Some Americans are realizing that the capitalist cabal that seized control over our nation is rapidly destroying American workers. But no genuine transformation of American society is taking place because counterfeit progressives are making Americans believe that their Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speeches, their street demonstrations, their New York Timeseditorials, their TV talk shows, or their humor is actually bringing--or soon will bring--genuine progressive transformation1 of American society for the better. In this essay, we'll explore these lethal, fake progressives and highlight genuine transformative actions we can take in building cooperative communities. We can ignore the fake populists because to any thinking American it's clear that they're merely pretend progressives, propping up the capitalist system through lies and distortions. Unfortunately, we'll discover that the counterfeit progressives are doing precisely the same thing: supporting the continuation of the devastating free market scam through deceiving American workers and sabotaging change.
 "Gosh, everyone's a populist now: the corporate-funded teabag rallies, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck -- pretty much anyone or any group claiming to speak for the people and doing it in a mavericky, mad-as-hell fashion is labeled 'populist' by the media."But wait -- those people are to populism what near beer is to beer, only not as close. Time for a reality check. Populism is not a style, it's a people's rebellion against the iron grip that big corporations have on our country -- including our economy, government, media, and environment. It is unabashedly a class movement. Try to squeeze Lord Limbaugh into that philosophical suit of clothes!" Jim Hightower, "Populism Is Not a Style" |
Of course the worst of the counterfeit progressives is Barak Obama, whose insidious pretence of being for the workers fooled a nation into making him president. Even now, in the face of incontrovertible evidence that he's nothing but the cabal's puppet, people are still believing in him.
"The entire political spectrum ranging from the 'libertarian' left, through the progressive editors of the Nation to the entire far right neo-con/Zionist war party and free market Berkeley/Chicago/Harvard academics, with a single voice, hailed the election of Barak Obama as a 'historic moment', a 'turning point' in American history and other such histrionics. For reasons completely foreign to the emotional ejaculations of his boosters, it is a historic moment: witness the abysmal gap between his 'populist' campaign demagoguery and his long-standing and deepening carnal relations with the most retrograde political figures, power brokers and billionaire real estate and financial backers."James Petras, A Historic Moment: The Election of the Greatest Con-Man in Recent History |
You have to be a mindless idiot to continue believing that Obama is in any way "for" workers.
- He's taken the money that should go toward creating jobs for workers or for repairing the nation's decaying infrastructure and putting it into the military-industrial complex. His militaristic imperialist escalation of the wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan involve more troops being put in harms way than Dubya dared to commit.
- He pretends to be against obscene bonuses for fatcat banksters, but he does nothing to stop this.
- Obama tries to make Americans believe that he's horrified by what the Wall Street looters have done in relation to the sub-prime scam and the bankster bailouts, but Timmy Geithner has just conned Congress into extending the tarp rip-off indefinitely so Goldman-Sachs can continue its assault on American workers.
Collaborators of the Fascist Capitalists
Pretend progressives such as Paul Krugman sometimes get it right about such things as Social Security. But Krugman's suddenly become very "main-stream" after he received the Nobel Prize for economics. He seems to be critical of the Obama/Geithner looting of worker tax money, but in fact thinks their plans might work to solve the nation's economic problems. The 12/11/09 Bill Moyers' Talk Show was typical of counterfeit progressive activities that encourage Americans to believe that mere talk, mere street demonstrations, mere emotional uplift actually accomplish genuine transformation of our society. For years, Moyers and his fake progressive guests have been deluding Americans into believing that people disgruntled with cabal looting, unemployment, homelessness, taxes, and wars are joining efforts to bring about genuine change. Nothing has been accomplished; no transformation has occurred. On the contrary, conditions for workers are worsening every day!
| | Moyers' show is doubly delusional when he has someone like Jon Stewart on his program. Keith Olbermann and other Obama worshipers, misinform people that continually attacking the Republicans brings real social improvement. Wrong! Olbermann and his protégé Rachel Maddow try to fool people into thinking that an insightful comment once in while makes a real difference. |
Randi Rhodes, previously of Air America, is proof that a pretend-progressive is worse than no progressive at all. Rhodes is essentially a shrill, whining Nancy Grace in liberal drag. Her egomania on her talk show spills out into callers fawning over her, her interrupting and ridiculing callers, and her constantly reminding people that she appeared before a Congressional investigating committee. Rhodes presents the liberal-progressive cause in such a bad light that it would be better if she were off the air altogether. Most counterfeit progressives are members of what we might call the Lumpenproletariat--that segment of the working class that's incapable of achieving class consciousness, and is therefore useless in the context of the struggle for societal transformation.
As Obama announces a huge military buildup in Afghanistan--out-Bushing Bush--Newsweek celebrates him as the post-imperialist president and The Nation continues its mindless support for Obama's anti-worker, pro-militarist, imperialist policies.
"There should be no confusion as to the position of the Nation and the privileged upper-middle-class layers for which the magazine speaks, including former radicals and one-time critics of US imperialism. They have moved squarely into the camp of American imperialism. They support Obama’s wars in Central Asia and Iraq and, more generally, the efforts of the United States to assert global hegemony."The Nation and the Obama Doctrine, Source | Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Counter-Revolutionaries 2 The rogues gallery of counterfeit progressives includes some strange creatures: Academics such as Noam Chomskypretend to be progressives but practice personal capitalism. |  Far-out critics of the status-quo such as Alex Jones give "progressives" a very bad name. Jones presents the persona of an ignorant red-kneck who will do anything for publicity, including having bottom-feeders on his radio program such as Heidi Montag-Pratt and her now husband Spencer Pratt, from the MTV reality series The Hills, to sing his praises. |  Amy Goodman pretends to be a progressive, but she refuses to consider that 9/ll might have been a cabal conspiracy and doesn't ask the tough questions when she should. Her radio program, Democracy Now, is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Ford Foundation. |
Counterfeit progressives provide a cover for capitalism continuing to destroy workers. They are, in actuality, traitors to the true progressive cause. Counter-revolutionary actionalways supports capitalism's tyranny and repression. Since the take-over of American political, economic, and social systems by the capitalist cabal in the early decades of the twentieth century, most of the purported progressive structures of our nation have become counter-revolutionary in the sense of supporting capitalism through subterfuge, pretence, and propagandistic lies: 
- Congress as a body of representatives of the people has been subverted into a group of bought-and-paid-for lackeys of corporate interests.
- Constitutional safeguards such as habeas corpus and countervailing powers have been destroyed through cabal tyranny.
- The "free press" has been debased into nothing more than channels for corporate propaganda.
- Internet radicalism remains within the capitalist structure of competition. Within the radical, anti-war, anti-cabal Internet community, there remains an excessive and debilitating competitiveness: "news" digest Web sites and many liberal writers competing to be the one to get the breaking story out first. Each activist group competes for attention--and money--to be given to its particular initiatives or theories.
- The system of citizens voting for their representatives has been perverted into a one-party system in which the cabal selects all the candidates.
Participation in elections under the present totalitarian, fascist conditions is full of the danger of keeping alive illusions about the possibility of a "reformist" or "gradual" transition to a commonwealth system through the conquest of a congressional majority by so-called "workers’ initiatives." |
In all totalitarian systems, such as America as ruled by the cabal or China, any act of dissent is branded as "counter-revolutionary" or treasonous. Though such acts may seem to political imbeciles to be genuine, productive acts of opposition, they are generally mere pretences of revolt which give radicals adeluded sense of power.
Replacement of the murderous capitalist system with a true commonwealth polity for the benefit of all will not be achieved by mere symbolic acts of dissent, by self-important television talk show hosts, or by addle-headed rants. Such mindless tirades can, in fact, give workers a false impression that changing the system will be easy. "The final revolution for human freedom will be won in a single day, not by bombs, famine, mass poisonings, or electronic vaporization, but by a few well chosen phrases uttered in exactly the right time and place, which will turn on a light that will illuminate the darkness of a beast that has afflicted us for more centuries than we can sensibly count." 3 |
The all-destroying capitalist system openly or covertly supports most counterfeit progressives as an effective strategy for prolonging its manipulation of American society for the banksters and fat cats.

One of the most vicious and destructive pretenders to progressivism is the current Democratic Party and its cabal-controlled leaders.
"The welter of middle-class protest groups and 'left' organizations single-mindedly works to block the emergence of an independent political movement of the working class. They hover around the political corpse of American liberalism known as the Democratic Party, seeking at all costs to keep the working class trapped within its orbit." 4 "The Democratic Party has been the principal instrument employed by the American capitalists for more than a century to block the development of an independent working class party, preserve the hegemony of the capitalist two-party system, and maintain the capitalist class' monopoly of political power." 5 |
The agenda for most counterfeit progressiveslimits itself to blathering about reform of capitalism or tinkering with fascism. Workers must utterly reject counterfeit progressivism and recognize that the struggle for reforms of a totally failed--and lethal--capitalist system has become a hopeless utopia.
In this epoch the only realistic strategy for workers is to engage in a struggle against capitalism. Workers no longer have any alternative between consenting to be atomized into millions of crushed, tamed individuals, or generalizing their struggles as widely as possible towards replacing the capitalist cabal itself with a genuine commonwealth polity. Workers must refuse to allow their struggles to be restricted to a purely economic, local, or sectional terrain and instead organize themselves in the embryonic forms of its future organs of power: cooperative commonwealth communities. The 2007 economic collapse revealed in the starkest manner the lethality of capitalist financial parasitism and criminality. Such revelations are beginning to penetrate the consciousness of American workers and with the proper genuinely progressive leadership can lead to profound changes in their political-economic awareness. We can anticipate that the American capitalist cabal will continue its unending series of wars of conquest and plunder--as has been made clear by the cabal puppet Obama. The cabal will continue its fictitious "war on terror," its insane drive to subjugate the peoples and resources of the world while coercing American workers into submission through a combination of fear-mongering and repression. While the capitalist cabal deludes itself into thinking that it has unlimited power, its rapid internal rot as evidenced by the rise to its summit of the most predatory and criminal elements demonstrates it actual escalating degeneration and impotence. Under these crisis conditions, the critical challenge is the development of a new revolutionary leadership of the international working class that will arm them with a fully-developed program and strategy to take political power into their own hands and begin the construction of a commonwealth society. These are actions we must carry out immediately:

1 We're primarily using the term "transformation" instead of "revolution" to emphasize that the social changes sought must be gained through peaceful, non-violent means. Where the word "revolution" is used, it connotes "peaceful revolution."2 A counter-revolutionary is anyone who opposes or sabotages societal transformation or revolution, particularly those who act to stop change or act after a revolution to try to overturn or reverse it. Counter-revolutionary: Tory, bitter-ender, diehard, hard hat, intransigent, obscurantist, reactionist, right-winger, rightist, royalist, standpatter, traditionalist, ultraconservative. The word "counterrevolutionary" originally referred to thinkers who opposed themselves to the 1789 French Revolution, such as Joseph de MaistreJoseph de Maistre, Louis de Bonald, or, later, Charles Maurras, the founder of the Action française monarchist movement. Henceforth, it was used in France to qualify political movements that refused the legacy of the 1789 Revolution, which historian René Rémond referred to as légitimistes. 3 From the mind of John Kaminski 4 Barry Grey, The revolutionary implications of the decline of American capitalism, 14 October 2008 5 David North, The Crisis of American Democracy