Friday, 27 November 2009

Thanks to those who tried to get on.  FINALLY about 4 days late Conservative Home got on to it in a carefully camouflaged corner.  

I found it by accident under the heading " 

Why I, a climate change sceptic, support Greg Clark's 'positive environmentalism'

I am somewhat angry because the whole handling stinks of manipulation.  

After considerable waffle the debate is now beginning to open up DO JOIN IN PLEASE .  

It's on:

My main contribution timed at 1610 is as follows:

After 3 days of badgering the blog finally gets round to a split-up posting of monumental indecision. In my parlance this is called "kicking the issue into the long grass" .

The party against the views of its members (see the polls) has gone overboard into the AGW camp. (That "A" is only there to fool everybody that its scientific, What was wrong with 'man-made'?)

We are are in the worst economic crisis anybody has ever seen and if we don't get those borrowings down voluntarily we will be cruelly treated by lenders and the IMF and made to do so. The scale of this is so enormous that we would take a decade at least to surface. And yet this fatuous "green" tinted party is in cahoots with all the other politicians to spend 100s of billions which we haven't got.

There's nothing wrong with CO2 in the first place. It is natural and is the very raw material of life. All these 4 points of mitigation that Tim puts up are a mere smokescreen to let the politicians get away with granting even more power to foreigners. I don't expect to be fed the party line on this blog especially when it takes 3 days for the blog to get permission.

The British press and this blog have done all they can to hush up the scandal and the blog found the required verbose MMGW worshipper in Jonathan May-Bowles to fill up the comment section with waffle

Monbiot - the arch-apologist of this false religion - knows that the CRU's behaviour has exploded the whole case and he says so. I applaud his honesty.

We've been betrayed by our party, our press and this blog"
