By PETER OBORNE Already it is obvious that the four-man panel that constitutes the Chilcot Inquiry into the invasion of Iraq is patently not up to the job. Everything suggests that they were deliberately chosen by Gordon Brown in order to avoid any properly forensic investigation into the greatest military disaster since Suez. For a start, Sir John Chilcot himself appears to be on much too good terms with the witnesses. He seems incapable of asking any probing questions. Straw, Harman and Brown: How much did they really know about WMD claims One of his inquiry team, the historian Sir Martin Gilbert, is also deeply compromised by comments he made in 2004, the year after the invasion, when he ludicrously argued that Tony Blair and George W. Bush could one day be as greatly admired as Franklin D. Roosevelt and Sir Winston Churchill. The third member of the inquiry team, Baroness Prashar (a crossbench peer and chairwoman of the judicial appointments commission), has so far not provided any extra muscle to the investigation. Only the final member of the Chilcot quartet, the historian Sir Lawrence Freedman, has shown any political insight — yet he, too, is compromised by the fact that he supported the invasion of Iraq. Also, it should be remembered that he was asked in 1999 by Blair’s aides about his views on military intervention overseas. His written reply then formed the basis of the former PM’s landmark foreign policy speech at the height of the Kosovo crisis, which set out a case for robust military interventions abroad (so-called ‘humanitarian intervention’). And yet, despite the patsy nature of the inquiry panel, Sir John has already heard a great deal of devastating evidence. Witnesses this week have revealed that the intelligence services never produced any hard evidence that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMD), and that, on the eve of war, Whitehall was receiving credible reports that he didn’t possess any at all. These testimonies are deeply damning of Blair’s decision to go to war and have dealt a knock-out blow to the former Prime Minister’s reputation. It is now beyond doubt that Blair consistently lied to the British public and to Parliament ahead of the war. In a series of speeches and media appearances, following the publication of the Government dossier in September 2002 which stated that Iraq could deploy some chemical and biological arms within 45 minutes, Blair claimed repeatedly to have seen intelligence information which proved Saddam’s WMD posed a deadly threat to Britain. It was these arguments that won over the Commons in the crucial vote on March 18 the following year about agreeing to launch an invasion. We now know that the cast-iron evidence that Blair said he saw did not exist. He embellished some of it, exaggerated other parts and even resorted to pure invention of the so-called facts. One telling example of this lying concerned the issue of Baghdad’s nuclear weapons capability. The Chilcot Inquiry last week was told that experts had concluded that Saddam’s nuclear ambitions had, in fact, been contained. Other countries, such as Iran, North Korea and Libya posed a much graver threat. Yet in his infamous Commons speech, Blair conjured up an apocalyptic vision of the danger that a bomb composed of nuclear materials might pose on the streets of London. The implication was clear — in order to avert such a threat, Iraq had to be invaded as soon as possible. Yet the idea of Iraq being able to plant such a dirty bomb on the streets of London was pure fantasy. Such mendacious behaviour from a Prime Minister is breath-taking. If the chairman of a leading company which was being floated on the London stock exchange had been as cavalier with the truth about his firm’s financial wellbeing, there is no question that the fraud squad would have mounted an investigation and that the chairman would have been arrested, tried and, in due course, sent to jail. The irony is that Tony Blair has since moved into the City, where he works as a consultant to the investment bank Morgan Stanley. Meanwhile, Blair is not alone in his complicity in spinning lies in the run-up to the war with Iraq. How many of his senior Cabinet ministers — who are still in government — knew what he was doing, yet failed to lift a finger to stop him? For instance, Jack Straw was Foreign Secretary at the time. He had been appointed to the post because Blair believed he was a more pliable figure than his cussed predecessor Robin Cook. Cook’s resignation speech to the Commons, when he explained his opposition to the war, still resonates today as the words of a deeply principled man. As for the lickspittle Straw, he was happy to play to Blair’s tune. In the weeks leading up to war, he undoubtedly saw the intelligence material which cast doubt on the existence of WMD. He would have known that Blair had lied to the Commons yet continued as New Labour’s cheerleader for the war. Harriet Harman, Labour’s deputy leader, was in a similar position. Back in 2003, she was Solicitor General and would have been aware of all the details of how Blair brought pressure to bear on the Attorney General Lord Goldsmith to make the crucial judgment that the war was legal. She, too, must have at least suspected that Blair was lying. The biggest question, however, relates to the position of Gordon Brown. At the time of the invasion he was Chancellor and by far the most powerful member of Blair’s Cabinet. The Chilcot Inquiry must now find out what access Brown was given to intelligence material. Most vitally, was he privy to the conspiracy to deceive the British people on the eve of war? These are deeply important questions, yet ones that the weak inquiry team shows no signs of tackling. Indeed, so far they have not indicated that Brown will even be asked to give evidence. There has long been a mystery about Gordon Brown’s handling of the inquiry into the Iraq invasion. When he was campaigning to become Labour leader in 2007, he promised again and again that he would hold an open and full inquiry. And yet, once in Downing Street, he procrastinated, hoping that he could ensure that the hearings might be held in secret. That’s why he appointed a panel which seems so hopelessly quiescent and biased. And even now — as the Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg pointed out this week — the Government remains determined to withhold key documents from the public. At first, it seemed that such sabotage was designed to protect Tony Blair. But that degree of loyalty may be too generous an interpretation of Brown’s motives. Instead, the question must be asked: with a general election barely six months away, is Gordon Brown now trying to conceal his own shoddy role in the greatest political scandal of modern times? When Bill Rammell was in his post as Foreign Office Minister and was alerted to the dreadful atrocities committed against Iraqi prisoners by Americans at the Abu Ghraib jail, his reaction was very odd. He neglected to inform government colleagues and did nothing more than convene an ineffective meeting with department officials. When I first drew attention to this negligence, Rammell sloughed off responsibility by falsely claiming that other ministers besides himself had been aware of what was going on in Abu Ghraib. But in due course I was able to expose Rammell’s claims as false and he eventually owned up to the fact that for several months he was the only minister who knew about the scandal. Today, Bill Rammell is the Armed Forces Minister. And, by a terrible irony, it is his job to answer the very disturbing and graphic allegations of sexual and physical abuse carried out by British soldiers on Iraqi civilians at the Shaibah secret interrogation base, an episode which critics call ‘the British Abu Ghraib’. Rammell has ruled out a public inquiry. Although I believe that the British Army is the best and most decent in the world and that Rammell may have made the right decision, his conduct over Abu Ghraib was so wretched that his latest judgment cannot inspire any confidence. Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth must urgently take over responsibility for dealing with these troubling allegations of brutality and Rammell should step aside.Who else is guilty in the greatest scandal of our times?
Such mendacious behaviour from a Prime Minister is breath-taking
A wretched, discredited minister who MUST step aside
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Saturday, 28 November 2009
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Britannia Radio