Monday, 9 November 2009
What is new about this is that the figures have been made more precise - and more horrifying. Blair gave away our money at a stupendous rate and cost to us and has made himself rich beyond belief in the process.
When he took up office he was concerned about money. The other day I walked to a boundary wall and looked down on one of his more recent properties in the Vale of Aylesbury - a real country mansion set in a secluded rural backwater . Millions of pounds this cost .
Tony Blair's decision to cut the EU rebate cost £9.3billion, report shows
Tony Blair’s decision to cut a large part of the European Union rebate has cost the economy £9.3billion, new figures show.
By Christopher Hope, Whitehall Editor
The former prime minister was criticised for failing to win concessions when he decided to axe the UK’s Brussels rebate four years ago.
Now figures calculated by House of Commons researchers show that Britain will have lost out on €10.5billion (£9.3billion) by not receiving the full rebate between 2007 and 2013, calculated at 2004 prices.
The Commons’ researchers calculated that the lost income is the equivalent of £344 for every household in Britain.
James Clappison, the backbench Conservative MP who obtained the figures, said: “Every household will pay the price for years to come.”
The figure is far higher than the previous estimate, which was £7.2billion between 2007 and 2013.
Mr Clappison, who is also a member of the House of Commons’ European scrutiny committee, added: “This demonstrates a complete failure to stand up for Britain’s interests.”
The rebate was originally won by Margaret Thatcher in the 1984. When Mr Blair agreed to reduce it substantially he described it as an “anomaly that has to go”.
However he was strongly criticised for failing to extract any concessions from Brussels in return. The part-scrapping of the rebate was “back-end loaded” which meant that it starts in earnest after 2009.
Campaigners said that the axing of the rebate had been bad news for the British economy, because little had been won in return.
Mats Persson, a spokesman for Open Europe, said: “These £10 billion would certainly have come in handy at a time when the UK is facing a massive public deficit, and every tax penny counts. Taxpayers will not be pleased at these news.
“What really flies in the face of British taxpayers is that Tony Blair gave up billions of their money in return for absolutely nothing.”
Mr Persson said Mr Blair had “naively agreed to give up large chunk of the UK’s rebate from the EU budget, in return for vague promises of a root-and-branch reform of the EU’s distorting and wasteful farm subsidy scheme”.
Mark Francois, the shadow Europe minister, said: “These figures starkly demonstrate just how much of British taxpayers’ hard earned money was signed away by Tony Blair in 2005 for nothing concrete in return.
“Blair gave up a significant slice of the rebate which Margaret Thatcher fought so hard to achieve and his action represents another example of how weak Labour have been in representing us in Europe.”
There were now fears that the rebate could be scrapped outright by 2020. Mr Persson added: “There are now plans floating around in Brussels for scrapping the UK’s rebate altogether.
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