- 'We are still green' insist Tories in four speeches push
- Differences between George Osborne and David Cameron shouldn't be exaggerated
Martin Sewell on Platform: The Conservatives must engage with faith communities so they are prepared for helping to deliver the responsibility agenda
Seats and candidates: 60% of Tory members urge Julie Kirkbride to abandon attempts to stand again
Local government: Phew! This Birmingham building (>>>>) can now be demolished after failing to receive listed status
Nick Seaton on Local government: Paying consultants exhorbitant fees is the wrong way to involve the private sector
Graeme Archer on CentreRight: You have a right not to be married
Martin Parsons on CentreRight: The government has questions to answer about flood defence
WATCH: Painting of Margaret Thatcher is unveiled in 10 Downing Street
David Cameron warns CBI that a failure to address the deficit posed the “greatest single risk to sustained economic recovery” - FT
We are going to drive down corporation tax, Cameron tells CBI - City AM
How parties outlined economic strategies to CBI - Scotsman
The Conservative leader clearly grasps the fundamentals of economic recovery - Telegraph leader
David Cameron says 'no' to married rights for live-in couples
"The Conservative leader slapped down his justice spokesman Henry Bellingham, who is conducting a review of family law for the party, following an angry backlash from traditionalists. Mr Bellingham caused consternation by backing new legal rights for unmarried couples, despite fears that they could further undermine marriage." - Daily Mail
"The Tories have pledged to scrap home information packs (HIPS) within weeks, if they are elected... Estate agents say sellers are put off by the £300 to £400 cost. And with the current shortage of housing stock, they say sellers should not be discouraged from putting their homes on the market." - City AM | Times
"Red Toryism, as portrayed by 43-year-old Mr Blond, contains a number of elements which chime with Mr Cameron's own views and those of his main ideas man, Steve Hilton. Mr Blond believes in the importance of the community as opposed to the state, exactly the 'progressive conservative' message which formed the core of the Conservative leader's conference speech this year. Oliver Letwin, the man writing the next Tory manifesto, says: 'Blond's work is seminal. He's one of the most exciting thinkers around." - Daily Mail
How David Cameron's social concern was inspired by Neville Chamberlain - Charles Moore in The Telegraph
Employment tribunal finds News of the World guilty of bullying while Andy Coulson was Editor - First Post
Support for Scottish independence down to 29% as support for SNP also slides - Telegraph
The Iraq inquiry opens today but may not report until early 2011 - BBC
> On CentreRight yesterday Bob Seely predicted what the report would conclude.
Charlie Elphicke on CentreRight: It is important that David Cameron debunked the idea that deficit spending is somehow a good thing
WATCH: Cameron tells CBI that dealing with the deficit now would be good for growth
Stephan Shakespeare on CentreRight: Beware of Rogue PollsAndrew Lilico on CentreRight: Doing it all with tax rises is not an option