Thursday, 10 December 2009

Item #1

Question for Bill O'Reilly: Who's the Idiot Now?
By Cliff Kincaid
2007 interview on CBS's "60 Minutes," O'Reilly said not only that "global warming is here" but that those opposed to the theory were "idiots."

Worldview Matters with Brannon Howse
Topic One: Brannon's guest is Tom DeWeese with the American Policy Center. Topics include: An update on the Pass Act, the replacement for the real I.D., a national I.D. cart. Defining sustainable development, the real agenda of those pushing global warming and radical environmentalism is global governance. How a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court allows the EPA under the Obama administration to destroy the free-market, eliminate millions of jobs and drastically increase the cost of everything. What four things can the American people do to pull the rug out from under those that are seeking to implement tyranny?

Through this DVD, Brannon reveals 9 of the 21 enemies that he exposes in his book Grave Influence that are enemies of a Biblical worldview. Today's followers of these radicals do not want their agenda unveiled for the American people. Above all, they don't want us to train our children and grandchildren with a Biblical worldview by which to recognize, reject and fight against their seductive and destructive lies. Brannon traces the influence of seminal thinkers who, even after they're long gone from this world, still win battles for the hearts and minds of the unaware. Brannon reveals three specific things you must do to win this spiritual battle and ten reasons why and how this can be the greatest hour for the American church.

Grave Influence the DVD, will help you see the world and events rocking the globe as a part of a big picture, not in bits and pieces. You'll recognize the lies that have been cleverly packaged in positive, masking terms and how they conceal a destructive spiritual agenda brought upon us by the legacies of:

Saul Alinsky
Karl Marx
John Dewey
John Maynard Keynes
Friedrich Nietzsche
Alice Bailey
Helen Schucman
The Frankfurt School
Soren Kierkegaard
Grave Influence

Item #3

Copenhagen confusion
By Henry Lamb
More than 14,000 people have pre-registered to attend the shindig in Copenhagen next week, none of whom are delegates. The facility, which accommodates only 15,000 people, will be overrun by special interest groups, all clamoring for attention and a piece of the $94 billion pie that is divided annually among the global warming congregation.  

The Waste of Tax Dollars Never Ends
By Tom DeWeese
The nation is collapsing under the federal deficit and Washington can't find a dime to cut from the budget. Here's an idea. Stop the Obama phone. What's the Obama phone, you ask? Well then, that tells me something important about you – you aren't on welfare – you are just a stupid tax payer. Because everybody on the dole knows about the Obama phone.

Anita Dittman was a child when Hitler took over Germany. Her life and family were torn apart as she found her mother taken away to a concentration camp and Anita herself faced starvation, illness, assault and a labor camp. Anita was hours from being exterminated when she escaped from her labor camp and set out on a journey to find her mother. This is the remarkable testimony of how Anita came to surrender her life to Jesus Christ as a youth and survived the Nazi Holocaust through a series of miracles and divine protection. Anita believes that America is going down a dangerous road that looks all too familiar to what she witnessed in Germany. This DVD is must viewing for every student and adult. Your faith will be strengthened and you will clearly see that ideas have consequences, your worldview matters and that God will sustain us through His grace and for His honor and glory even in perilous times and even in the face of death. Anita's story reveals that even when the Church appears to lose, Christ wins.
Anita Dittman

Item #5

Understanding The Times with Jan Markell
The Battle for America Bill Wilson is an award-winning Christian journalist and also a part of Koenig's International News. He states we have a war within America, enormously destructive without shedding blood. All of the new Washington efforts have only one goal: To bring about socialism in America. Dr. Michael Youssef offers some answers as to what we can do about it. Jan also brings an update on the "Fairness Doctrine."

Christian Worldview For Students
Christian Worldview For Children
Building a Christian Worldview Verse by Verse
Christian Worldview For Students Vol. II

Don't Let This Happen in America!
By Jan Markell
You might think this cannot happen in America. A young Muslim woman converts to Christianity and both Islam and the State of Ohio are working against her. Political paybacks are more important than her life. And what is happening as I write this is chilling because the fate of many more hang in the balance if this woman loses.

Israeli Intel Says Iran Now Has Know-How to Build Nuclear Weapons
By Joel Rosenberg
Three dangerous developments this week in the epicenter. First, "Iran now has the technical capability to build a nuclear bomb and the only thing separating it from the bomb is the decision to go ahead and build one, said Brig. Gen. Yossi Baidatz, head of Military Intelligence's research division, on Monday," according to a Jerusalem Post report. "Baidatz also said that Iran had been upgrading its missile arsenal, and that it had developed missiles with the capability of carrying nuclear weapons that could reach Israel."

Worldview Matters with Brannon Howse
Topic one: Wall street Journal runs article on the number of couples in their thirties and forties that are buying land. The reasons include the desire to be self sufficient, simplifying, and investing in a hard asset. Topic Two: Tennessee mayor says Obama gave speech on night of Charlie Brown special in order to keep the real story of Christmas being told on national TV. The mayor also says that Obama is a Muslim. This story is making national news. Topic Three: Part two of Brannon's presentation on true and false converts.

The Bush-Obama War
By Chuck Baldwin
Now it's Barack Obama's war. After campaigning against "George Bush's War" in the Middle East, Obama has escalated that war. By transferring thousands of America's forces from Iraq to Afghanistan, and by sending an additional 30,000 troops to Afghanistan, the liberal Democrat has demonstrated that his administration is not so different from that of his "conservative" Republican predecessor

Wallbuilders Live with David Barton
"Why Does Africa Remain Broken?" Guest: Robert Smith, Agathos Foundation