World Have Your Say
Last week I noted that the producers of the BBC's World Service programmeWHYS were complaining that they couldn't generate any interest in Copenhagen and climate change. Well there's plenty of interest now, and last night the programme actually had three sceptics on: the great Christopher Booker, Patrick Michaels from the Cato Institute, and Prof Richard Lindzen from MIT (who hung up the phone in despair at the quality of argument when he was compared to, among other things, a slavery denier [new one on me] by a representative from a Kenyan NGO). There were also three believers in MMGW, plus presenter Ros Atkins who was clearly antagonistic towards the sceptics (or deniers as he called them on more than one occasion). (Download podcasthere.)
This level of balance appears to have been too much for the warmists because Atkins has had to defend the decision to have the sceptics on. The alarmists are trying to close down the debate again; it is essential that pressure is kept on the BBC to ensure that the sceptical voices we've heard on the airwaves over the past couple of days are not just some temporary token gesture.
Update. Forgot to add - the sceptics kicked ass!
Update 2. Great piece by Gerald Warner on the BBC's coverage of Climategate. (Hat tip George R).