Yesterday, we brought you the disturbing story of Build-a-Bear’s on-line video series warning kids that the North Pole may completely disappear in just a few days, threatening Christmas. (AverageDecember temperature in the North Pole is around minus 40 degrees Farenheit.) Needless to say, the story received a lot of attention and sparked several organized efforts to boycott the company’s products. By the end of what must have been a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day in Build-a-Bearville, CEO and Founder Maxine Clark published the following letter to the public: We welcome the news that the insipid videos have been removed. We’ll have much more to say on this soon and will mostly just let Ms. Clark’s words speak for themselves. It seems Build-a-Bear still doesn’t quite get where and how they went astray here.Christmas Back On! Build-A-Bear Surrenders, Pulls Videos
by Publius
Saturday, 26 December 2009
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Britannia Radio