Sunday 27 December 2009

December 27, 2009

Greenspan Calls For Lower Wages For America's Skilled Workers

As you watch that video I also want you to consider the testimony of Alan Greenspan who, when he testified before the Senate Immigration Subcommittee at the behest of the Chairman of that subcommittee, Senator Charles Schumer, Greenspan called for opening up the H-1B visa program to lower the wages of America's skilled workers! Hard to believe, but true! Here is a direct quote from his testimony at that hearing that was conducted on April 30, 2009 and entitled, "Comprehensive Immigration Reform in 2009, Can We Do It and How?"........
by Former INS Agent Michael Cutler, Ret.

Christmas Terror Attempt May Open Door for Military Action in US Cities

The suspect attempted to detonate a device as the plane landed at Detroit Metropolitan Airport, according to the official report. While the details are still sketchy, the NYPD detective said that when passengers observed the suspect attempting to detonate the explosive device, they subdued him and held him for law enforcement. Flight #253 was carrying 278 passengers and no one was seriously injured during the incident........
by NWV News

Martial vs. Democratic Diplomacy, Part 1

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is anxious to resume negotiations with the Palestinian Authority, a militaristic regime. His favorite mantra for negotiating with the PA is “reciprocity.” Hence it behooves him as well as us to understand the difference between martial and democratic diplomacy, which I discuss at length in my book Jewish Statesmanship (2000). Here is a first installment......
by Professor Paul Eidelberg