Sunday, November 15, 2009
China Confidential
China Official Criticizes US as Obama Arrives
NY Times Tries to Generate Sympathy for Hasan
The America-hating, Islamist-appeasing Times is trying to generate sympathy for U.S. Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan. Clickhere for the sickening story, the first of many to come.
There is more. China Confidential sources at the Times say the paper plans to mobilize an army of reporters, writers and columnists to defend the "rights" of the 9/11 mastermind and his accomplices when they are tried in a New York civilian court as a result of the Obama administration's obscene/insane decision, which the Times firmly supports.Obama Quietly Backing Muslim Brotherhood
China Confidential has learned that the Obama administration is quietly backing the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, in an attempt to curry favor with the banned Islamist opposition group.
In response to the Brotherhood's emergence from elections in 2005 as Egypt's main opposition group, the government of President Hosni Mubarak has wisely banned religion-based political parties. The government has introduced legislation preventing Muslim Brothers from standing in elections as independent candidates.
The government has also sought to cripple the movement by arresting hundreds of its members.
Obama's engagement of the Brotherhood recalls the Eisenhower administration's covert support for the group in a failed attempt to topple the secular nationalist Nasser regime and the catastrophic Carter administration's covert backing of the Ayatollah Khomeini and craven betrayal of Iran's pro-American, modernizing monarch, the Shah, in a disastrous attempt to hop aboard the Islamist bandwagon in that country.
The world's oldest and largest Islamic political group, the Muslim Brotherhood was founded by the Egyptian schoolteacher Hassan al-Banna in 1928. It spawned Al Qaeda, among other groups, and serves as the center of the global Islamist movement.
On October 6, 1981, the Brotherhood made history by assassinating Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. He was gunned down during an annual military parade in Cairo. A fatwa approving his assassination--for the "crime" of making peace with israel--had been obtained from Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman, a blind cleric later convicted in the United States for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. He is currently serving a life sentence at a U.S. prison in North Carolina.Iranian Regime 'Moderate' Slams Obama
Iran's parliament speaker, Ali Larijani, long regarded as a so-called moderate by Islamist-appeasing Americans and Europeans, criticized U.S. President Barack Obama Sunday, arguing that his promise to change U.S. policy toward Tehran amounts to nothing.
Larijani said that after a year of Obama's speeches and slogans, it is a "disgrace" that his actions are the same as his predecessor.
The Iranian lawmaker decried the extension of U.S. sanctions against Iran.
Larijani also rejected the most recent Western proposal to resolve questions about Iran's nuclear program, dismissing it as "unimportant" and "irrational." The flawed plan calls for Iran to send uranium abroad for enrichment. Tehran countered with conditions to what was presented as a take-it-or-leave-it proposition.
Larijani's remarks were followed by "Death to America" chants in the Iranian legislature.
Larijani formerly functioned as Iran's top nuclear negotiator.Obama Effectively Supporting Iranian Regime
By Mona Charen
President Obama likes to preen himself on his supposed moral superiority to his predecessor. He announced the closing of Guantanamo in his first week on the job (though, ten months on, it remains open) to advertise the new administration’s disdain for George Bush’s war-fighting tactics. And at every opportunity since, he has stressed that his policies — on taxes, on the Middle East, on health care, on “man-caused disasters,” and on “climate change” — reflect a more refined and elevated morality than has ever before held sway in Washington, D.C.
So you have to wonder how the president slept last Wednesday night.
He has known that critics in the United States regarded his posture toward the Iranian regime as weak. But on Wednesday, he heard this critique from a different quarter — one that will be more difficult to dismiss.
Every year, on November 4, the anniversary of the day in 1979 when Iranian thugs took American diplomats hostage in Tehran, the government has organized a street demonstration outside the former American embassy. In the early days, the rallies may have engaged a certain number of spontaneous participants, but they have long since become utterly stage-managed government shows. The only people the regime could muster this year to chant “Death to America! Death to Israel!” were non-Iranian members of Hezbollah and students bused in from the provinces for that purpose.
But that wasn’t the only demonstration in Tehran that day. Displaying awe-inspiring courage in light of the brutal tactics (including murder) the regime has used to quell opposition, tens of thousands of Iranians took to the streets again. Instead of “Death to America,” they shouted “Death to the Dictator,” referring to Ahmadinejad. And they trampled on photos of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Michael Ledeen, of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, reports that demonstrations also erupted in Shiraz, Isfahan, Kermanshah, Zahedan, Arak, Mazandaran, Tabriz, and Rasht. As before, the regime used paramilitary goons on motorcycles to beat, tear-gas, and bludgeon protestors. And again the regime disrupted cell-phone service, text messaging, and the Internet to prevent demonstrators from coordinating their activities.
But this is what should awaken Obama’s conscience: The protestors chanted something new this time. As they dodged the blows of the militia they chorused: “Obama! Obama! Either you’re with them or you’re with us.”
This exquisitely moral White House was unmoved. Incredibly, President Obama released a statement that very day commemorating (!) the 30-year anniversary of the kidnapping of America’s diplomats, taking the opportunity once again to abase himself and us. “Thirty years ago today,” the president recalled, “the American embassy was seized” — he did not say by whom. But because some anonymous agent seized the embassy, it “set the United States and Iran on a path of sustained suspicion, mistrust, and confrontation” that Obama is determined to reverse. He wants to move beyond the past and seek “a relationship with the Islamic Republic of Iran based upon mutual interests and mutual respect.”
By ostentatiously using the term “Islamic Republic,” Obama tips his hand. He could have expressed his hopes for good relations with the people of Iran. That would have left the door open to a new Iranian regime that might not be politically Islamic. Instead he has signaled his eagerness to placate and, yes, appease the current malevolent Iranian leaders. “We do not interfere in Iran’s internal affairs,” he assured them. Asked about the demonstrations flaring around Iran, the president’s spokesman Robert Gibbs hoped that “the violence will not spread,” which sounds like something you’d say about rioters. In Iran, the violence is coming exclusively from the government, which is firing upon unarmed demonstrators.
Though the Obama administration has tripled the deficit in just ten months in office, it has found one program to cut — the $3 million to support the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center. The tiny research organization, which kept records of the disappearances, murders, and other human-rights abuses in Iran, was abruptly defunded last month, sending a clear message of contempt to the Iranians who are putting their lives on the line to resist this vicious regime.
A successful overthrow of the nearly nuclear mullahs in Iran would be the greatest boon to world peace and stability since the fall of the Berlin Wall. After this week’s events, it can no longer be said that the Obama administration isn’t doing enough to support the opposition. The people on Tehran’s streets know the truth — he’s effectively supporting the regime.
Mona Charen is a nationally syndicated columnist. © 2009 Creators Syndicate, Inc.Will US Back Palestinian Statehood Move at UN?
The Palestinian Authority (PA) is threatening to change tactics and bypass the negotiating table. The PA plans to ask the United Nations Security Council to endorse a Palestinian state without Israel's consent, PA senior negotiator Saeb Erekat said Sunday.
"The purpose of such a move is to keep the hope in the minds of Palestinians alive," Erekat told Israel's Army Radio. He asserted that Palestinians have lost hope in the peace process since Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took office eight months ago. The PA has demanded a complete freeze on Jewish settlement expansion as a precondition for resuming peace talks, but Netanyahu has refused, offering a partial freeze instead, Erekat said, adding that peace talks that began in 1991 have failed to achieve the goal of Palestinian statehood.
"It is very, very obvious to Palestinians now that 18 years later, that the Israeli government is not willing to even resume the negotiations where we left them in December 2008, but their main goal and the main strategy for the government is more settlements," Erekat said.
Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Silvan Shalom was quick to respond.
"Any unilateral statement that will be made by the Palestinians will not move the Israeli side forward in order to achieve peace with the Palestinians," Shalom said.
Israeli officials say a unilateral declaration of statehood could doom peace efforts; Palestinians say the peace process is already dead.
A key question: what will the United States do? Most Middle East experts expect the U.S., which is one of five permanent Security Council members, to veto any UN initiative. But China Confidential analysts disagree. They believe U.S. President Obama is inclined to back the Palestinian move, or, at the very least, to threaten to support it as a means of exerting pressure on Israel.
Obama Influenced by Anti-Israel Advisors
Obama is heavily influenced by anti-Israel advisors, analysts say, including Zbigniew Brzezinski, who has urged the President to authorize the downing of Israeli warplanes in the event of an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear (and missile) sites, and Samantha Power, who has advocated U.S. military intervention in "Palestine" in order to force Israel's withdrawal to indefensible borders (pre-1967 boundary lines) and acquiescence to a Palestinian state in the disputed West Bank territories with Jerusalem as its capital.
UN Security Council members Russia and China are also likely to support the initiative, according to China Confidential analysts.
The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) declared independence unilaterally on Nov. 15, 1988. The declaration was recognized by dozens of countries, but never implemented on the ground.
The PA is the administrative organization that was established pursuant to the 1994 Israel-PLO Oslo accords to govern Gaza and parts of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank. Hamas, which has ruled the Gaza Strip since 2007--and now threatens to take over the West Bank--is an Iranian Islamist proxy dedicated to Israel's destruction that regularly accuses the PA of being an Israeli-American proxy.
PA President and PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas draws his political strength from the Fatah party, which has dominated Palestinian politics for decades. Like Hamas, Fatah is formally committed to Israel's elimination. Fatah has recently escalated its anti-Israel rhetoric to the point of including pro-Hitler statements on the organization's website.Israeli President's Historic South American Tour Threatened by Iran-Backed Islamists and Nazis
China Confidential has learned that Israeli President Shimon Peres' sate visit to South America is turning into a security nightmare.
Pro-Palestinian and Islamist groups, aided by Iranian-controlled Hezbollah cells and internationally-connected neo-Nazi elements, have compelled security officials to change the president’s schedule.
Peres is scheduled to leave Brazil today to travel to Buenos Aires, Argentina, after attending an economic conference sponsored by Israeli business leaders.
On November 12, Peres told Brazilian Jews in Sao Paulo: "Nothing is left of those who tried to destroy Israel in the past."
The Brazilian Jewish community held receptions to welcome Peres to their country--the first visit by an Israeli president to Brazil in 40 years.
In Sao Paulo, about 2,000 people attended a ceremony at the Hebraica Club, the major meeting point for the city's 60,000-member Jewish community. The institution is considered to be the largest Jewish club in the world.
Speaking in Hebrew, Peres praised Brazil's tradition of religious tolerance.
Later, referring to Iran's president, he said: "Mahmoud Ahmadinejad preaches a message of war, hatred and threat. And now he is a great historian by denying the Holocaust. He doesn't tell the truth and doesn't bring a message for the future. One who doesn't bring messages for the future won't have any future."
The following day, in Rio de Janeiro, home to Brazil's second largest Jewish community, with some 40,000 members, the community held a welcoming event at a luxury hotel facing the renowned Copacabana beach.
Peres' weeklong agenda in Brazil included a meeting with President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva. Peres also addressed the Brazilian Congress and was granted the title of honorary citizen of Brasilia, Brazil's capital.
Peres, a former Prime Minister and a member of the Kadima party, was elected by the Knesset as President of Israel in June 2007. The position is largely ceremonial.New North Korean Provocation Imminent
North Korea is believed to be preparing a new provocation, including, possibly, test-firing of missiles and an attack on a South Korean target.
An incident is imminent, according to China Confidential analysts in the region.
Click here for the background.Obama Sends Mixed Signals to Burma's Military Junta; Precedent-Breaking Presence at ASEAN Meeting Helps Legitimize Mass-Murdering Regime
Determined to "engage" Burma, which is ruled by a mass-murdering, military junta, America's appeaser-in-chief sent mixed signals to the pariah state Sunday.
The U.S. President overturned a long-standing policy of shunning the regime and instead used a meeting with the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) to urge Burma (Myanmar) to free pro-democracy leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi.
It was the first meeting in 43 years between a U.S. president and the leaders of junta.
Obama reportedly told Burma's non-elected, so-called prime minister, General Thein Sein, to release Suu Kyi.
The message fell on deaf ears. All that matters to the junta is that the U.S. has helped to legitimize it.
Again, Obama has put his personal prestige and the prestige of the nation he was elected to lead and represent on the line--for no apparent gain apart from "dialogue."
Dialogue and diplomacy are ends, not means, in Obamaworld.
Human rights groups had hoped a communique out of the meeting would call for the release of Suu Kyi, who is under house arrest. But the statement merely made a cryptic reference to a previous ASEAN foreign ministers communique that called for her release.
Sunday's statement did say that 2010 elections in Myanmar must be "free, fair, inclusive and transparent." Obama will certainly try to characterize the language as a victory of some sort.
In fact, the failure to single out Suu Kyi was "another blow" to dissidents who want more pressure on the Myanmar junta, said Soe Aung, a spokesman for the Forum for Democracy in Burma, a Thailand-based organization.
"We keep saying again and again that the U.S. should not send a mixed signal to the regime."Obama Begs Defiant Iran for Flawed Nuke Deal
Obama continues to engage (appease) a defiant, nuclear-arming Iran, as reported here.
Even if the Islamonazi regime in Tehran accepts a uranium export arrangement, there will be enough loopholes so as to merely slow down, at best, rather than stop Iran's atomic advances.
Intentions matter. In fact, intentions are key. Iran intends to destroy Israel and drive the United States from the Middle East--for starters. Bringing the U.S. to its knees through the use of weapons of mass destruction and economic warfare are long-range Islamonazi objectives.
U.S. appeasement of Iran is making war in the Middle East inevitable.Saturday, November 14, 2009
CNN Mobilizing to Back Obama Perfidy
CNN, commonly called (in patriotic circles) the Communist News Network, is working overtime to manage the Obama administration's capitulation to Al Qaeda. Click here for the nauseating "opinion piece."
CNN and other liberal media outlets are dedicated to managing and manipulating the news. Mere reporting and analysis is obsolete in Obamaworld.
This native New Yorker--a Jew and a graduate of Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism--is sickened and embarrassed by what nowadays passes for the press.Chinese Dissidents Punished Because of Obama
Monday, 16 November 2009
China's chief banking regulator has criticized U.S. monetary policy. Click here for the story. His comments coincided with the start of President Obama's three-day visit.
The globe-trotting Appeaser-in-Chief brings pain and misery to democracy seekers everywhere. Click here for the news from China.
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