ANTISEMITSM INCIDENCESUK: Islamophobic attacks largely ignored in UK
The Muslim News
“It will get worse unless something serious is done to curb this,” warned Versi, who has been reportingincidents of attacks and abuse against Muslims for ...
See all stories on this topicMore Anti-Semitism In Fairfield CT | Miscellanea Agnostica
By PsiCop
Rembish hasn't gotten any other notes like this, but it is one of three anti-Semitic incidents reported in town over the last two months. Rembish received her note Nov. 12. On Dec. 11, a transport van from the Jewish Home for the ...
By Ruth King
Anti-Semitism has deep roots in England. In the 12th century, many of the country's Jews were put to the sword in a wave of massacres. The 13th century began with the introduction of the yellow badge, the mandatory marking that Jews were ... Anti-Semitic incidents in the first six months of 2009 alone — vandalism, hate mail, and direct violent attacks on Jews — already exceeded the entire number for 2008 and reached a level not seen since such statistics began to be ...
RUTHFULLY YOURS - Social Contract.: The ultimate hate crime
By Otajaho
In fact, just this week, the Canadian foreign minister, in a speech regarding anti Semitism in Jerusalem, discussed the rising number of incidents in his native land. Worse, during his time in Israel, swastikas were painted on several ...
The Social Contract. - Congress Criminalize Anti-Semitism and Israeli Criticism?
ADL said the level of anti-Semitism matched 1998's as the lowest in the poll's ... and the Canadian Jewish Congress cite rising anti-Semitic incidents. ...World Jewish Congress
French interior minister says anti-Semitism at an alarming level ... 704 racist and anti-Semiticincidents have occurred between January and September, ...Congress task force against anti-Semitism condemns Auschwitz sign ...
Canadian Government in effort to combat global anti-Semitism · France to appoint representative to monitor and deal with increasing anti-Semitic incidents ...Anti-semitism is coming back strong | Op-Ed Contributors ...
Anti-Semitic incidents, including swastikas drawn on Jewish schools and graffiti ... And in places where there are virtually no Jews, anti-Semitism abounds. ...Doc's Talk: Anti-semitism is making a loud comeback
By GS Don Morris, Ph.D.
It is therefore no surprise that the aftermath of the Gaza war, a war reported on tirelessly on TV news stations throughout the world, the number of anti-Semitic incidents exploded. In France, home to the world's third largest Jewish ...
Doc's Talk - Luv SA: Common Sense in Canada
By (Viking)
So how have we addressed these growing incidents of anti-Semitism? Well first of all, on the domestic level, our government has worked with the Jewish community to begin a program of recognizing our own history of official anti-Semitism ...
I Luv SA - :: Boycotting Israel is anti-Semitic?
By MainStreet
A study completed a few years ago of EU countries, however, revealed increased anti-Semitic incidentsin only four of them, most attributed to skinhead groups, i.e., to the old anti-Semitism. This reaction to KAIROS undoubtedly stems ...
MyDD - Conservative Association
By admin
In Canada, we have seen a troubling amount of incidents of anti-Semitism. Last year, hate-crimes against the Jewish faith accounted for about two-thirds of all hate crimes motivated by religion. In light of this alarming statistic, ...
Halton Conservative Association - Smoke screen strategies | Columnists | Jerusalem Post
Empirical evidence shows clearly that there has been a growth in incidents of anti-Semitism in the Western world in recent years - in both Europe and North ...Links on "CFCA - The Coordination Forum for Countering ...
CFCA - The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism 12-11-2009. Austria- Antisemiticincidents during the game between Hapoel Tel-Aviv and Rapid Wien ...
Sunday, 20 December 2009
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Britannia Radio