Monday, 14 December 2009

Businessman jailed for attacking intruder - who goes free

A millionaire businessman has been jailed for attacking a man who held his family hostage in their own home - while the criminal went free.

Munir Hussain, who was threatened at knifepoint and tied up by a gang of masked men in his living room last year, was told he must go to prison for 30 months to preserve “civilised society”.

But Walid Salem, a criminal with more than 50 convictions, was handed a two-year supervision order for his role in the break-in at an earlier hearing.

He was one of three men who ambushed Mr Hussain, his wife and children as they returned to their home in High Wycombe, Bucks, on Sept 3 last year after attending Ramadan prayers at their local mosque, Reading Crown Court heard.

Their hands were tied behind their backs and they were forced to crawl from room to room before being forced to lie down in the living room.

But when Hussain’s teenage son managed to escape and raise the alarm, he seized his chance and turned on his captors.

While two of them got away, Salem was cornered in a neighbour’s front garden. With the help of his brother, Tokeer, 35, who lived nearby, Hussain set upon him with a metal pole and a cricket bat, the court heard.

He was struck so hard that the bat broke and he suffered a fractured skull. He was later deemed not fit to plead to charges of false imprisonment and given a supervision order.

The brothers were found guilty of causing grievous bodily harm with intent by a jury in September.

Sentencing, Judge John Reddihough told them it was his “public duty” to jailing Munir Hussain for 30 months and his brother for 39 months.

"It may be that some members of the public, or media commentators, will assert that the man Salem deserved what happened to him ... and that you should not have been prosecuted and need not be punished,” he said.

"However, if persons were permitted to take the law into their own hands and inflict their own instant and violent punishment on an apprehended offender rather than letting justice take its course, then the rule of law and our system of criminal justice, which are the hallmarks of a civilised society, would collapse."

He said it was necessary to “make it absolutely clear that, whatever the circumstances, persons cannot take the law into their own hands, or carry out revenge attacks upon a person who has offended them”.

Michael Wolkind, defending, likened the case to that of Tony Martin, the Norfolk farmer who was jailed for murder in 2000 after shooting an intruder dead, prompting a national debate about the limits of self defence.

Martin’s conviction was later reduced to manslaughter and his sentence reduced.

Mr Wolkind told the court: "I don't seek a medal, I seek justice for him."

The court heard that Chief Inspector Colin Seaton of Thames Valley Police, the senior officer in the case, had told Hussain, a former chairman of Wycombe Race Equality Council, that he was sad to see him convicted.

Speaking outside court Mr Wolkind added: “The criminal justice system has failed twice.

"The court was unable to sentence Walid Salem with sufficient harshness, or Munir and Tokeer Hussain with sufficient compassion.

"It's difficult to believe that this outcome reflects the thinking of the public, or the interests of justice."

Hussain runs a company called Soundsorba, based in High Wycombe, which makes acoustic panels.