Thursday, 10 December 2009

December 10, 2009

Arrogance of Power

It would be good advice for a nation on the brink of destruction from within itself to reconsider its course and attitude towards God. Dealing with evil without acknowledging God is like playing football without a helmet. It is complete denial of compelling evidence, historical proof, as well as the testimony of our Founders who drafted our Constitution. Should one continue to........
by William Owens

ClimateGate, the Green Dragon, and the End of Christianity

With the ClimateGate revelations of flimsy “science” behind the man-made global warming theory, the role of the religious left in promoting this fraudulent scheme now deserves serious media scrutiny. Walter Grazer, who served as the Director of the Environmental Justice Program for the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops from 1993 to 2007 and is now interim executive director of the National Religious Partnership for the Environment (NRPE), was asked for a.......
by Cliff Kincaid

Tiger Woods Needs the Lord
How many women in America today are lusting after those that they see on TV? Making no excuses at all for Tiger, can you even begin to conceive of the number of women who long for a few rounds with him? I am sure that the number of women available to him was equal to the number of golf balls in America with a Nike swoosh on the cover. For him, both the balls and the babes were free......
by Coach Dave Daubenmire

Muslims in 21st Century America: What Historians Say
As this series on Islam winds down, you may want to investigate how fast this religion spreads across the planet. Not because of its ‘purity’ or ‘intelligence’ but via its preying on illiteracy, poverty and desperation. In its rawest most basic form, it adheres to and promotes violence. Its disciples carry a furor called ‘jihad’ unknown to most Westerners until they find themselves nostril-deep within its grasp. It uses fear and intimidation when its numbers exceed the host country......
by Frosty Wooldridge