Thursday, 31 December 2009

Dear Daily Crux reader,

In honor of the New Year's holiday, we will not be publishing The Daily Crux in its regular format.

In place of your regular AM and PM issues, we're giving you a second chance to read the most popular Crux posts of 2009... the "big hits."

Below, you'll find a review of our most important, entertaining, controversial, and "clicked on" posts of the year.

Good investing,

Brian Hunt
Editor in Chief, The Daily Crux

Here is your New Year's Crux update:

Cut out this food if you want to live longer
We typically stick with investments in the Crux. But all the money in the world isn't worth much if you don't have your health. That's why our post about longevity expert Dan Beuttner was one of 2009's most popular and most useful posts. In the article, Dan shares his top insights for living longer. The major one involves cutting out a food you probably love.

Shocking video shows Congresswoman can barely read
This popular post also had nothing to do with investments. Instead, it was a shocking video clip of Rep. Corrine Brown of Florida "speaking" before Congress. Her incoherent mumbling leaves no doubt about why this country is in such a sorry state of affairs.

The best explanation of Barack Obama's agenda we've ever read
This post is one of the most important editorials we posted all year. It's a wonderfully written piece on the real agenda of our leaders in Washington. It's one of 2009's "must read and forward to everyone you know" articles...

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Real Silver for $1.25 $1.37?
Silver is in an uptrend. And this is still the cheapest way we know to own real silver right now.

The White House's secret plan for the dollar
Richard Russell is one of the world's best at getting to the "Crux" of complex investment issues. In this post, he explains one of the fundamental truths about the U.S. government and the dollar that every investor needs to know...

This tax fact should make your blood boil
This brief post from Porter Stansberry details one of the most disturbing facts of the year: Nearly half the country is a net tax recipient... rather than net tax payer. We have a huge amount of citizens with no "skin in the game." Porter goes on to describe why this is guaranteed to spell trouble for our country down the road...

Buffett: This potential disaster could be as big as the credit crisis
Posts on Warren Buffett are always popular with readers, and for good reason: He's the world's greatest investor. In this popular op-ed from the New York Times, Buffett sounds an urgent warning about America's ballooning debt and the inflation it's bound to cause.

Seven places to hide cash in your house
It's always a good idea to keep some short-term emergency cash on hand... but sticking it under your mattress or in a cookie jar is asking for trouble. This popular post details some unconventional places to hide your rainy-day cash.

Forget gold: This is how China is fleeing the dollar
This year will likely go down as the year the world woke up to the fact that the dollar's days are numbered, and began to flee into gold and other hard assets. This post details how China has begun to exchange its vast dollar reserves for commodities all over the world.

Stansberry: Detroit's socialist nightmare is America's future
One of our most controversial posts of 2009 was Porter Stansberry's essay on how socialism destroyed the once-great city of Detroit... and why America is guaranteed to follow in its footsteps if we don't take action soon.

The Ted Kennedy obituary you didn't read... but should
Following the death of Senator Ted Kennedy this past summer, all the major media outlets began the usual parade of celebratory obituaries and glowing tributes. The real story of his life was far different, and this popular post from David Galland of Casey Research set the record straight.

Doug Casey on one of the biggest scams in America
This classic Doug Casey piece shines a light on one of the biggest scams in corporate America: The current crop of corporate executives at most large companies are little different from the faceless bureaucrats running Washington – and just like in Washington, the worst people, not the best, rise to the top.

Marc Faber: A video that could scare the hell out of you
This year produced a record number of bearish predictions regarding the future of the U.S., but few were as scary as this video from investment guru Marc Faber. In this must-see interview, Faber explains why he sees runaway inflation, complete destruction of the U.S. dollar, and a collapse of Western capitalism...

Jim Rogers' No. 1 way to prosper in a weak, 1970s-style economy
You can always count on great insight from Jim Rogers, which is probably why he's the most popular investment guru with Daily Crux readers. In this classic piece, the Adventure Capitalist lays out one of his best insights for getting rich from investing, and his top investment choice of the year.

Diamonds are one of the great scams in modern history
At the Crux, we're suckers for a good tale of global intrigue and conspiracy. Few are better than the story of how diamonds came out of nowhere to become one of the most prized and sought-after luxury items in history. It's a must read for marketers.

The "Ron Paul of England" in a MUST-SEE video
British politician Daniel Hannan gained overnight fame for this YouTube video of his rant against the big government policies of Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Hannan was dubbed the "Ron Paul of England" for the similarity of his views with the Texas libertarian.

Stop flying these airlines today
This piece from Retirement Millionaire editor Dr. David Eifrig was the fourth-most "clicked on" Crux post this year. In it, "Doc" Eifrig blows the whistle on the world's worst and most dangerous airlines and explains why you should stop flying with them immediately.

The bankruptcy of the United States is now certain
This classic post from Porter Stansberry is the No. 1 most popular and most e-mailed post in Daily Crux history. We're glad for it. In the piece, Porter describes why the U.S. government is bankrupt and guaranteed to default on its debts. This is the top "must-read" post of the year.