ANTISEMITSM INCIDENCES There are an estimated 1,300 Jews in Norway.[1] This means that for every ten thousand Norwegians, there are three Jews. The Jewish community constitutes a tiny fraction of West European Jewry. Norway's overall population makes up slightly more than 1 percent of that of Western Europe. The book Behind the Humanitarian Mask: The Nordic Countries, Israel and the Jews, which I edited, was published in August 2008.[2] (As it sold out rapidly, it is now available for free on the JerusalemCenter's website.[3]) It analyzes anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli attitudes at various levels in the Nordic countries. The book also indicates why Norway's place in any history of postwar anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism in Western Europe should be "disproportionately" larger than its population size or number of Jews seems to warrant.Global Anti-Semitism and Racism News » Seven Incidents of Violence ...
By admin
The RET company, which operates the Metro, says that the number of violent incidents in public transport is declining, but their nature has become more serious. The town has made available 34 million guilders annually to counter ...
Global Anti-Semitism and Racism News - Incidents of Violence in Three Days in Rotterdam 6, 2009
Posted in: Anti-Semitism News Armenian Anti-Semitism in the Ottoman Period
"There were literally thousands of incidents in subsequent years, invariably resulting from accusations spread among Greeks and Armenians by word mouth, or published in their newspapers, often by Christian financiers and merchants who ... - Into Palestine: Today in Palestine! ~ Headlines December 6 ...
By dannyd
Reuters - Jewish settlers widened their protests on Sunday against a temporary construction freeze by shooting at a Palestinian home, torching and stoning vehicles, and assaulting Israeli officers in separate West Bank incidents. ... One of the most recent — but almost totally unreported — developments in Canada is something called the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Antisemitism (CPCCA). It is not an official parliamentary body but is a multi-party, ...
Window Into Palestine - JCPA-Another Year of Anti-Semitism and Anti-Israelism in Norway
[33] All this proved once again how anti-Israelism and anti-Semitism overlap. ...... signs of anti-Semitism will turn into verbal or physical incidents? ...Another Year of Anti-Semitism and Anti-Israelism in Norway
Manfred Gerstenfeld
IMPD failed to report incidents to DCS | WOPULAR
IMPD failed to report incidents to DCS; Noble winner overcame poverty, anti- Semitism 12/6/2009 - 2:37 am | View Website; Sacred Spain exhibit helps make art ...British MP: Data suggesting rise in U.K. anti-Semitism are ...
Recent data suggesting a significant increase in anti-Semitic incidents in Britain this year may ...Watchdog: British anti-Semitism doubled after Gaza war ...British MP: Data suggesting rise in U.K. anti-Semitism are misleading By Cnaan Liphshiz, Haaretz Correspondent, and Haaretz Staff Tags: Jewish World But British Jewish watchdog says 'there is no doubt' there has been rise in hate crimes in U.K. incidents - 'drag racing incidents' incidents at appoquinimink schools
multiple death police officer incidents cultural incidents 2007 nissan sentra incidents incidents of california encephalitis 2007 antisemitism incidents ...Center for Human Rights Advocacy issuances, 1994-1995 ...
... Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union, the incidence of antisemitism, and proposals for promoting due process of law in those countries. ...
Sunday, 6 December 2009
An employee of a Rotterdam Metro station was attacked Sunday night. The perpetrator has not yet been apprehended. This was the seventh incident of violence in Rotterdam in three days. The RET company, which operates the Metro, says that the number of violent incidents in public transport is declining, but their nature has become more serious. The town has made available 34 million guilders annually to counter violence in public transport.
Again over this past year there were significant anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli incidents in Norway. Among these were anti-Semitic television satire programs, an act of the Nazification of Israel by a Norwegian diplomat, physical attacks on a pro-Israeli demonstration, death threats against Jews and a desecration of a Jewish cemetery.
Publications by NGO Monitor reveal that the Labor-dominated Norwegian government is indirectly giving financial support to NGOs that demonize Israel. This Norwegian government's attitude toward Israel is among the most negative in Europe.
A number of Norwegian Jews have said in various media that anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism are on the rise in the country.
There are increasing indications that the number of extreme and sometimes violent anti-Semites among Muslim Norwegians may approach or even exceed the membership of the local Jewish community. Some of these Muslims participated in the largest riots in many years in Oslo in January 2009.
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Britannia Radio