared to be running an excessive deficit. At that time, Commissionexperts estimated the Greek deficit would be above 3 per cent of GDPthis year and above 4 per cent next year – high, but not alarmingly so,given the impact of the global financial turmoil on European publicfinances.

After the new Greek government's revelations, however, the Commissionpublished forecasts last week putting the deficit at 12.7 per cent thisyear and 12.2 per cent in 2010.

Compounding the problem is the high level of Greece's public debt,which the Commission estimates will rise to 112.6 per cent of GDP thisyear, 124.9 per cent next year and 135.4 per cent in 2011.

Fitch credit ratings agency downgraded Greece's debt last month andMoody's put it under review for a possible downgrade. But in somerespects the reaction of financial markets to the bad news from Greecehas been restrained.

Yield spreads between Greek and German 10-year government bonds, whichrepresent the premium investors are prepared to pay for lower-qualityGreek debt, are at present about 140 basis points, half their level inFebruary. A basis point is one-hundredth of a percentage point.

Economists said this demonstrated how eurozone membership providedGreece with such secure shelter from financial turmoil that it mighteven reduce the incentive to cut public expenditure and take otherunpopular measures to restore fiscal discipline.

The Commission is expected to allow France and Spain one more year –until 2013 – to reduce their deficits to below 3 per cent. The UK willalso be granted one more year, until 2014/15 fiscal year.

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