Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Ahead of Ahmadinejad's visit to Brazil, Obama wrote to Lula to ask him to help persuade Iran to enter into a dialogue with the United States. Click here for the story. Never before has a U.S. President written so many personal letters to foreign leaders ... with no results. He is squandering the prestige of the Presidency and the nation he represents.Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Obama Sends Letter to Philippine Muslim Terrorist
Obama has reached out to the leader of the Philippine Islamist terrorist insurgency. Clickhere for the story.
For the time being, Al Qaeda is the only Islamist group outside the pale of Obama's engagement (appeasement) policy.
Eventually, Obama's flunkies and agents and stooges will argue for engagement of "moderate" Al Qaeda.OBAMANATION PERSECUTING NAVY SEALS
The pro-Islamist Obama administration plans to ... prosecute ... Navy SEAL commandos accused of ... punching ... a top terrorist. Click here for the unbelievable but true story.US Muslims Helped Hezbollah
Iranian Hitler Taunts US and Israel
Obama Likely to Appeal to Taliban for Talks
There is a good chance that U.S. President Barack Obama will go out of his way to praise Islam, explicitly, and Islamism, implicitly, when he announces his long-awaited decision over sending more troops to Afghanistan. His address to the nation, scheduled for next Tuesday, will probably include an appeal to so-called reconcilable elements of the Taliban to join the political process.
Outreach to the Taliban fits Obama's pro-Islamist tilt. More than merely appeasing the clerical fascist creed, Obama seeks to align with it, or, rather, with its supposed moderate factions. For the time being, only Al Qaeda is beyond the pale of Obama's engagement (appeasement) policy.
That will change, of course. Eventually, Obama's media mouthpieces will make the case for moderate Al Qaeda elements--like moderate Nazis, with whom unrepentant British and American appeasers and Nazi/fascist sympathizers wanted to negotiate up until the final days of World War II.Will Rising Unemployment be Obama's Katrina?
Obama's administration reeks of failure and fakery, from appeasement of Iran to a phony stimulus that has produced no new jobs, stimulated no new industries, done nothing to reverse the hollowing-out, outsourcing, and decline of the American economy.Sunday, November 22, 2009
Obama's One Achievement: Helping Islamist Cause
It isn't true that America's most left-wing-ever President has achieved nothing since taking power in January 2009. He has achieved a great deal--for radical Islam.
The first Muslim-born and-reared President of the United States has helped the Islamist (clerical fascist) cause to a degree that has confirmed some of the worst fears and suspicions of his detractors and critics.
First and foremost, Obama has given Islamist Iran nearly one additional year to develop nuclear weapons. Under cover of a policy of engagement (code for appeasement), Obama tried to enter into a Grand Bargain with Iran for the pacification of Afghanistan and Pakistan. The envisioned arrangement, which recalled the Great Game between imperial rivals Russia and Britain, would have guaranteed the security of Tehran's turbaned tyranny for decades to come; in return for face-saving progress on the nuclear issue, the U.S. would have agreed to no longer even dare to think about regime change in Iran. Although the deal seems to have died in the aftermath of Iran's phony Islamist election and bloody crackdown on protest and dissent--which Obama tacitly assisted by abandoning the democracy-seekers in their hour of need--he has persisted in "giving Iran time" to achieve its atomic aims. Engagement is sacrosanct in Obamaworld; dialogue and diplomacy are ends unto themselves.
Second, Obama has dithered on Afghanistan while indicating a willingness to engage (appease) so-called reconcilable elements of the resurgent, Al Qaeda-connected Taliban--leaving Al Qaeda itself as the only Islamist group with which the U.S. is apparently still unwilling to negotiate.
Second, Obama has effectively validated Islamist ideology by becoming the first U.S. President to formally address the "Muslim world," seemingly seeing himself as its de facto leader, in competition with Al Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden. Obama's unprecedented outreach to an inherently intolerant and violent religion elevated it to the level of a transnational superpower. His Cairo speech gave currency to all sorts of dangerously antidemocratic Islamist/Muslim myths. In comments to the press, Obama has lied about the importance, size, and historical contributions of the U.S. Muslim population. He has also reached out to the Muslim Brotherhood, which gave birth to Al Qaeda, pointedly inviting its officials to attend his Cairo address, even though they threaten Egypt's secular nationalist government. In further deference to the Brotherhood and its official and semi-official offshoots, including various U.S. entities, Obama has backed barbaric burqa-wearing in France, in opposition to an ally's determination to defend its secular, democratic traditions and ideals in the face of a Muslim/Islamist invasion that threatens the long-term survival of France and all of Europe.
Third, Obama has intervened in Turkey, covertly and overtly, on behalf of its crypto-Islamist government. He has aggressively backed Turkey's bid for EU membership, even though the U.S. is not an EU member and has no place taking a position on the controversial issue, while signaling support for the steady Islamizing of a once staunchly secular nation. Thanks to Obama's visit to Turkey and subsequent moves, its military can no longer be relied upon to defend the secular system; and Turkey is shredding its strategically important (to the U.S.) relationship with Israel in favor of an alarming, new Tehran-Ankara axis.
In addition to the above achievements, Obama has helped Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran and Syria to further isolate and delegitimize Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East and a key U.S. ally. Obama has relentlessly pressured Israel to withdraw to indefensible borders in order to make possible the creation of a Palestinian state in the disputed West Bank lands--with Jerusalem as its capital. That the Palestinian state is most likely to be ruled by Hamas and serve as a springboard for the conquest of both Israel and Jordan is apparently immaterial in the eyes of the Obama White House and State Department.
Last but by no means least, Obama has helped the Islamist cause by downgrading the war against it to the level of a law enforcement challenge ... to the point of allowing his Islamist-appeasing Attorney General to bring Al Qaeda war criminals, including the self-proclaimed mastermind of 9/11 and murderer of American Jewish journalist Daniel Pearl, to New York City for civilian court trials. Giving enemy combatant war criminals, captured abroad, U.S. Constitutional rights and privileges--and a platform for spreading Islamist propaganda--is an unspeakable act for which Obama should be impeached. The incredibly costly and time consuming trial is sure to turn into a media circus and a security nightmare for New York residents, businesses, and institutions, increasing the chances of Islamist terrorist attacks, including mega-attacks with weapons of mass destruction, Mumbai-style, swarming attacks, and Major Hasan-style strikes by lone, jihadist gunmen and suicide bombers. New York's Jewish community--the world's largest outside of Israel--will be most endangered. Its synagogues, schools, organizations and community centers will be targets for Islamists seeking to free the Al Qaeda defendants.
EXTRA! Obama's Islamist Allies Cleansing Turkey of Secular Elements. Click here.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
The FBI has nabbed an international arms ring that helped Hezbollah. Click here for the story.
Islamonazi leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the United States and Israel lack the "courage" to attack Iran's nuclear sites. Click here for the story.
Obama's regulatory czar wants to censor Sean Hannity and crush free speech. Click here for the shocking story.
A liberal publisher/pundit raises the question--here.
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Britannia Radio