ALERT: Harry Reid Schedules First ObamaCare Vote for 1 a.m. Monday FDA’s Stormtroopers Why haven't these state legislators been indicted? Muslims in 21st Century America: Muslim Mafia Operates With Impunity
WASHINGTON – Majority Leader Harry Reid has scheduled 1 a.m. Monday for the first of several votes he needs to get his ObamaCare health bill passed by the Senate by Christmas Eve. That’s “shortly after Sunday Night Football ends and most Americans are in bed,” says Dan Holler at the Heritage Foundation's blog, The Foundry. Introduced Saturday morning, the senators will have had less than........
by NWV News
The proof is now in the offing. Within the last three months, the FDA has unleashed its agents across the United States, visiting company after company. Our phones ring daily with stories of new FDA investigations. The agency is conducting more inspections of dietary supplement companies than ever before in the same time span........
by Attorney Jonathan Emord
The outlaws in Congress are gearing up for a new amnesty push to reward criminals for breaking our laws by smuggling themselves into our country, stealing our jobs and draining resources (medical, education, law enforcement). Ethically bankrupt individuals like Sens. Harry Reid, Juan McCain and Reps. Joe Baca and Luis Gutierrez will be the ring leaders in this upcoming battle. Political correctness and outright cowardice in dealing with the invasion of close to 20.....
by Devvy Kidd
Most Americans do not hold a clue as to Islam’s systematic incursion into the United States. In 1990, a total of 100,000 Muslims made less than a ripple within America. But, because of the late Senator Teddy Kennedy’s corruption of immigration and aided by our U.S. Congress, today, Muslims number from eight to nine million......
by Frosty Wooldridge
Monday, 21 December 2009
December 21, 2009
Posted by Britannia Radio at 15:00