Sunday 6 December 2009

The Daily Reckoning

Dear Daily Reckoning Reader,

Five years ago, I quit my cushy job in Paris and moved back to Baltimore.

No more lunches at the hip Paradis Café. No more fine wine and long talks about Alan Greenspan's folly.

You see, I had moved to Paris years earlier to help Bill Bonner create and build The Daily Reckoning.

In time, The Daily Reckoning began to attract the attention of talented financial editors, researchers, traders, analysts, and options players. These great minds converged around our Agora Financial team in Baltimore.

I jumped at the chance to move back to Baltimore and head up this team of independent genius. That's right. I gave up the philosopher's life in Paris for a job in Baltimore.

Why on earth would someone make that choice? Here's the REAL reason why I did it:

I knew Agora Financial's up-and-coming analysts were destined to become a world-class cabal of investment researchers, newsletter editors, and options masters. And I wanted in on the action.

Today, our team is ready for the spotlight - our dream has blossomed.

Simply click here to learn how our dream can benefit your wealth like never before...


Addison Wiggin
Executive Publisher, The Daily Reckoning