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CAIR Boasts of Media Coverage After Ft. Hood If You Haven’t Done So, Will You Add Your Name to the 27,711 Who Have Signed Our Petition Calling for Investigation of CAIR? Dear Harold, (In just the past 24 hours, over 5,400 people have added their names to our petition! The word is getting out, as most of those who signed were not members of ACT! for America. If you have not yet signed the most important petition we have ever launched, we urge you to add your name to keep this incredible momentum going!) --------------------------- When ACT! for America launched its petition three weeks ago calling for a government investigation of CAIR, one of the reasons was that, in spite of growing evidence of CAIR misdeeds and ties to terrorism, many in the media still confer legitimacy upon CAIR as a “mainstream” organization worthy of interviewing. This was disturbingly evident in the aftermath of the Ft. Hood terrorist attack—confirming why this petition is so important, and why we continue to publicize it. As excerpts from New York Post and WorldNetDaily stories below reveal, CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, was able to turn the Ft. Hood terrorist attack into a media bonanza. Even Fox News provided CAIR multiple opportunities to comment. Meanwhile, CAIR continues its legal battle to suppress the mountain of incriminating revelations outlined in the blockbuster book, Muslim Mafia (co-authored by Paul Sperry, who wrote the New York Post column below). We are outraged that an organization like CAIR was given such wide access to the media to comment on a terrorist attack. Aren’t you? Had there been a public congressional investigation of CAIR a year ago, it is likely that more of the media would have shunned CAIR in the aftermath of the Ft. Hood atrocity. This is why we continue to promote our petition, as part of our initial effort to push for a government investigation of CAIR. Yes, we now have close to 28,000 names, the most we’ve ever gathered for a petition. But we also know that about 2/3 of our members have not yet added their names. We realize there are those who don’t see their emails every day, so we’re sure that explains why some haven’t added their names. But for those who are aware of the petition, and haven’t signed, we’re frankly puzzled. With their names we could double our number of petition signers in one day! CAIR is hoping to squelch what could well be a public relations disaster. The more people who sign our petition, and the more attention it gets, the harder it will be for CAIR to weather this crisis unscathed. This is an opportunity for every American, who is genuinely concerned about radical Islam and the political correctness that enables it, to take an action that has great potential upside and no downside. So if you haven’t yet signed the petition, please click here to do so today. It takes about three minutes to read and add your name. That’s it. Simple. Quick. Easy. We ask the indulgence of all of you who have already signed, as we continue to promote this. You can help us by reminding people you know to sign the petition. This is too important for any of us to ignore. There is too much at stake. We need a level of participation by our chapter leaders and members on this petition far greater than anything we’ve seen before. CAIR is battling to maintain an aura of legitimacy. The bottom line is this: If we fail to act, we in effect help them win this battle. That’s why CAIR is hoping most ACT! for America members won’t sign this petition. Disappoint CAIR. ACT today! 'Moderate' terror pals Media still promoting CAIR By PAUL SPERRY http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/moderate_terror_pals_1ptTXHB1 ndiDYn9li2RJrL Just as security officials overlooked Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan's links to al Qaeda cleric Anwar Aulaqi, who exhorts American Muslims to kill US soldiers, so did our leaders long turn a blind eye to a "mainstream" Muslim group's ties to this same 9/11-tied imam and other Islamic extremists. For years, our media and government routinely accepted and even promoted the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations as a legitimate voice of Muslim Americans, buying into its claim to be the Muslim ACLU. In fact, CAIR is a radical Saudi-funded front group founded by leaders of the terror-supporting Muslim Brotherhood to infiltrate Washington and defend extremists. More than a dozen of CAIR's leaders have been jailed or otherwise implicated in support of terrorism -- yet its spokesmen until recently were welcomed in the highest corridors of power. They still boast of meeting with then-President George W. Bush after 9/11. "From its founding by Muslim Brotherhood leaders, CAIR conspired with other affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood to support terrorists," Assistant US Attorney Gordon Kromberg stated in a recent court filing… …Meanwhile, the media's courtship with CAIR continues apace. In the wake of the Fort Hood killings CNN, PBS, Fox, MSNBC and other networks immediately put CAIR's leaders on the air -- where they predictably insisted the attack had nothing to do with Islam and warned that any "Islamophobes" who make that obvious connection are inviting violent "backlash" against Muslims. Ironically, a top CAIR official was a member of a terror cell linked to Aulaqi, who also counted some of the 9/11 terrorists and Maj. Hasan in his flock. Aulaqi met with members of the Virginia Jihad Network, which trained to kill our soldiers in Afghanistan. The group's ringleader, Ismail Royer, worked out of CAIR's national headquarters. The terrorists were later convicted, and one of their confederates, an al Qaeda sleeper, was busted plotting to assassinate President Bush. Royer himself cut a deal, pleading to a lesser, related weapons charge in exchange for his cooperation. But he's not cooperating: Frustrated prosecutors recently branded him an "inveterate liar" in one filing. Yet CAIR national spokesman Ibrahim Hooper is heading efforts to spring Royer, his protégé, from prison, where he's serving 20 years. Federal prosecutors now agree that, far from being a benign nonprofit, CAIR is the spearhead of an anti-American conspiracy to support terrorism and institutionalize Saudi-style rule in America. And they warn in court filings that its participation in that conspiracy is "ongoing." The media elite are now expressing shock that the military and government officials turned a blind eye to Hasan and his extremist connections. The real shock is that this elite continues to legitimize a group that has similar ties. Paul Sperry, a Hoover Institution media fellow, is author of "Infiltration" and the new book, "Muslim Mafia." sperry@sperryfiles.com CAIR boasts of influence on media after Ft. Hood Group treated as voice of Muslims despite fresh evidence of terror ties http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=116054 By Art Moore Despite recent reports of new evidence of its ties to terrorism, the Council on American-Islamic Relations is boasting of its success in the wake of the Fort Hood massacre as a spokesman in numerous major media outlets for a religious community "shocked" by the attack and incensed that anyone would associate them with it. In a fundraising letter, CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad told potential donors that within hours of the attack by a Muslim Army major, the Washington, D.C.-based group issued a statement of condemnation to thousands of local, national and international media outlets. "Perhaps you saw CAIR spokespeople interviewed on MSNBC's Hardball or on PBS's NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, CNN, MSNBC, or the BBC," Awad writes. "Or maybe you read CAIR quotes in the Washington Post, New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, or USA Today…"
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACT for America P.O. Box 12765 Pensacola, FL 32591 www.actforamerica.org |