Congress - Expansion of Global Governance, INTERPOL, & Obama OAS: The Hemispheric Government Shaping Your Future Year of Youth: Project 2012 to Save the Republic Defund Taxpayer Supported Science Fraud
President Obama has made no qualms of his support for the G20 and the climate conference in Copenhagen where it was touted as a basis for global governance. In fact the New European President, Herman Van Rompuy, stated: “2009 is also the first year of global governance, with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis. The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet.” President Obama has also made........
by Michael LeMieux
The United States has a new Permanent Ambassador to the OAS. Why should this be important to you? Why did this go almost unremarked by most in the media? Should we be concerned that this new Ambassador once had a leadership role within MALDEF and may have an agenda that would not best serve all American citizens, especially with the highly contentious immigration and amnesty issues facing our nation?.......
by CJ Graham
Over this past year it has been my privilege to work with some outstanding young people in the fight for freedom. Considering that most have come through a public school system that teaches them next to nothing about America’s unique liberties, it’s quite surprising to hear their passion for the Constitution and their ability to articulate it. We need these young people to be active and effective in coming campaigns. Now there is a movement organizing to do just that. It’s called Year of Youth: Project 2012......
by Tom DeWeese
Trofim Lysenko was Stalin’s favorite scientist because he liked his meshing of evolution and Marxism. Comrade Lysenko “proved” that there is no such thing as a gene. A lot of money was dumped into the “research” of this crackpot, and woe to those who declared that the emperor had no clothes. Lysenko’s gene-free view of science led to claims that wheat plants could produce rye. Any disagreement was labeled as “political sabotage” -- similar to the contemporary global warming “elite” who libel and banish those who do not worship at their altar......
by Larry Pratt
Saturday, 26 December 2009
December 26, 2009
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Britannia Radio