Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 26 November 2009
There are two possible explanations for the housing construction freeze
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu just announced:
The freeze could be Israel's "pound of flesh" to facilitate the launching of
a critical operation to thwart Iran's nuclear weapons program.
Or the freeze could no more than an attempt to appease the international
community in general and the Obama Administration in particular.
I fervently hope that the former is the case.
Then again, I also hoped that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was retreating
from the Gaza Strip as part of a secret plan worked out with America to act
against Iran rather than a move to get the criminal justice system off of
his back.
That apparently wasn't the case.
If the freeze is in fact an attempt to appease the world then Mr. Netanyahu
should pack his bags tonight.
Granted, the freeze is considerably less than what the Obama team first
demanded. But it only serves to encourage more pressure for Israeli
concessions in the future.
And the world's appetite for Israeli concessions is insatiable.
Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
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