Wednesday, 16 December 2009

16 December 2009

Does UK Govt Employ Islamic Extremists?

More evidence has recently emerged on the web about the employment by government departments of Islamic fundamentalists and their supporters.


One such man is apparently employed in a key post at the Home Office, and it seems he has been there for some years.


I sent the Home Secretary the following letter earlier this week:


Alan Johnson MP

Home Secretary

Home Office

London SW1                                                                                                        14 December 2009




Publicity has once again drawn attention to Asim Hafeez who appears to hold a key post in your ministry’s Intervention Unit.  Some reports suggest he may be the head of that unit, or some part of it, but your website does not identify senior management.


Can you please confirm and further clarify this information.


Information already available in the public domain about this individual indicates that he overtly supports the Muslim Brotherhood and promotes the notion that Islamic law must be recognised under the British constitution, if not replace it.


Given all this, it must be clear to you that some clear and public reassurances are required.  Can you therefore please tell me :


  1. Whether the Asim Hafeez employed by the Home Office and the person described in the media are one and the same person.
  2. If so, why was he appointed?
  3. When was he appointed?
  4. Precisely what are his duties?
  5. Does he deny or confirm that his views have been correctly reported in the media?
  6. If they have been confirmed, either publicly or within your ministry, on what grounds do you continue to employ him?
  7. Can you confirm that no other applicant for the job was more suitable?
  8. What procedures were taken to ensure the security of the state and the best interests of taxpayers were being served by his appointment?


I am advised that the Freedom of Information Act 2000 does not cover personal information about public servants, but – you will appreciate – not all the questions above concern the individual

mentioned.  You may, nonetheless, take the view that the public interest is best served by providing answers.


Please treat the questions concerning your ministry, to the extent that they do, as requiring answers under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.



Ashley Mote



A recent web posting from A View from the Right follows:




Britain’s new guardian

The British Home Office’s Interventions Unit was created to identify radical Islamic individuals and groups and divert them from their radical ideology.

The new head of the Interventions Unit is Asim Hafeez. Not only is he a Muslim. He is at least a covert exponent of the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood. His statements strongly suggest that he regards the British government as illegitimate and wants to replace it by the true “Constitution”—the Koran. In short, the British government has picked a jihadist to divert jihadists from jihadism.


Blogger Diana West commented: “With no one in responsible positions of power paying attention, short of a revolution, the subversion of a great civilization will continue unimpeded.”


Blogger Laurence Auster wrote: “The ultimate end of Western leftists, whether they are conscious of it or not, is to surrender themselves—literally—to Islam. Appointing such a figure as Hasim to such a post is perhaps the clearest example of that surrender that we have seen [so far]”.




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