The admiration is all too evident in the tone as the BBC breathlessly reveals that "Minister Hiliary (sic) Benn fights to keep hunting ban" Class warrior Hillary Benn is obviously in synch with BBC sensitivities on this issue hence his presentation as the scourge of the bloodthirsty hunting toffs. So, even as some of us gathered to celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace, the Religion of Peace itself was planning another act of mass murder in our skies. I refer to the aborted "terror attack" (As the BBC puts it) on a Delta flight into Detroit. I notice that the BBC is less than enthusiastic in revealing the background to this Nigerian student at University College London (Where else?) but I am sure that all those top BBC investigative reporters will now be swarming all over this story detailing the terror threat posed by Islamic Nigerian students resident in this country. Breaking my Christmas silence because of this BBC item. "Six Palestinians killed in West Bank, Gaza attacks" Oh really? Just killed as they walked about their daily business, eh? You have to read down to discover that those killed were "militants" or, to be more accurate, murderous Palestinian terrorists. The BBC does mention in passing that the IDF had responded following the "killing" of an Israeli father of seven by Palestinian "militants" but lest we start to feel even slightly sympathetic towards Israel it finishes with a flourish reminding us that the violence comes a day before the anniversary of the Gaza war that killed some 1400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis. Dont'cha love the way that BBC deliberately conflates the number of Hamas Jihadists with genuinely innocent civilians to get to their magical Hamas approved 1400. Always good to bash the Jews at Christmastime, right? Revolting.BENN FIGHTS FOR INTOLERANCE...
Sunday, 27 December 2009
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Britannia Radio